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Jay rod0004

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Everything posted by Jay rod0004

  1. Will there ever be an update made to the toll booths that would penalize players with a higher fine for just blasting through? Working there is fun and all, but workers only get paid if people pay, and realistically, that would happen anyways. Just a thought/ suggestion. I get that it's kind of an IC issue, but real toll booths have plate readers for that specific reason, it would be just like the speed cameras in LS, if a player blows through without paying, they should get a higher fine. Technically, players should already be thinking like this, but sadly they don't. This rework would actually make them a job people might actually want to do. I get that they're policed sometimes by the Sheriff's Department, but it's not fair for an officer to be taken off of their important duties to watch an empty road, they have more important issues to worry about. I don't know where the toll money goes, but I'd imagine it's to the government? If so, this would also be a way to ensure that the government gets their appropriate revenue from these installations. Thank you for your time.
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