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With the success of cooking, money coming into the firm and general good performance from our members, we have been able to invest in some stock. With these investments, we have been able to offer something to the citizens. We aim to be pleasurable businessman to work with, with a guarantee like no other.

We understand the hardships in this city. We understand the law can get in the way of your happiness. We are here to help with that. We wish to have long standing clients, and in partnership with TLMC, we are happy with the way things are going. We act as a branch off to the TLMC import stream, and with permission, we have begun offering products within the Vinewood area. We see there is a lack of trustworthy business deals. We aim to squash this problem by offering unbeatable deals, guaranteed delivery. Cash first, guns after. This technique can only work on trust, and any fuck up in that regard, and we can forget about the plans for the future. 






Along with the success of our cooking as of late, Vitaly has come up with a new method of quick cash turnaround. Chopping cars in remote locations. Due to the prices of Toolboxes being exorbitantly high, Vitaly has lead to a half-job approach. With prices at a high, and cars spread all over the city, he has certainly made his time worth it. Mind you, the Casino has indeed had a big part in our success. Vitaly seems to be on a lucky streak with the roulette tables, flipping 2 cars into $100,000 in the matter of minutes.





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The streets seem to be flooding with rats again. They find dark corners to borrow in, laying eggs and eating shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They usually wear sneakers but mostly just sloppy, lazy and clueless. Russia has rats at home, but nothing like this. Our rats feed on healthy scraps, these rats feed on donuts and robbing people. The corn syrup has gotten to their brains and left them functionless. Their lack of communication shows how incompetent they are at thinking for themselves.

Not to worry, The Bratva has a perfect solution to the madness. They have dealt with many rats before. Fat ones, thin ones, diseased ones and most importantly, dirty ones. The best way to deal with an infestation is by starting at the root. Cut off the hand that feeds them. An AK bullet to the head should certainly do the trick, but we prefer to use 30 for good measure.

 We put an order in with TLMC. The shipment was a success and the order had landed ahead of time. We used some stock to set aside for new recruits, and we bought a few gifts for ourselves, for when Christmas time comes again.






With the new arms placed safely in the apartment, we headed out for a few drinks. Things are looking better. Our members are more serious and our bank is growing rapidly. The day will come again when we see the streets being managed by The Bratva. There is no turning back. We have nothing left at home.. 



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As we know the city can go from zero to one hundred in a matter of seconds. This city can relentless but also calm with levels of tranquillity. The question comes down to what makes a city like this? Is it the people? The community? The governing bodies? Who knows? One thing is for certain, and that is you can either make peace or fight the ones you share it with. 

The Bratva has good relations with those it respects and they continue to grow the link between them. The ones who grow bonds and good relations will remain the ones who are strong. Others who try and oppose those who have done nothing but be respectful will fall like the Berlin Wall. Once they fall, the rubble will be scattered for others to see. You wouldn’t want this to be you.


Let’s finish off by saying that The Bratva’s moral is simple. Respect will bring you peace. 



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A successful week for the firm. Many new connections and relationships have been formed. Money is flowing in, people are gaining interest. We are recruiting, and taking on associates to join our trial phase. This consists of real world experience in the field. Cooking with us, chopping with us and making money with us. We split profits evenly, and are always willing to offer a helping hand to those who need it more. 

We have cooked up a small batch this week and things are picking up again. It has been busy at the labs and getting a gap has proven to be difficult with many people on the streets. Though, with all the constraints, we have still managed to profit, yielding 95% of our stocks into raw product, selling off to TLMC and in exchange, buying more guns and ammo to add to our stockpile.








We are becoming wary of the paper trails one can leave behind, leading the pigs to your doorstep. We are planning to mitigate this issue by obtaining another apartment as a safety net for raids. This will help us with the overflow of high end cars we have to keep parked. We encourage our members to invest in their future, and there are many apartments available in our block. We don't mind owning the entire block one day, it might serve us well.


We hit it big in a house robbery. Found a musket. We sold it and decided to add a few new cars to the fleet. One of particular interest is the Itali Stinger, now proudly owned by Boris Makarov. 





We came across a man who was looking for a bit of extra cash. We asked him how many laws he is willing to break for "extra cash". He said he doesn't care, he just wants money, and the good life. He was well dressed, so we decided to take a chance. He is now pledged as an associate, has been given the tracksuit and suit breakdown, and we have allowed him to keep his original suit for formal wear. 

We will be watching closely to keep an eye on his performance and potential to lead in tense situations. We are aiming to bring up some higher ranking members, and we can sense some leadership already. We are looking forward to watching this prospect grow in the firm.




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It seems now that people are not just recognising one or two individuals they're recognising a group. People may not know the name of the group, but we put our reputation before our name and not our name before are reputation. People may now start to recognise who we may be and what we are here for. We are constantly growing relations with others who may share similar interests with ourselves. Building connections, respect and new roads is key to the success of a well organised group. Don't get me wrong mistakes are always going to happen, but mistakes are what makes you stronger. 


An up and coming group is always going to have it's struggles and problems, but those that can continue on are the ones who are the most loyal.



Red star - Wikipedia



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An incident occurred between Boris and a troublemakers at the PD. One of the woman was a little nuts in the head. She was causing trouble with every person that passed her. Quite literally. Boris kept an eye on the little shit-stain, and took note of her actions. She proceeded to engage with Boris, and when realizing the car he was driving, she vandalized it in front of everyone. A short tempered burst of violence. This kind of behavior is very frowned upon in Russia and the Bratva were certainly keen to make an example of the woman. Boris took a mental note of her facial features and physique. When he saw her again, he would confront her.

The time came when we came across this young lady once again. Boris spotted her, and immediately began a chase to get her to stop. She was unaware of the fact that Boris had such good memory, and she stopped to figure out why she was being followed by the Russians. Vitaly stepped out the car with his pistol holstered. She asked "am I getting kidnapped" which sparked an idea for all of us. We all agreed with her and said "yes, indeed we are kidnapping you" which is when Vitaly put the gun to the back of her head. 

She removed herself from her motorcycle, and complied nervously. One of the best decisions she has made in this city so far. We loaded her into the trunk of the Dubsta 2, to conceal her body. We drove her out to a remote location, where we would figure out what was going through her mind. We merely wanted to teach her a lesson, and had no intention of harming her. We did, however, take a few things as payment for the damage of Boris' Itali Stinger.





We unloaded her from the trunk, patted her down, and began the interrogation. Boris, with fury in his eyes, told her to stop her shit. She is making the city look bad, and property prices are affected by ludicrous behavior on the streets. You don't see wild hogs running around a puppy petting establishment, they just do not fit together. Our beloved Los Santos needs to be treated with respect, and crime in the higher class residential areas is just not acceptable. The Bratva have a lot at steak, and anyone trying hinder that will be dealt with accordingly




We never once made her feel like she was going to get out of this alive. This was the strategy. People in fear, listen the best. You are not going to say "no" with a gun pointed at your head. Especially when we are out in the middle of no where, no contact, no help. Nothing. We told her what is wrong with her attitude, and we told her to fix it. Boris mention that if he ever sees her out on the streets again, causing unnecessary trouble, we will quickly deal with her, as if she was never born.

We played it safe, as we didn't know what ties she had with other gangs. Though our intention was never to cause harm, kidnapping is certainly a no-no for most gangs and we were well aware of that.




Once the interaction was complete, and we were confident she had learnt something from this, we put her back in the boot and dropped her on Route 68. Not long after the kidnapping, we decided to go for a quick bite at Burger Shot, as we had no time to sit down.



We enjoyed our American fast food dinner, however, when we were about to leave the joint, a friend of Vitaly's pulled up next to us. He asked us if we had kidnapped someone that day. We agreed and asked why or how he knew. He had ties with this woman, and he happened to be high ranking in OTF. We decided to make a meeting point to discuss what went down, as to not be overheard by any pigs. We chose a rooftop parking lot and proceeded to explain everything in full. The second Frank heard about the vandalism, he was sold on our method in teaching his friend a lesson. She deserved it, and got off lightly, we all agreed that everything was good and discussed a possible meeting with OTF for future business. 





Boris and Frank discussed and we all decided to exchange numbers and names. We all feel good about a relationship with OTF. We look forward to the future business deals and partnerships with this well established group. Though, we are being very careful not to cross over alliances as to not be the rats amongst the garbage. We want to be the garbage collectors. We don't have a need to kill or start wars. That has never been our intention. With this we are focusing more on business, and less on street cred. We certainly do not have the resources for a war, especially with the way official gangs dominate the drug labs with poor interaction and an intent to kill on sight. We are fresh to the city and are doing our best to build a strong economy for ourselves. Though it is hard, we won't give up. 



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On 2/15/2024 at 8:38 AM, Vitaly Gorbachev said:




With the arrival of Boris, and the old business taken care of. We are one man short at the Table, however, something feels different this time. There seems to be something different about Boris. No one knows what happened between him and Vlad. No one dares to ask, but by the look in Boris' eye, we all know what he did. What he had to do. Any one of us would have done it for the brotherhood. Boris had known Vladimir all his life. It only seemed natural that he was assigned to the task.




With Vladimir out of the picture, business will always continue as usual. Boris brought with him a to-do list. A list of tasks that need to be fulfilled before we can officially make our presence known again. Our priority was to buy property. This time, without a loan. Straight cash deals only. Vitaly still had some stock remaining, though he had been robbed of every single possession he had built up for the family. A group of people held him at gun point, forced him to open his RV, along with all the safes. Every. Last. Cent. 

Its a frustrating thing, starting from the bottom again. Though, we are Russian. We are used to this lifestyle. It happened a lot back when we were growing up. Something we have all gotten used to. Life is not fair, neither is the laws and rules put in place, but we stride on to deal with the fact. 






It has been a while since our presence was known in the city of Los Santos. We had some good connections and a great start to valuable connections that would see Bratva taking a new step. We decided to re-kindle our relationships, particularly that of The  Lost Motorcycle Club. We were close, and considered them our priority in every regard of business. We will continue this relationship as we hold a high respect for the way they do things.

There were another handful of gang members and friends of friends, who we could really put our trust in. We want to make our presence known again, so business can continue as usual. We decided to hit up Stab City first, to visit our old friends. We discussed the dramatic changes that were taking place. Boris pulled a high ranking member aside to discuss the killing of Vladimir. His return is no longer a threat to the firm, or TLMC.

TLMC is one of our longest standing clients who we bring all of our product to. We do this out of respect, and to maintain a good relationship of business. We don't just bring them drugs, but also other items that can keep their dealers in business. We understand this importance and are doing everything we can do maintain that. 




With connections settled, its time to get the fucking ball rolling. We are building up our arsenal, slowly. We have a new place to call home with a large amount of storage for old and new comers. We will be issuing a gun to dedicated recruits, and expect them to utilize it whenever the Bratva need an extra bullet.




Vitaly has prepped all the guns, erased serials of "reported missing/stolen" firearms, and left the ones that are still registered under a legal license. The "still legal" guns will be used for executions, and to arm our higher ranking members. 


Once every member has at least two firearms supplied by the firm, we will start to invest in bigger rifles, compact rifles or AK-47's as well as a few micro SMG's depending on everyone's preference. We are also looking into buying shotguns for standard issue of members that have truly proven themselves out in the field.





Thats deep, still my lada though 

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With our reputation growing, we are attracting new members. We are being very careful about who we recruit. We are looking for quality members, who can independently function. We are building a system for our members to be able to stay connected at all times. A new radio system was implemented, as well as radio channel codes being readily available in the radio safe. We are utilizing notes to communicate these channels. Communication is everything. We decided to meet at an undisclosed location to discuss the future plans.



Once everyone was up to speed, we made a few calls and decided to pay a visit to GST. Our alliance with them has been growing. We have the same enemies, and we have the same goals. We usually do not associate ourselves with street gangs, but Grove Street Thugs have something different about them. We like their attitude and their willingness to fight. We are yet to have a meeting with the leader. Our members are all on good terms and we look forward to prospects of associating with such a ruthless group of individuals.

Vitaly made a call to one of the members, and organized for us to head on down to Grove Street where we were welcomed. We tried to get hold of their leader, however, he was away for the day. We will be making a concerted effort to meet with him in the near future.











With our activity increasing, interest is growing. We are being approached by people on a daily basis, asking how to get connected with a firm such as ours. A lot of people are denied the opportunity, simply based off experience. We understand that it takes time to understand the city's laws and criminal activities. Therefore, we do not outright disregard a person's interest. Instead, we ask that they continue their path and gain the experience they need in order to operate independently. We respect people that acknowledge their lack of experience and we note these people as good. honest potential associates. As much as we want everyone to have an opportunity, our firm works off professionalism. Professionalism is key to success. It has many sub-genres that form together to create a unique type of criminal. Diversity will increase reliability. Reliable members are what we aim to employ. 

With our increase in numbers, we decided to call a meeting to get everyone up to speed on how we operate, as well as our current primary goal. The meeting went well. Boris broke down the firms priority list from start to finish. Each member will contribute to these priorities in their own way. We encourage this as it is pushing towards diversity. The meeting was a success and we feel stronger already. We truly appreciate the dedication that has been shown throughout the month. The future is bright for The Bratva.






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Perhaps it was fait, perhaps just pure luck, however, we have come across an old face in the city. An old face with a lot of experience behind a drug table. He seems to know the fine print details on the comprehensive physics behind his processes. We are very proud to have him. Not much is known about him or his methods, and we would like to keep it that way. A magician never reveals his secrets..



With the massive increase in demand for more supplies, we have been making regular visits to our friends in Stab City. Our reputation with TLMC is increasing more and more every week. We have a solid relationship now that we do not see coming to an end. We are building up our arsenal. Each individual member is proving themselves on a daily basis. We are getting strong. We are planning to drop petty crimes and start hunting the big fish. The banks. As Russians, we love insurance. Insurance is mostly western owned in this city. We are very happy to pillage from them. Insurance fraud, heists, laundering, extortion, these are all the things we know best. Its beginning to feel like home again. We anticipate the next big heist to be a clean success and a kick-start to a very lucrative future for the Bratva. Our members are well armed right now, and are in training, thanks to our fellow allies, TLMC, for assisting in a breakdown of how to successfully rob a bank in Los Santos.






With the massive increase in cash flow from all the members, as well as our secret weapon. We have been able to organize the Obshchak a little better. Galati runs finances along with Vor. It is essential we have multiple eyes on the prize, as we formed the Obshchak for a reason. The main purpose of the Obshchak is to spread funds around the firm. Our members can choose to contribute to the Obshchak as they please. We note these contributions. Whenever another member is in desperate need, this is where the Obshchak comes in play. Members can request funds, as well as donate funds. The balance is always maintained and no one is left out. This works as a sort of "tax" system where we use the funds to benefit our members. Sometimes, a member can just contribute in monetary values, however, donations can also be physical, such as guns, ammunition or drugs.

Galati and Ruka continued with their talks on how to get the Obshchak up and running, however, Vor had much more experience in the field and told them to walk away from it. He requested that Galati just hangs around to sign any documents on the legal end, as to not have any traces come back to the firm. Galati is one of our powerful tools, and is staying out of the dust to avoid any seizures of funds or property. We appreciate his true dedication to the firm and have awarded him titles on his own apartment and vehicle - the SchafterV12 that Vitaly had previously purchased with drug money before the big fall of the firm.







A pile of stolen marked cash was piling up in the main apartment. This lead to the decision to get a big laundering operation going. We had two loads to fill, and not enough bleach. Ruka decided to destroy the small notes, and keep the bleach for the big fish. We chose a location that had a decent view around the property, and decided to start washing. Half way through the first batch, a man pulled up with a supercar, immediately pulling his weapon. This was a clear sign of hate towards the Russians, which we do not tolerate under any circumstances. We jumped out, blocking his exit, shot out his tires and waited for the rat to come out of the sewers. He was calling in for back-up and we were well aware of the size of this gang, so we wanted to make things quick and clean. 

The rat decided to stay hidden, trying to stall us so his bitch friends could come and help him. We shot out his tires and decided too much time had passed and we needed to dip ASAP. 

The rat began chasing us, then passed us and parked at the Old Bayview, to attempt to get us again. We did not realise the pigs were close by, as well as his little rat friends. Luckily they were too slow and stupid to react in time, however, the initial rat was still scurrying around in the dirt, trying to stall. We didn't manage to get him down because the Sheriffs department were already on our tail. Ruka knew they had his plates, so he began evading, with Lesh by his side, he did not want to take him down with him. Ruka noticed he had no off-road cruisers on his tail, so he immediately took a turn to the mountains. He found a bush that would have been easy to find, dropped off Lesh and proceeded to turn himself in. 



No one else was charged or identified, and Ruka took the fall this time. The Russians never forget. This rat was going to pay for his wrongdoings, along with his big group of c%#k wranglers. They roll around in big numbers because they know they lack the competency to run a well organized group. We pity them, as they seem to be lost and confused in this city. They are not unique in any way, and nothing sets them apart from the rest. They are disliked by most of our allies and most civilians for that matter, and we cannot wait to break their foundations and have them sent back down into the sewers where they belong, so they can circle jerk, leaderless and disorganized. Fighting for the crumbs.

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Perhaps it was fait, perhaps just pure luck, however, we have come across an old face in the city. An old face with a lot of experience behind a drug table. He seems to know the fine print details on the comprehensive physics behind his processes. We are very proud to have him. Not much is known about him or his methods, and we would like to keep it that way. A magician never reveals his secrets..



With the massive increase in demand for more supplies, we have been making regular visits to our friends in Stab City. Our reputation with TLMC is increasing more and more every week. We have a solid relationship now and we do not see it coming to an end. We are building up our arsenal. Each individual member is proving themselves on a daily basis. We are getting strong. We are planning to drop petty crimes and start hunting the big fish. The banks. As Russians, we love insurance. Insurance is mostly western owned in this city. We are very happy to pillage from them. Insurance fraud, heists, laundering, extortion, these are all the things we know best. Its beginning to feel like home again. We anticipate the next big heist to be a clean success and a kick-start to a very lucrative future for the Bratva. Our members are well armed right now, and are in training, thanks to our fellow allies, TLMC, for assisting in a breakdown of how to successfully rob a bank in Los Santos.






With the massive increase in cash flow from all the members, as well as our secret weapon. We have been able to organize the Obshchak a little better. Galati runs finances along with Vor. It is essential we have multiple eyes on the prize, as we formed the Obshchak for a reason. The main purpose of the Obshchak is to spread funds around the firm. Our members can choose to contribute to the Obshchak as they please. We note these contributions. Whenever another member is in desperate need, this is where the Obshchak comes in play. Members can request funds, as well as donate funds. The balance is always maintained and no one is left out. This works as a sort of "tax" system where we use the funds to benefit our members. Sometimes, a member can just contribute in monetary values, however, donations can also be physical, such as guns, ammunition or drugs.

Galati and Ruka continued with their talks on how to get the Obshchak up and running, however, Vor had much more experience in the field and told them to walk away from it. He requested that Galati just hangs around to sign any documents on the legal end, as to not have any traces come back to the firm. Galati is one of our powerful tools, and is staying out of the dust to avoid any seizures of funds or property. We appreciate his true dedication to the firm and have awarded him titles on his own apartment and vehicle - the SchafterV12 that Vitaly had previously purchased with drug money before the big fall of the firm.







A pile of stolen marked cash was piling up in the main apartment. This lead to the decision to get a big laundering operation going. We had two loads to fill, and not enough bleach. Ruka decided to destroy the small notes, and keep the bleach for the big fish. We chose a location that had a decent view around the property, and decided to start washing. Half way through the first batch, a man pulled up with a supercar, immediately pulling his weapon and threatening us. This was a clear sign of hate towards the Russians, which we do not tolerate under any circumstances. We jumped out, blocking his exit, shot out his tires and waited for the rat to come out of the sewers. He was calling in for back-up and we were well aware of the size of this gang, so we wanted to make things quick and clean. 

The rat decided to stay hidden, trying to stall us so his rat friends could come and help him. We decided too much time had passed. Ruka, being the second in command and the only high-ranking member amongst the four members, decided to make the call to dip. The rat followed. We lured him to the old Bayview shop and he hopped out again, to continue his quest.

We did not realize the pigs were close by, as well as his rat friends. Luckily they were too slow and stupid to react in time, however, the initial rat was still scurrying around in the dirt, trying to stall. We didn't manage to get him down because the Sheriffs department were already on our tail, and he managed to hide in the dumps, unable to face us like a man. Ruka knew they had his plates, so he began evading, with Lesh by his side, he did not want to take him down with him. Ruka noticed he had no off-road cruisers on his tail, so he immediately took a turn to the mountains. He found a bush that would have been easy to find, dropped off Lesh, stashed the guns and proceeded to turn himself in. 



No one else was charged or identified, and Ruka took the fall this time. The Russians never forget. This rat was going to pay for his wrongdoings, along with his big group of c%#k wranglers. They roll around in big numbers because they know they lack the competency to run a well organized group. We pity them, as they seem to be lost and confused in this city. They are not unique in any way, and nothing sets them apart from the rest. They are disliked by most of our allies and most civilians for that matter, and we cannot wait to break their foundations and have them sent back down into the sewers where they belong, so they can circle jerk, leaderless and disorganized. Fighting for the crumbs.

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:953_musical_note:Play Music:953_musical_note:


An old friend of ours was contacted by one of his ex members, back in the "good days" where Russians ruled the streets of Los Santos. This old friend put us in contact with his ex Russian Comrade. We took the opportunity as soon as we could, as we knew this was a significant addition to the Bratva, if his interests were pleased. We set up a meeting as soon as he called us, and chose a suitable location to meet up. 

This old face used to be second in command for the Vory v Zakone Brat's. The ex leader is the man who put us in contact, who we regard as a close friend and brother. The potential of gaining this new recruit exceeds us. We are extremely happy to welcome him into the family, and keenly look forward to future prospects that he will bring. We know he is very knowledgeable of the city and will be listening closely to any advice he brings us. We hope to have him climb the ranks back up to where he deserves to be.




With our new member welcomed into the family, we understand his history with Vory v Zakone, and therefore were open to any suggestions he had. We decided to host a meeting with everyone that was around at the time, so we could get our new recruit up to speed with all of our member's names. The meeting was primarily to recognise the exceptional service our members have been showing for the family. We promoted two members, one to Captain, and the other to Bratok. They have been active and loyal throughout the past month. We had gifted our new Bratok with a flagship vehicle, the Dubsta 2. Our newly promoted Captain was gifted with the faster flagship vehicle, the Schafter V12. We commend our Brats for their dedication to the cause and look forward to their growth.






Ruka has been on a lucky streak, chopping 5 cars a day on his own when he has the time. Unfortunately, luck doesn't last forever. Mistakes were made and he got too greedy. There was a man robbing an ATM in grapeseed. Ruka happened to be driving past. The alarm was already triggered, because cops were 200m away when he drove past. The cops saw Ruka and thought he was the suspect. Ruka informed the cop that it was not him, and that the suspect is currently getting away. Ruka watched as the cop turned back to the ATM. Realizing there was no one there, he turned his attention back to Ruka, who was unwilling to leave the scene due to his innocence. He prayed the owner of the car he stole had not called in to inform LSSD that the vehicle had been stolen. Unfortunately, it was too late. The car Ruka stole was shit, slow and probably wouldn't escape. He was calm, and tried his best to deviate from being arrested. The officer had already called in backup by that time and Ruka decided to just give up as to not have any more charges.



What felt like eternity, Ruka made use of his time in the prison. He grew a beard and decided to make some contacts whilst he had the chance. He met someone very interesting, who would make a big impact on the path of success for Bratva. He was a good comrade and has some things to offer that would see us gain a big advantage in the city. More about this character will surface in the future. 






We were contacted by some old friends we had met some months ago. They are well connected, well armed, and ready for business. We discussed many opportunities, including a bank robbery that we plan to do very soon. They agree with our attitude and their goals fall directly in line with ours. We are definitely looking to form a strong relationship with this particular group. 

More on this story will surface in the future. 





The meeting was a success. Names and numbers were exchanged, and an alliance has officially been formed. We plan to do the bank robbery very soon, and look forward to a 100% success rate on this going forward. We know its very difficult to achieve, but our members are excellent when it comes to heists and we know we are capable to run these on our own, however, we are not shy from experience and knowledge. 

On another note, we attempted a bank robbery with another very good alliance we have formed. We hit the wrong bank, as it was not equipped with the security features yet, leading there to be no cash in the safes, and us empty handed. A cop was outside when we dipped, but everyone made it out successfully. We have a feeling one of our vehicles were plated, leading the cops back to our meeting point. Luckily, we dispersed successfully again. 



We have yet to get an official meeting going with these gents, but we are definitely very excited to finally sit down to introduce everyone. They are dedicated to the cause and very loyal. We just need time for everyone to be around, so we can have a proper formal meeting. We wish to perform many more heists with this group. There are also talks of holding down some public labs with them, as well as our other friends in yellow. 


After a week of success, our members needed to wind down and relax. We decided to host a secret party on the pier. We invited our friends from many different places, brought some weed and vodka, listened to the latest Ruski Rap, and watched the sun fall down before hitting a few houses individually.



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The family is thriving. With new additions to the team, we are making a few strides. We decided to seek some extra muscle, and put our members to the task of finding solid, intelligent independent associates. Men that can really get their hands dirty and still come out clean. There are some particular aspects we look for in our members and the recruitment process is extensive. We measure a persons trust, capabilities under pressure, and their willingness to remain loyal. Whats most important to us, is that we grow together. We accomplish this with generosity from our Obschak. We continue to strive for a Soviet structure. Everyone gets fed. Guns stocks are looking good, and we aim to increase them. 

New faces, means that our leadership needs to expand. We have a good handful of members that we look forward to promoting in the near future. One in particular, who has earned our utmost respect, will certainly be rewarded for the loyalty he has displayed. A few other members that have been with him side by side will also soon see less steps on his ladder in the near future. With those current ranks soon to be vacant, we will also be looking to getting some of our soldiers pushing up the ladder. With our new associates, we have a few strong minds and will be keeping a close watch for the ones who stand out. 






As businessmen, it is only right that we expand our connections as far as we can reach. We strive for this kind of attitude. There are only issues when there are issues, and they are certainly dealt with promptly, otherwise, we are on good terms with most people and prefer to keep it that way for as long as we can. We aim to be a marketplace, for all things criminal. We want to have our business, and with a business, you need customers. We see the gap in the market right now and we would like to step in to show this city what it needs. 

With this, we have been making connections with most of the street gangs, making sure not to get too close, but also not too far. We want neutrality. We don't mind enemies, but it must be absolutely necessary. We aren't ones to shy away from bloodshed. We have our business, and we have our chores. They are separate things. 

We met a new mob that has joined the city in big numbers. They are large, and have a lot of good criminals, many of whom are already acquainted with our high ranking members. It is a pleasure to have them by our side, and we look forward to prospects to come. 

Bratva x East Side Mob








The guys have been cooking up a storm. The numbers are low, but they will increase over time as everyone starts pulling their weight. We rely heavily on our high ranking members to act as a mentor for the new associates. We have the quality in our members, but they lack the knowledge. We have some really good experienced cooks in the ranks and they are doing their utmost to get everyone else up to speed. Once we can confidently turn 250kg a day, we will up the expectation. With more numbers, a growing reputation, we look to attract even more experienced criminals. 

We will soon be limiting our recruitment to only the truly experienced criminals. This way we can have a balance, and a constant endless book of knowledge at our fingertips, teaching our ways, growing in experience, daily. We look forward to a new business with its development underway. We look to host a bunch of events, fight nights, bmx events and country club events. The space and location is perfect. We have enough parking on the roof, and a place to hang out when we are dealing outside of official business practices. 




The work is done, the new location will offer a lot more than just a meeting place. This will be our new HQ. A place we can meet our customers, to talk business and do our transactions right up the road at the city bank. We also have a night shift bank a few blocks south. This just feels right. Everything will have officially started from this location. We anticipate the watchful eye of the pigs just down the road. They have nothing better to do. We do not mind, as we are not as stupid as they are. We cover our tracks, every step of the way. We ride the alleys, and take the underpass. These tone-deaf cops haven't got a clue. They might think they do, but we are always changing our methods, staying completely unpredictable, untraceable, hidden in plain sight. 

With a lot on his plate, Vitaly decided to take a small vacation out in the country side. He will be away for some time, but not too long. In and out of the city to "get some supplies" so to speak. Still around, but taking the days to recuperate for what's to come. 

Things are calm now, but there is a storm on the horizon, we can sense it.




Edited by Vitaly Gorbachev
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Bratva is first and foremost a mafia and as such we engage in activities that define a mob. Our fist victim were the construction workers. They leave their cars unattended when they go work and even tough they have appealed to the government nothing is being done in regards to the security of their vehicles. A group of our members went to the worksite posing as security offering our services, but what we didn't expect is that our reputation preceded us and some of the construction workers were members of other criminal factions so our plans somewhat fell in the water, nonetheless after speaking to them they said no one leaves anything in their vehicles and chopping them wouldn't be worth it, but what they failed to realize is even tough it's not worth chopping and selling these parts we saw the bigger picture it is worth however demanding money from people and in return when their car stays where it is and isn't missing a wheel or is on the other side of the city. So as no-one was interested in paying the other team stole a few cars and borrowed a few tires. We intend on letting the heat cool down and trying again in a couple of weeks, just letting the rumors spread out. 



There is a lot of businesses in the city, some have CCTV, but other than that they are relatively undefended and in need of protection. That is why a group of our members went around the stores offering protection. Some understood the need for said protection and were happy to pay, but others were stubborn, said they had insurance or that they don't see how anything bad could happen to their store, so for those owners a demonstration was arranged. Some of the reluctant sores had their windows, shelves and products smashed and some stores were robbed. By doing this we sent a clear message to every business owner that protection is indeed needed. 





Edited by Boris Makarov
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Sometimes putting yourself in the forefront and going in loud is not the best approach. Sometimes it's best to stick to the shadows and strike when it's least expected. Those who see and recognise the Brotherhood/Bratva are those who are respected and friendly or disrespectful and ratty. People like to have two faces, but once this is recognised they can no longer shy away from pressure. 


One thing that has come across recently is that the bigger organisations within Los Santos are trying to create this feeling within themselves. Some Americans call this saying ''backstabbing'' but we call it Предатель/Traitor. If anyone knows a little bit about our culture and integrity, betraying one another is a meaning for killing. Let's just say we are not naming any names at this point but gangs and organisations that want to do this type of a choice towards Bratva will soon find out about what a backstab is really like!


 On a brighter side of this beautiful country that we live our lives in, we do have good relations with others. Those that we do, we will always be there for and to help in times of need. We don't have open borders with everyone. We pick our allies and pick our targets and this process is not done quickly. 


 We hope that smaller organisations that have recently started up in the city and or have been in the city but not yet growing will see the benefits of being aligned with such a great organisation, that is Bratva.






Edited by Jaydxg
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In the heart of Eclipse, where the city's pulse beat strongest, Bratva thrived in the shadows. For years, they had operated in the underworld, accumulating wealth through illicit means, their influence extending like tentacles through the fabric of society. Under the reign of the old leader, their primary focus had been amassing fortunes and stocking up on weapons.




But when the old leader stepped down, a new figure emerged from the chaos: Igor Zhilkovo. With steely determination and a mind sharper than a stiletto, Igor wasted no time in reshaping the priorities of the organization. As he ascended to leadership, he brought with him a bold vision: to seize control of the government itself, cloaking their true intentions behind the facade of socialism.

Gathered in secretive meeting rooms at their many fronts, Igor addressed his loyal soldiers, their faces illuminated by the flickering light of candles.

"Our main goal," he began, his voice low and commanding, "is to infiltrate the highest levels of government, to install our allies in positions of power, to bend the will of the state to serve our own desires. We will use the guise of socialism to gain the trust and support of the masses. To solidify our facade, we will introduce actual socialist bills—healthcare reforms, workers' rights protections, and police defunding or reform. These will bolster our image and keep the populace content."

The men nodded in agreement, understanding the risk when they became part of the brotherhood.

It will be a long and treacherous journey, with dangers lurking around every corner. Their eyes are fixed firmly on the prize: absolute control over the government of Eclipse, reshaping it into a puppet that dances to their strings. The passing of beneficial socialist legislation will serve as both a smokescreen and a means to pacify the populace. 

Edited by Joey_Galati
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