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My gun disappeared.

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Actually, I believe there was an update not long ago such that guns and several other items can no longer be stored in the vending machines. I believe the gun might have dropped onto the floor and most likely underneath the vending machine. I recall there being another post( a refund request if i can recall) about this recently right after the update.

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I did end up taking out the vending machine and searching even in the next room to no avail. i did also move a bunch of things around in the inventory of both the vending machine and myself.

I did call for an admin at the time this happened unfortunately I wasn't able to get anyone to help resolve the issue.

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Same happened to me too. Sadly, one guns price is well beyond 25k minimum report requirement, so it (probably) won't be getable back. Take this as a lesson not to put guns and possibly other items inside vending machines. With other items, they usually just drop on ground, but appearantly, with guns it despawns somewhere, maybe other dimension? Not sure. Just be careful next time, sadly. 

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