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Joshua Graham

The Black Flag

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Upon reading an email from a family friend of Joshuah, about a final gift to his little brother detailing information about money their dad has been funding to an foreign bank account which belong to a government security company for decades continuously and how Josh's older brother deaths wasn't due to overdose in result of him being dishonorable discharged from the military weeks before. But the real reason he was discharged was for finding classified information slipped in to his folder regarding his father: an operation that left him the lone survivors of his team for "cleaning up" related operation in Africa far off of cape town but realistically was a secrete operation to tight up all lose ends including his team.

Josh's brother was trying to expose to operation to his command and was quickly shunned and thrown out. With friends betrayed to keep their jobs and family divided on the "public news" he was discharged. In his final letter unlocked an API key hidden at the bottom of the email and instruct him to download it on his computer. Once he downloaded the API key it gave him all the information their dad and himself gain over the century regarding military teachings, names and contacts, 2 bank accounts with login information and finally a instruction book of how to start something, a gang, a following a organization that will fight the government for justice because sometimes the institution is corrupt as the others around it.

Establishing a new base for operation after countless troubles for Joshuah Graham, he devise a plan to make an organization that will combat some of the problems facing in LS. Using connections from his troubles past and in the city he formed The Black Flags to increase the security of Los Santos and recognition from the government to give people proper compensation for their love ones who are no longer here by organizing chaos and what better method then to drag it deep into the abyss of the sea. The sea is an unforgiving thing that will drag you down and test your will to survive the onslaught and that is the backbone of the organization. To not back down from adversity but thrive in it. Members are always testing about their sea legs. Using connection the gang created gave it a leg up and advantage in the city of Los Santos. 


The ideology

We right the wrongs of others despite the past

Above all else the gang must utilities the capability of water big or small. The “shirt” in not only a style but utility you feel more streamline swimming with it on. Capturing high-net worth targets, more difficult of capturing the target the better. It’s more so for sport and information then actual financial gain. Have a focus on shippable/import goods then as they feel like they “control the sea”. Focus tactics is “RAIDS” as they don’t feel a prolong fight on land is winnable as their method is based around and near water. Piers, beaches, ships, and small islands are all preferred hangout spots. Understands that few evils are beneficial in key circumstances when the desired outcome it 10 fold of the evil committed


Current state

When you're under pressure you don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. Train well - Jon Gordon

Starting out with nothing more then the essentials and only thing comforting you are hard times the only thing you have left is friends that you call brothers and sisters those to watch your back and help you get back on the settle of doing what you need to do. How Black Flag negotiate is more of one who can provide the solution to a tough job while sacrificing their own time to find the perfect solution for them, so in return we can get what we need to gain the necessary tools to do our job. Before even starting our job we must make sure we are able to helping ourselves first.

We work hard to keep what we have and train to keep it well maintain for years to come even past down teaching to others in our organization so they can perform any task given to them as they now how the knowledge and understanding they need to perform the task. It will go far beyond just leaning how to use the tools but a deeper understanding and creativity of how it can be used in other things.

Members are taught and tested on their knowledge they gain through the process of becoming a full fledge member of the The Black Flag. Simple things they should know like how to repair the hull on a ship or any vessel, how to tie certain knots to hold the boats to the dock. Also other mundane things which seem unrelated but are like "what is the maximum depth a person can reach in the water."


Working on boats is a chore but it is a must to keep it clean, gassed and ready at a moment notice. So when we patrol the seas, there would be more opportunities available because of our speed. 






Kenway: (Sub leadership position) An individual whom deals with espionage and connection through their own means, person who has wealth and influence. Have loyalty of ideology of the gang then the members of it.


Captain: The owner of the gang who organize the whole organization/gang of The Black Flag. Manages everything under the banner of said gang.

Assistant Captain: An advisor to the captain and the 2nd highest rank of the organization/gang. Work directly with captain to maintain a type of workflow and progression of the gang.

First mate: Organize day to day activities of the organization making sure the gang continues to make profits.


Quartermaster: Manage and maintenance of all equipment, tools, and vehicles for the organization and plan activities 

Sailing master: Main task is the negotiation, trading and provide positive relationships with other gangs and supporting organizations.


Gunner(PL): Leader of active pirates/raiders under their command. An individual who shows leadership and knowledge of many activities conducting operations. 

Raider: Leads a smaller party of pirates. Usually a headstrong individual who have a strong driving and/or fighting IQ. 

Pirate: Full fledge member of The Black Flag, Specializing in swimming, kidnaping, securing target areas. Focusing on speed and control of situations.

Seadog: New recruit



Relations and relationships 

It is a blessing for a men to have a hand in determining his own fate - Blackbeard

Oddly enough the organization doesn't really care all that much about controlling the city of Los Santos but to only carve out a little piece of heaven and live free from the government and troubles of normal life like having to go into a mechanic shop to fix your car as there are books and guides and become one yourself to become sustainable. They pretty much prefer an island that has more then ample enough supply to feed them for a lifetime and family and friends to hangout with all day. But as it stands they see the trouble that "civil life" has bring. They don't really care to be rich but "it helps" and for that we try to gain enough bounty to settle for a lifetime.

Trading with the other crime organizations and gangs is still left up to the changing winds of the city. So far the Black Flag has no reason to go after any gang. 


Our Moto

If we are raiding?! Then we taking it by force!


For what flag! The Black Flag


"Arge ge mate Toss me yer coin, for me bounty"




  1. Never travel alone (There should always be a pair of 2 when conduction an operation)
  2. Dead man tell no tales ( We give no quarter for attacking parties)
  3. Respect is earn not given (if you want to be respected, you cannot force others to do so)
  4. Liar's Dice (No lying among members)
  5. Everyday you earn your sails ( Have to make an effort to train in the water daily)


Must adhere to all server rules and regulations.

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Went out on a little adventure with one of the gang. A construction worker was asking to join up then decided it was "smart" enough idea to just hop in the car. We took him across town to our boat to see if he can sink or swim. He has a lot of learning to do(You would think that people are smart enough to not just hop in your car when you both are wearing masks.)


Later in the day I went shopping to build up an armory/intelligence room so we can plan and equip for actives in the future. Was a struggle to decide on what flat screen to place on the wall. This one was just big enough to fit. Also bought some rifles cases to better protect from weapons laying around.


intel armory.png

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Another day with the organization of The Black Flag, used our boat to conduct a robbery of few shop keeps one near the west coast and other off of bay view. One of the new recruits is having a tough time grasping on holding up the shop keep but making it work. Second time he shot the clerk in anticipate. Crazy day today. Josh and the rest figured out it's a lot better to sell the packaged money to the shady business guy then to unpack it. Live and learn. 

Good day when nobody gets caught. 


Raising the black flag high today!



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On 5/3/2023 at 7:09 PM, Joshua Graham said:







Upon reading an email from a family friend of Joshuah, about a final gift to his little brother detailing information about money their dad has been funding to an foreign bank account which belong to a government security company for decades continuously and how Josh's older brother deaths wasn't due to overdose in result of him being dishonorable discharged from the military weeks before. But the real reason he was discharged was for finding classified information slipped in to his folder regarding his father: an operation that left him the lone survivors of his team for "cleaning up" related operation in Africa far off of cape town but realistically was a secrete operation to tight up all lose ends including his team.

Josh's brother was trying to expose to operation to his command and was quickly shunned and thrown out. With friends betrayed to keep their jobs and family divided on the "public news" he was discharged. In his final letter unlocked an API key hidden at the bottom of the email and instruct him to download it on his computer. Once he downloaded the API key it gave him all the information their dad and himself gain over the century regarding military teachings, names and contacts, 2 bank accounts with login information and finally a instruction book of how to start something, a gang, a following a organization that will fight the government for justice because sometimes the institution is corrupt as the others around it.

Establishing a new base for operation after countless troubles for Joshuah Graham, he devise a plan to make an organization that will combat some of the problems facing in LS. Using connections from his troubles past and in the city he formed The Black Flags to increase the security of Los Santos and recognition from the government to give people proper compensation for their love ones who are no longer here by organizing chaos and what better method then to drag it deep into the abyss of the sea. The sea is an unforgiving thing that will drag you down and test your will to survive the onslaught and that is the backbone of the organization. To not back down from adversity but thrive in it. Members are always testing about their sea legs. Using connection the gang created gave it a leg up and advantage in the city of Los Santos. 


The ideology

We right the wrongs of others despite the past

Above all else the gang must utilities the capability of water big or small. The “shirt” in not only a style but utility you feel more streamline swimming with it on. Capturing high-net worth targets, more difficult of capturing the target the better. It’s more so for sport and information then actual financial gain. Have a focus on shippable/import goods then as they feel like they “control the sea”. Focus tactics is “RAIDS” as they don’t feel a prolong fight on land is winnable as their method is based around and near water. Piers, beaches, ships, and small islands are all preferred hangout spots. Understands that few evils are beneficial in key circumstances when the desired outcome it 10 fold of the evil committed


Current state

When you're under pressure you don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. Train well - Jon Gordon

Starting out with nothing more then the essentials and only thing comforting you are hard times the only thing you have left is friends that you call brothers and sisters those to watch your back and help you get back on the settle of doing what you need to do. How Black Flag negotiate is more of one who can provide the solution to a tough job while sacrificing their own time to find the perfect solution for them, so in return we can get what we need to gain the necessary tools to do our job. Before even starting our job we must make sure we are able to helping ourselves first.

We work hard to keep what we have and train to keep it well maintain for years to come even past down teaching to others in our organization so they can perform any task given to them as they now how the knowledge and understanding they need to perform the task. It will go far beyond just leaning how to use the tools but a deeper understanding and creativity of how it can be used in other things.

Members are taught and tested on their knowledge they gain through the process of becoming a full fledge member of the The Black Flag. Simple things they should know like how to repair the hull on a ship or any vessel, how to tie certain knots to hold the boats to the dock. Also other mundane things which seem unrelated but are like "what is the maximum depth a person can reach in the water."


Working on boats is a chore but it is a must to keep it clean, gassed and ready at a moment notice. So when we patrol the seas, there would be more opportunities available because of our speed. 






Kenway: (Sub leadership position) An individual whom deals with espionage and connection through their own means, person who has wealth and influence. Have loyalty of ideology of the gang then the members of it.


Captain: The owner of the gang who organize the whole organization/gang of The Black Flag. Manages everything under the banner of said gang.

Assistant Captain: An advisor to the captain and the 2nd highest rank of the organization/gang. Work directly with captain to maintain a type of workflow and progression of the gang.

First mate: Organize day to day activities of the organization making sure the gang continues to make profits.


Quartermaster: Manage and maintenance of all equipment, tools, and vehicles for the organization and plan activities 

Sailing master: Main task is the negotiation, trading and provide positive relationships with other gangs and supporting organizations.


Gunner(PL): Leader of active pirates/raiders under their command. An individual who shows leadership and knowledge of many activities conducting operations. 

Raider: Leads a smaller party of pirates. Usually a headstrong individual who have a strong driving and/or fighting IQ. 

Pirate: Full fledge member of The Black Flag, Specializing in swimming, kidnaping, securing target areas. Focusing on speed and control of situations.

Seadog: New recruit



Relations and relationships 

It is a blessing for a men to have a hand in determining his own fate - Blackbeard

Oddly enough the organization doesn't really care all that much about controlling the city of Los Santos but to only carve out a little piece of heaven and live free from the government and troubles of normal life like having to go into a mechanic shop to fix your car as there are books and guides and become one yourself to become sustainable. They pretty much prefer an island that has more then ample enough supply to feed them for a lifetime and family and friends to hangout with all day. But as it stands they see the trouble that "civil life" has bring. They don't really care to be rich but "it helps" and for that we try to gain enough bounty to settle for a lifetime.

Trading with the other crime organizations and gangs is still left up to the changing winds of the city. So far the Black Flag has no reason to go after any gang. 


Our Moto

If we are raiding?! Then we taking it by force!


For what flag! The Black Flag


"Arge ge mate Toss me yer coin, for me bounty"




  1. Never travel alone (There should always be a pair of 2 when conduction an operation)
  2. Dead man tell no tales ( We give no quarter for attacking parties)
  3. Respect is earn not given (if you want to be respected, you cannot force others to do so)
  4. Liar's Dice (No lying among members)
  5. Everyday you earn your sails ( Have to make an effort to train in the water daily)


Must adhere to all server rules and regulations.

https://imgur.com/a/9kuLWFn (Image of meeting)


Meeting up with Apex Security to help drive away people who wish to rob a hard working man in the mines. We might be able to use these Apex guys for some other business we have as well... well first lets so how they work and operate then i will think back on this development of utilizing these guys. Their boss seems like he knows what he is doing. Hopefully he proves that he does. 



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https://imgur.com/a/lUhHjT0 (image )

2 days ago we did a ATM hit. We set up on the rock to see any cops would drive in the area. Amazing view that place have, i was able to see all of sandy shore. Nothing really heppen I guess that area was dead for whatever reason. Finished up the job and decided to take the dirt road to open the packed cash and I got to say ATMs are not worth it for the risk. We only l got like 2k from the machine. It's ridiculous of how little money was in the machine.


Nobody was caught or hurt good day that was. 

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Meeting up with the lost to purchase some guns for the crew, currently getting 5 .50s and 1 smg so for those longer range situations. The lost is a fun chill bunch of guys would gladly do business with them again in the future.

Had some of the guys back me up in case we had to chase them down. Always plan for the worse but hope for the best I say.


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Me and one of my trusted guys went on a small little kidnapping run. Turn into a chase followed by moving through swamp. God that guy can move. He was causing problems with paleo mechanics and a guy minding his own business' acting tough as nobody could do much more then tell him to leave the area. He almost became to much trouble for what he is worth. Gladly a lot of things went into our favor.

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A job me and one of my new guys run a few weeks back. Helping the triad get their guns and much more from drops around the city was a cool little gig. Met a lot of chill guys. Made a bit of a fool of myself that day as I couldn't understand one of the other guys in the mask. Ran into another gang but they was chill as-well and everybody made it back safe with no issue.

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