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FredQuinn New Player!

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Hello everyone! I am new and have been watching people play GTA RP for quite some time but I have always been too nervous to give it a go. Well I finally worked up the courage and I am happy to be here! My biggest concern is being that I am new, me making a mistake or accidently breaking a rule (more so the /me, /do). I get the general idea of it but if you catch me in game please don't be mad if I accidently forget to use a /me or /do in a situation. I have studied it plenty but ya know I have not been in every situation yet so I never know. Anyway I really look forward to getting to know people and enjoying GTA RP. It always looked like a ton of fun and I am glad I am finally going to be apart of it!

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Welcome to Eclipse. If you have any questions pertaining to RP, rules, etcetera, you can always ask on our discord server in #i_have_a_question or directly in-game by submitting a /report 1. 

I'm sure you'll get the hang of it real quick! There are some useful guides available on this forum as well. 


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