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Everything posted by jimmyusa

  1. @fumkop1 I agree to an extent. But I don't feel all those who cheat are equal. You have your cheaters who are gonna cheat whenever r they can to clap and try to band evade. Then you have those who have never cheated once, they are good RPers and been dedicated to the server for a while and made ONE mistake, one bad judgement call. And they group those people together which they shouldn't IMO.
  2. That's your opinion and i respect your opinion.
  3. Hey, Michael here. I agree with alot of @Austine Post, not all, because I think ECRP has a solid system in place and i like many of the admins but some of the admins seem to be part of this tight knit group, and comes off as if they just trying to create the world in which their friends succeed. If someone makes a mistake and they arent part of that group they get perma banned with NO 2nd chances. Even those who used a cheat should be given a 2nd chance based off how many times they used it, what they used it for.... someone could have one single lapse in judgment over a 6 month period of being on the server and they get no second chance? Thats just not right IMO, i know of 3 players who were some of the best RPers on the server and they cant come back because they made one mistake, because they kept getting killed by hacker/ban evaders and had enough. They ended up getting caught and banned no questions asked. Have they tried to ban evade no... bc the hope of someday the admins may let them back in. Those are the ppl who deserve second chances. Thats alot of time and money wasted. My solution: You need to have some sort of gray area in the cheat rule. Ban ppl who get caught their first time for a month and if they do it again perma ban. I think sometimes admins forget this is game. A game ppl play for fun to get away from real life for a bit. It's not real life. Games are supposed to be fun. I use to love ECRP, but the player base is dwindling quick. Server is always empty (i dont care what the RAGEMP server list says, thats a bunch of BS, says there 400 ppl online and I see 2 people the whole 5 hours i played the other day.)
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