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Posts posted by Virus5310

  1. On 5/22/2020 at 1:11 PM, GWXCORE said:

    IC issue. PD\LSC can handle illegal parked vehicles.

    -1; As he said, this is an issue for PD/SD/LSC and Bayview. If they are illegally parked then they can be dealt with ICly. It makes no sense for people to not be able to park their RV in a NCZ. You have to think NCZ's are a lot of places. Ex: If i were employed at LSEMS (as I am), I would not be able to park my journey in the parking lot because it's considered a NCZ.

  2. Make a furniture store up in Paleto. 


    As of right now, there are a bunch of things that are in the city, that are also in Paleto

    List: Mechanic shop, Tattoo Parlor, Barber shop, along with some more things.

    Let Paleto have a furniture store so it requires less time to go and get furniture.

    The main thing this will help are; people who have property up in Paleto, Business owners (hotels, bayview, sheriff's department, etc.) and overall anyone that is looking to build things in Paleto. In all it makes it very convenient rather than you always having to go to the city every 5 minutes if you forget to pick up a piece of furniture while you are building in paleto. 


  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 20/MAY/2020 (5:55 UTC)

    Character name: Matthew Layton

    Issue/bug you are reporting: PD/SD and MD calls both show as blue within the /call list.

    Expected behavior:   The call brackets all show as blue when doing /calls.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate

    You need to be in MD and PD/SD faction. Once you are in both you need to do /calls in which you can see both MD and SD calls due to you being in both factions.

    This makes it very hard to differentiate calls between MD and SD as a person that is in both factions. Since MD does not have a MDC, we can not tell which call is which as the whole call list is blue. There could be a MD call that does not provide any notes that would indicate it being a MD call, and I don't realize that, so I will completely skip over the call. There are multiple people within the faction that have the same issue as me. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. HUGE +1 

    As a criminal myself, the things said above is true, and once again, being stated above after a year of doing drugs, shooting people and all that. It is getting stale. Not only that I believe if there was more to do as a crim there is more for LEO's to do.  

  5. So I'm gonna get straight to the point.

    As of right now PD, MD, SD, and I believe DOC as well (not 100% sure) are only able to place 8 Blockades. That being said, Scene management is very limited. Being me being in the Fire Department, I deal with a lot of scene management as we have been trying to take a lot more car crashes and everything in that nature. Once again, scene management for these events comes to a limit with only being able to place 8 barriers. 

    Secondly, the range on being able to place these barriers needs to be increased in my opinion. I sometimes find me moving either my ambulance or fire truck for two seconds just to put a barrier in a place that it needs to be in. I'm not fully sure on the measurement of how far away we can place them from the ambulance but it does need to be increased a little bit at least.



    Increase the place-able barrier count.- In my opinion the fire department would have more resources to work with than this. (the barrier count is based on the player not the vehicle)

    Increase the Distance that you can place barriers.


    By implementing this  I feel as it would be really, not only fun, but good as a player that likes to do scene management. 

    Personally I can not think of any cons of this, but if there is any, please list your opinion below as I would really like to know!

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