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Posts posted by Bannable

  1. Discipline 

    The day started off like a normal day. Touchy called for the daily crew meeting to discuss what happened while he was asleep and their plan for the day. After a long and successful meeting something was brought to Touchy attention that he found quite intriguing. Recently three of the prospects left and made their own gang called the "sleepers". Touchy didn't pay much attention to them until it was brought to his attention that they started trash talking a lot of his guys and called themselves the WHYOS killers. This frustrated Touchy and he knew what he had to do right away so he got to planning. After setting up the place and the plan he called for another crew meeting and discussed what was gonna go down. "We do not fold, We do not break, We are WHYOS. We don't create problems we react to problems" he said. He lets his crew know what was gonna go down. As he was announcing this he was told that unfortunately two of his members just fell to the hands of the "sleepers" this only aggravated touchy even more. He setup the meeting with the sleepers with one intention to teach them a lesson on who we are. Once the WHYOS arrived at the ambush location they quickly set up and waited for the radio call that the sleepers had arrived. Once arrived touchy knew this plan had just become fool proof. The faith of the sleepers were in the mercy of Touchy's hands. The so called "WHYOS Killers" were now defenseless. Touchy let the meeting go on for a couple minutes to hear what pathetic excuse they had for hitting two of their guys. After hearing enough he called in for the attack. Within seconds all the "sleepers were on their knees being stripped of their clothing. They looked weak and pathetic begging for their lives to be spared. Touchy instantly realized these guys showed no threat to the future of WHYOS but he decided to continue anyways.


    The operation was successful. Just a few pitiful attempts by "sleepers" to escape which didn't end in their favor. All except one died, we let him run away naked and lost to tell the rest of his crew that this was war and they are gonna regret what they did. The message was sent loud and clear. WHYOS isn't the crew to mess with. We respect everyone until disrespected. After the operation was over there wasn't a single report of anyone wearing their uniform but we weren't fooled, we knew there was more coming and we started preparing. 



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  2. The Setup

    Touchy woke up to his phone ringing, It was a unknown number. When he answered he instantly knew who it was, It was the leader of the crew smrtos. He wanted to talk about having a alliance during the tough times that they were facing. A little back story on this crew "smrtos", their leader used to be in touchy's gang until problems occurred and he left with a few members. They made a new gang called smrtos and would constantly get in shootouts with the WHYOS until it slowly died out. After a long meeting Touchy decided that he couldn't trust him but played along in order to get them caught in a setup. Touchy then talked to smrtos opposition and arranged a meeting to discuss a ambush point. After deciding on the place and the time it was time to get in position. Quickly gearing up and heading to the observatory,where the ambush would take place, Touchy scoped it out for places to hide. After everyone was in position touchy gave the go ahead. The rest was history.


    The night was beyond successful none of our guys died and we all went out for a well earned drink after. WHYOS were once again on top. We do not fold, we do not break, we are WHYOS.


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