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About Bujar_Camaj

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  1. Bought stock scout. Took my L
  2. No. I want a Scout. NOT a drag! Drag is a motorcycle and Scout is an SUV. You are being silly. Please get back in the pond if you are going to act like a silly goose!
  3. Guys I’m actually trying to buy a scout no joke. I’m serious I want a scout. Not kidding around, I want a scout. Please sell me a scout. Scout.
  4. -Bump- [BOUGHT] - BF400 Looking to buy maxed Scout.
  5. Message offers to #2458821. Preferably maxed.
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 03-07-2023 (About 3:40pm EST) Character name: Bujar Camaj Issue/bug you are reporting: Glitch in Poker System Expected behavior: Refund of the Money Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: We were at poker. It definitely is NOT the first time I'm losing money due to some glitch in poker system. Cards on the board are [ K J J A 10] I have {10 Q} He has {K Q}. In poker, only 5 cards are played to make a hand. We both have the Queen to make a Straight, replacing one of the Jacks. This would result in a tie, and a split of the pot. CLIP:
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