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About MooseLv

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  1. So these are couple things i thought of while playing that i would really like added. So as the radio has frequency GPS could have channels where you could tag yourself for like 2 minutes so your fellow mates can see you on the GPS. *only the ones on the channel, could use this icon. https://prnt.sc/ryobb4 Would be cool if you could somehow attach yourself to a car, for example the Sand King in the back just like this (https://prnt.sc/ryqbgn) so you wouldn't fall of the car when someone else is driving, that way you could fit more people in a car that has an option like that. Higher the chances of an animal spawning in hunting spots (seems a little too low sometimes), also could be cool creating a hunting's license. Make the car lock-picking a little different by: - Making an experience system, so you'd actually have to learn how to pick a car. There is no way a guy without knowledge would understand how to do that. - You could learn from people that are from the "illegal" side, they could have an option to teach you faster, or you'd just have to do it a lot, and your skill would go up. - The higher your skill, the higher your chance, you could train yourself up to max for example experience level 75, which would allow you to have 75% chance to pick a car, the lower your level, the lower the odds. Add an ability to rob houses. - People could buy an actual security so when people try to rob their house it would alert the cops. - When you break in you could use the same experience system that you got with cars. - (not sure if possible already? Haven't seen it) make an option to grow stuff behind your home, for example vegetables that you could sell the same way you do drugs & ores. - If you could grow veges you could grow marijuana too, and have a small drug station at your home. (If you want to make the hard stuff there, you'd have to bring stuff from the labs.) Fix the undershirt problem, if i remove my undershirt i cant put it back on for some reason. Add perhaps an aircraft store, so you could buy a helicopter or a plane, would cost a lot, but could be cool for the bigger orgs to have a heli for eaxmple. I think that's all i could think of right now.
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