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Posts posted by Straza

  1. 3 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:

    I don't see how an 80 people conglomerate, in the pre-backup rule times, getting in a shootout of that size with police is realistic

    issa video game at the end of the day and it wasn't a rule back then. Post backup rules would be different and even in terms of realism drug cartels have an equal if not greater response to law enforcement xd. Where it differs is abuse of power within a game, and for the record I WAS involved enough to have an opinion on the matter lmao

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ash said:

    Even then, if I remember correctly, the staff did put out a message saying it was went about the wrong way

    Have seen screenshots of staff talking about this incident as "Realistically you wouldn't win against the NG so thats that" when talked about on forums and in terms of staff having a vendetta against crims I don't want to say that thats the case as I have played with staff in crim RP but there is clearly a pattern of criminal orgs getting big and people looking for reasons to get them disbanded/banned i.e 67, goblins etc. I'm not trying to incite another forum war other than remind people that this is something that happened and how the powers that be will respond to a threat that seems above them xd

  3. Y'all remember when the national guard went into admin mode to win against aztecas? feels like since then the servers been on a decline and it was kinda brushed over by staff as "you weren't supposed to win" as an official response. What are your thoughts on the matter?

  4. huge +1

    Hanging out at the pier was always such a good time back in the day because everyone hung out there but because of shitlords and grinders its dead.

    The pier used to be almost the central social hub where if the RP was a bit slow you could pop down and see whos about and get some fun interactions going and I miss it deeply.


    EDIT: (not to make this a dig at LEO factions just an observation) I agree with removing the parking fees down at the pier because 1: Having a good conversation abruptly interrupted by a cop asking you to take off your mask, pay for parking, move your car etc is just inconvenient and irritable and 2: it cuts into the profits of people who are trying to make money via fishing i.e new players relying off freelance jobs to make money for their first car etc. I'm not against the speeding camera placed there but the parking tickets and being annoyed by cops waiting for something to pop off is a deterrent from an otherwise great social meetup spot regardless of your RP background and meeting new people

  5. Big +1 from me

    Speaking as a now "ex" member of this community, I can say that PD were a big reason for my decision to leave it's simply not fun to spend hours and hours grinding just to get slapped with big fines and jail times where you alt tab for hours as the only RP in prison is peoples mics peaking and getting DM'd (There are several threads that cover how this could be improved So I won't go too far into this aspect) There really feels like there is a lack of incentive to play crim on the server.

    My personal feelings towards the PD faction aside, there is definitely an uneven playing field when criminals have to work 3 times as hard to have an even somewhat fair advantage when they get their cars, gas, guns, armor etc free of charge but for a crim you need to dedicate hours and hours to have a stash to feel comfortable and financially stable with. Especially since cartels and illegal organizations in real life are just as kitted out (and in some cases richer) than their respective police forces.

    This isn't me saying we should be richer and rolling deeper as criminals but I just want it to be FAIR. If you look at some previous reports some police players are let off on things that criminals would not i.e hostage situations and how the value of ones life is handled when there is a gun pointed at your colleagues head

    Not to mention I (as well as more friends of mine than i can count) have been subjected to one police officer camping outside gang HQ's waiting for the slightest infraction to roll in and make an easy arrest.

    "But you can file an IA" but as @XeV has stated, you might as well wipe your ass with that IA report as I have seen far more thrown out over actual violations being cited as hearsay rather than anything actually being done about it.

    I love good RP with cops when handled right but I speak for more than a few people when I say this imbalance and how certain situations are handled is deterring people from coming back to this community.

  6. I think one of the bigger issues surrounding crims right now is lack of representation in the higher staff. Before you quote reply this, YES there are staff who play crims and some of them are even admins/senior admins. But they are vastly outweighed by how many are legals and more often than not will roleplay as cartel members, not actually in gangs (yes there are exceptions to this). If it were up to me I'd say illegal faction leaders need more of a say when it comes to how crim rp is managed within the server. Take the recent plane crash incident for example right, it ended in a shootout and a report in which "we simply can not host anymore of these unique RP scenarios  (the Smuggler Plane Crash event and the Money Transport event from several weeks ago) due to the actions displayed by the involved players, as we do not believe that we can expect any other outcome for these sort of events." but I would have to ask 1: what did they expect to happen and 2: what did they really WANT to happen? Also, lack of new content and updates for said crim gameplay, right now the crim experience is "yo xyz is up north get strapped" or locking up in your lab to cook for hours and hours or spending 3 hours tabbed out in DOC. It is a stale repetitive cycle that coupled with the "its nrp to be crim" mindset some people take makes playing as crim stale in the past year.
    inb4 "well its up to you to make interesting roleplay" yes, it is and I do a lot to make good experiences with those i RP with. However I'm talking about the state of criminals as a whole, lack of higher staff representation, lack of new content, forum wars and an overpowered police force sending 2 helis and a jugular after a speeding shinobi are in my opinion factors into why criminals are being stamped out
    PS: @Bala spitting facts and his suggestions would actually contribute a lot to a positive crim experience

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  7. A small suggestion but a massive quality of life improvement. Fix the /jtime counter to show hours, minutes and seconds instead of a couple thousand seconds. Nobody likes having to calculate their prison time when it could be easily fixed to display times that are easy to digest

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  8. 46 minutes ago, Paul_Chyz said:

    I love the idea but it would affect the MD RP in a way that all the individuals/cirms orgs will start using the NPC and  will avoid calling medics. it's a 50/50 split.

    While I can see this being a concern, it's not an attempt to cut MD Roleplay short in any means. It's just to give an alternative after lets say a shootout in labs or cops injure someone after a bank. You could go to this guy who will stabilize someone decent enough to where they can walk and won't bleed out but not a full health regeneration since this is a shady backalley doctor the most you could expect is extracting bullets and stitching up the wounds. The options to clean your guys and call a medic are still there but this one adds a little more discretion to the RP

  9. Just a thought, not sure if this has been suggested yet. But It has never made much realistic sense for me as a criminal to take someone from a shootout to get patched up at a regular hospital. where there would be medical records kept of what a patient was in there for and doctors having to pull bullets out of them. This would draw more attention to them being involved in a shootout plus police constantly frequent these hospitals when transporting injured 10-15s. My suggestion is add Inconspicuous surgeons to the map to patch people up specifically from shootouts, make it cost 500-1000 more than you would at a regular hospital due to the shadiness and risk of doing so, or make it so it stabilizes them enough to walk and drive and they could go to a hospital at a later date so have them as a temporary fix up. These surgeons would be fully neutral and not part of any turfs or gang affiliation.

    Interested to hear peoples thoughts on it or what would/wouldn't make it work!

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  10. +1 as a lot of the time mechanics aren't on duty or won't respond to outcalls it'd be good to carry one in a trunk or something. Another alternative that adds a bit more RP would be single use jumper cables that you can buy from any store. You'd have to call someone up to bring their car over to jumpstart your car to maybe 200 health or just enough to where you could drive it to LSC or bayview 

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