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Olivia Can's Diary

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((For the story line up till now check out Part 1 and Part 2))





As Olivia sat at her desk, she opened her journal to begin writing. She began to think about the events of the past few weeks. The failed coup, finding out the Lost was 'hunting' her, and the loss of both of her labs. She sighed as she picked up her pen and started to write. 






Olivia put down her pen and held her head in her hands. Frustrated with what had been happening she turned to the letter she had written initially to the members of the Lost. She reread it over and over again wondering where she went wrong, what she could've done better, why she trusted some of the people she did. She looked at the points that she'd brought to the table… her reasoning's for why the Lost was failing.





She picked up her pen and began to write again… her frustration renewed.




Olivia threw her pen across the room. Not wanting to write anymore. She took a deep sigh as her she began to think about the Lost again, and the name Antonio 'Toni' Raviolidefuego came to mind. She walked over, picked up her pen, and began to write again.




Olivia put down her pen and smiled for the first time as she considered the idea that the Lost was 'hunting' her. She chuckled softly to herself before shaking her head. Picking up her pen and putting it to paper, she began to write again.




Olivia took a deep breath as she once again set her pen down on the desk. The noise it made in her ears felt deafening as she looked around her. The room was sparse and picked through, like someone had ransacked it looking for something. With a frown she shook her head and picked her pen back up.





Olivia sat her pen down next to her diary and looked over the page. The anger she had before no longer brewing as she accepted her decision. She was happy and grateful for her time in Los Santos and the friends she'd never forget. She may fly in every once in a while for a visit… but she wouldn't be staying.


She sent one last round of emails to different members of Salvation, hoping that her article about the state of MD under Chief Crawford may finally be released. The 17 page 3000 word article, that detailed, along with emails and proof, the corruption and disaster that stemmed from the moment she became Chief till she finally stepped down. Despite being told multiple times that no matter her [Nicole Crawford's] status, the article would still be published… but WEAZEL had failed her just as the commissioners had failed the city… and the employees of LSEMS. 


She finished writing the emails and hit send. As she watched to make sure they got through to the recipients, she smiled. She had done all she could before her flight to help out the people of Los Santos that had mattered the most to her. Olivia was satisfied and proud of the person she had become. She was ready to return home to London. This was goodbye… at least for now.




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