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Everything posted by veryverysadguy

  1. I really don't know man to be honest something needs to be done. there needs to be an option to join the military and martial law maybe if a certain amount of crimes are made. if not that maybe better structure in the police force more supervisors, planned task forces and meetings etc. it feels very unorganized I don't know how they function because I have not played as an officer yet but the entire city feels like total anarchy yes it's gta v but its suppose to be role play. if people can just roam the city at will with masks and gangs constantly controlling drug labs and robbing people in the city etc. there needs to be martial law raids search warrants of peoples houses maybe use of swat teams if there is any with armored trucks etc etc. for doing search warrants etc. drug task force i havent seen any of this
  2. they barley ever come to 911 calls. sometimes I play as a private investigator and monitor illegal activity. Also i always get robbed every time I go into a clothes store im robbed, almost everytime I go to an atm machine i'm robbed unless i go to bank, almost everytime i do other stuff i'm robbed there is no actual police proper patrols except just aimlessly driving around the city it feels like. I see lots of police often at the police station. I also see people just freely roam the city with masks on I don't see how that is roleplay anyone roaming the city with a mask on where I live is gonna get stopped by the police. I already see where this is going an honest living man in the city is going to have to turn to drastic measures and constantly play bait for 2 of my homies to just stalk me and it's gonna be constant battles like Vietnam can't even play by myself.
  3. these fines are so unfair.. i spent an entire daying making 50 thousand from chopping or 60 and i lost everything when I got arrested.. so now i see why people buy a house then they store the house full of guns and items and keep there bank account at 0 so the cops can't rob us of everything we own.
  4. I just wanted someone admin or staff to view this because I felt the cop should've got knocked down. on my screen he was almost center of the front of car i felt he should of been knocked down. I was also very upset the fact that very same cop was stalking us at the gas station passing us 3 times in 5 minutes in the middle of no where tescon gasstation or w.e
  5. I come back to save my friend after a police officer stalked us in the gas station driving by us 3 times out of the city. i hit him going over 60 mph and he glitched from the front of the car to the side trying to save my friend from arrest. I feel like this was unfair but on my screen it was a lot diffrent for me than on this screen. the guy i met I was playing with we were using radios past 4 hours playing and phone he sent me his discord info in jail and this video from his view to have an admin look at it the cop was bugged so hard on my screen like he couldnt move and was shaking like he got knocked out on my screen. I got over a 30 thousand dollar fine also which was all the money i earned the entire day today doing illegal activity that is another topic plus my 3 hours in jail https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670826059566022676/670826619224588288/Grand_Theft_Auto_V_2020.01.26_-_02.18.11.05.DVR_Trim.mp4
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