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Posts posted by Braxton_Smith

  1. With all the new members coming into the server. I feel that we should open all of the oil rigs. With the 4 open right now, they are tapped 24/7 and makes mining oil a lot more difficult. There's plenty in the area that can be used and everyone seems to be just as annoyed as I am with how they have been. I do not think it would hurt to open the couple in the area to allow for more people to do the job at once. The job is very saturated with only 4 pumps active. 

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  2. 23 hours ago, Cyrus Raven said:

    No offense man, but you're clearly talking out of your ass. If you knew the amount of paperwork people in PD/SD do you wouldn't be saying they don't care about RP. There are even some people which get memed on for just doing paperwork, if you think that ''They all think its just pointing guns and chases and they cry OOCly every time they lose.'' then it very easly tells me to disregard whatever opinion you have on any matter regarding law enforcement, not because of any personal reasons, but because you're just factually wrong.

    lol this man has me dead "if you knew how much paperwork we do" bro you literally do a fill in the blank, crash course worksheet and think you're employed for some sophisticated agency, this response is EXACTLY the problem. This isn't an opinion on law enforcement, it is an opinion based off of a bunch of dudes who pretend to be cops on a video game in their free time and get away with too much which personally ruins the game for not only myself but countless others. Personally, I've experienced LEO RP and I actually really like it, I have nothing against it. And the fact that I stated my opinion and instead of critiquing it, you power trip and try to personally attack me shows exactly where LEO RP is on this server. Lmfao, his point was "we do paperwork so we deserve to act the way we do." I'm not here to argue or anything. I just believe that you guys should be held accountable just as much as us. It's hard making money on this server and there are few who luckily got it handed to them but for the majority this is false. Thanks for taking the time to reply though, as much as I disagree with you, you're opinion still matters. And yes, I have not met one person in the PD who has attempted RP once (EXCEPT the one who pulled me over for going 2 over the limit). They pull their gun out and escalate the situation to either a pursuit or a gunfight every time which gets boring because if I wanted to play on a cops and robbers server I would go to a cops and robbers server. At the end of the day, there needs to be more accountability for police and this is a known fact. Nobody here is "factually" wrong. This forum post is filled with opinions 🤣

  3. 100% agree, cops hold a very high position on the server and are essentially role models. How do you expect the general population of the server to act when cops are doing burnouts in lambos n shit, I haven't met one PD member interested in RP at all or so it seems. They all think its just pointing guns and chases and they cry OOCly every time they lose. Giving police everything they want has many unintended consequences that ruin gameplay for everyone involved. There needs to be change soon.

  4. Okay, so to start out, I am not attacking anybody or anyone with this. I just see something that I feel needs to be fixed. Police Officers or any Law Enforcement in that matter normally have to have certain trainings and so so much more that they have to go through before even owning anything other than a shotgun and a pistol. To have police officers driving around in Lambos with a full armory at the brink of their scroll wheel is a little out of control. The server is starting to feel more like a Cops and Robbers server and there is essentially no point to even being a criminal anymore because it is essentially fishing simulator with the occasional interaction here and there. And on top of this most police officers I've encountered in-game have no actual intention of RP, they just want to shoot and chase which is extremely unrealistic. I do understand that this is a Light-RP server but it does seem as if the server is heading toward a Cops and Robbers approach to things and I feel that is not the direction the community (other than police) want. I'm just voicing my opinion and want to see how others feel. Again, I do not mean any harm by this, I just don't see the RP aspect of the server when cops are driving around in Lambos and pulling tactical SMGs out of their asses so they can't ever lose. And there is a case with the one picture of the LAPD Lambo which was purchased by the LAPD Chief of Police which is never actually used and sits in his personal garage as a conversation piece but I honestly do not see an RP approach as to where this in-game police department got the millions of dollars in funding to not only afford Lambos but Tanks and a full armory for almost every officer. I understand that winning is fun but it is nice to share sometimes. C'mon guys.. we all want to have fun too 😞

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