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La Jodi Whittle

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Posts posted by La Jodi Whittle

  1. +1 Robbing might as well be replaced by a /robs (ID) command with the way people do it lol (not suggesting it be done just making a point!) very boring roleplay wise. Always the same shit, rinse and repeat. I wouldn't mind being robbed if it made any sense and was roleplayed in a fun way - and if the robberies didnt have a 100% success rate every. single. time. A lot of servers (and roleplay environments in general) utilize a dice roll to determine whether an action would be successful and honestly i feel like robbery at the very least needs a system like that. Every time I try to do something different people just get upset because they wanna win, not roleplay. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, dawpi said:

    Jodi, please, don't do that. Getting yourself shot will not get you any followers or Keany Moody back, unfortunately.
    As of this... Police Officer... if you believe that he broke the law, you may report him to the Internal Affairs explaining your side of the story, we want to make sure the Los Santos Police Department is clean from within! 

    I don't want him back! I played him good! And um I would definitely report him if PD wasnt overrun by corrupt officers bought and paid for by friends of epstein and the clinton foundation (who shut my blog down by the way). I think we (the people) should take back the reins and control our city the way we want to.

    Also by the way this one time i got my ass kicked in front of the bank and I reported it and the cops laughed at me, one of them flicked my vagina and started speaking whale to me (WHAT THE FUCK?) So like I don't trust the police at all. I can handle myself nowadays, I just wanna get shot for sympathy and payola purposes - i am a blogger first and foremost and getting shot would enable me to get more sponsorships as i would be temporarily disabled which tugs on heart strings. 

    Also the cops keep gangstalking me. I'll be minding my business and they'll throw the lights up (wee wee) & start chasing me FOR NO REASON (don't u see the baby on board sticker on my windshield? what's wrong with you!) obviously I'm not just gonna stop BECAUSE there are people who pretend to be cops and then rob you (or y'all rob us like the government robs us of our hard earned money under the guise of taxation which im also against) also I;'ve seen people executed when they stop..this city is on a downward slope u know, sometimes it feels like 1940 up in here (world war 2)

    By the way, be on the lookout for a gay officer in LSPD (if ur reading this HAAY GURLFREND YOU NEED TO TAKE ME SHOPPING SOMEDAY). I'm good with the gays but there's a plot to defraud him in progress. Officer Keanu Moody told me he wants to F his A because he has a lot of money and he needs the money for his strip club. i thought hoeing was illegal? only when i do it i guess!

    I won't let yall kill me (like MJ doctor) I will not be the next dr Sebi (they killed him)

  3. Sorry for posting so much today but I have a lot on my mind!
    So I'm sick of taking Ls and ive recently gotten into hardcore crime including but not limited to suckerpunching police officers (albeit corrupt ones) in federally surveilled areas and I've just been like thinking..why not join a gang you know! 

    I know the pigs frequent these corners of the web and they'll likely see this but I like don't care anymore clearly I mean, I did punch that mf on CAMERA! You know how in 2011 everyone was all like I've got no fux to give mayneee xxD well..I was too young to understand back then but I get it now! So if you've got a gang and u wanna pimp me and my cousins out, so be it! We'll be throwin all this cat and u BETTER not duck! You need a shoota? Give me a gun and I'll shoot ANYONE up. No discrimination (I am a liberal).

    I will deal drugs, I will smuggle drugs, I will aid in human trafficking and I can type 70 wpm (blogger)
    I also know basic math (what's 2+2? Gonorrhea!)

    I am cute and shapely thick in all the right places, I have a cute face unlike a lot of these hoes on the streets of Los Santos (Paleto Bay is more tolerable imo those redneck bitches got it down!)

    I've been killing small animals ever since I was like 4 years old. I'm also really into arson and blowing shit up!

    Im naive and impressionable so if you wanna like take away all my agency I would probably let you if you buy me high end candy (reese's pieces)

    Anyway! My name's Jodi Whittle, my bones are brittle - Just kidding! That was me rapping (I'm known for randomly rapping although Star is like the rapper in our friend group I'm more known for singing, doing ad-libs et cetera)

    So that's that. If you're a cop and read this: You can't prosecute me because this is all just roleplay, like those shoplifting haul blogs. So yeah if any of you come up to me and ur like Miss Whittle ur under arrest, just know, i will sue you.

    If ur a sexy hot gang member (girl or guy i swing both ways) HIT ME UP! There's 4 of us - that's a LOT of crime potential!

    Also if u've ever seen the movie "Wanted"  with angelina jolie.. first off Angelina and I are friends! I also know Brad Pitt, but thats beside the point. U know how in the movie, to become an assassin the guy needs to learn how to clip the wings off a poo fly with a gun? I can do that. And u know how he also needs to learn how to curve bullets? I can do that too. So I can like shoot and like..move my arm really hard and the bullet will curve. That's a really useful skill in shootouts.

    CONTACT ME! I know you hoes know who I am! Jodi Whittle wants to join YOUR GANG!
    And star

  4. yall hurd that? i hurd there was a mass shooting in the city and a lot of people got shot!! next time yall wanna shoot mfs up TEXT ME!! I've been looking to get into self victimization and getting shot in the leg or an arm seems like the ideal way to start my new joruney.. now that my blog got deleted by the clinton foundation and weazel news who conspired against me and my blooming career in media.! i just want somebody to shoot me in the arm so i can be like oh yeah i got this in vietnam (VIETNAM WAR) By the way...there's a lot of fake ass bustas in this city, friends of epstein in the blues yall...its all gonna come to a head soon. And the worms will wriggle out from beneath the sidewalks to reclaim this hellmouth. In other words: I've joined a cult! contact me if you want in but you WILL have to get branded with a brand name of your choice (not le chien, star already claimed that)


    Jodi Whittle - The criminal ex girlfriend of LSPD officer Keanu Moody who was well aware of my criminal career including but not limited to shakedowns, burglary, robbery and prostitution! Only the best in the police force huh!

  5. Omg fucking amazing! By the way I love and always have loved your face ever since you first got it done it looked so fucking hot and sexy! and people were like yess star thats so cuteee! And the album OMG its so fucking crazy like you literally went there and there are so many songs on it and there are REAL things in there like they are not ready! Like omg i'm so excited to post about it like this is insane how 2 months ago we were like being dissed on and trafficked and now i have a blog, u have an album, destiny has a project in progress, and eve has a baked potato!

    Ilysm omfgggg ❤️



    Star is so sexy cute! - Jodi Whittle


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  6. On 12/29/2019 at 5:38 PM, Denza said:

    The fact some people in this thread are saying its mixing IC and OOC is incredibly unbelievable.

    Your voice represents your character. If I receive a phone call from a person that sounds like a man but is representing themselves like a woman, I will most definitely have my doubts about it.

    Well first off I'm a girl I just dont have a typically feminine sounding voice lol. And I dont feel like depriving myself of roleplay because some people want to be assholes about it. Like i said in my original post, i made this a plot point in her character story. it wouldn't be a problem if people inquired about it. But coming up to me and yelling "tranny"  for minutes on end is not conducive to good, even DECENT roleplay whatsoever. Lmfao.

    And if I have to sit here and endure a bunch of teenage whites using racial slurs VERY liberally (Yes boys! we can tell you're actually white lol), because they wanna indulge in their little rap fueled fantasies, then I think it isn't exactly asking much to expect the same type of respect and laissez-faire for myself and others in similar situations.

    I think most people who roleplay on this server wouldn't like it if i started accusing every character whos voice doesnt match the persona (white boys roleplaying black men) of being a "cracker" or using a foundation shade that doesn't match their skin tone. Or pulling a Rachel Dolezal. Which I have done before, just to prove a point - it wasn't well received...Quelle surprise!

    Implying I should handicap my game experience bc people can't roleplay properly is preposterous. It's not how roleplay works. It's called role and play for a reason 🙂

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  7. By the way i'm not trying to force anyone to roleplay with anyone they don't want to roleplay with! In fact id HIGHLY prefer if people just didnt roleplay with me and or other people whos voice they dont find quite feminine enough/ or other bs reasons people hate on others for, instead of technically breaking IC/OOC mixing rules by harassing her/calling her slurs & forcing their own storyline onto MY Character (I literally get no say in any of it and nothing i say IC changes their mind at all, which sounds like powergaming too..lol). I just want to roleplay in peace. I've started avoiding specific people I assume would be irreverent dicks roleplay-wise, but i cant help people constantly butting into my roleplay with this bullshit. My character will literally be minding her business and some rando would come up yelling tranny...how is that realistic? But I guess at the very least, it makes me really appreciate the kind ones who just let me do my thing without incessant nastiness 😊.

  8. 2 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    This is something of a polarizing subject. There's clearly a majority of people that do not want others to roleplay a female when they're male. There's a few people that pulled it off with less comments about them being "trannies" but I don't think anyone did it completely free of that kind of an attitude.

    There was a thread about voice changers that quickly devolved into a thread about whether or not men should roleplay females on the server, that might be a worth a read since this is of interest to you: 

    All in all, it doesn't seem like the community wants to be accepting of this kind of roleplay, and I'm not sure that adding a rule would fix anything. They could always call you other random insults if they don't like what you're doing.


    Im not even a boy, just got a chainsmoker's voice. It's poor roleplay to be upset about something like that. It shouldn't be tolerated or allowed behavior in an RP server. It's quite literally mixing IC with OOC. I had to fill out a whole questionnaire just to be allowed on here and i'm honestly surprised 90% of people I've met somehow got accepted because they clearly dont get any of that 😐 Some tolerance would be nice honestly but theres white people on here saying the n word with hard r and i can tell theyre ecstatic about it lmfao. So... i get what youre saying i guess. lol

  9. Basically, I'm tired of 80% of "roleplayers" calling my character a tranny day in and day out. OUT OF THE BLUE. Randomly coming up to her. Theres literally a handful of decent people who will roleplay with me like a normal fucking human being.

    My character isn't even trans. I mean what am i supposed to do? Not speak at all? Okay great - can we extend that to all the white boys who are clearly not black in real life, but roleplay black men and throw around the n word excessively? I just want to fucking roleplay my fucking character, a day without getting called a tranny IC, for no fucking roleplay reason. It's not realistic.

    So it would be nice if there was a clause added in the rules for suspension of disbelief or something, regarding people's characters and voice mismatch etc. I really don't go around pointing out how supposed american characters sound like russians or all the whites roleplaying black people?

    It's really making it not fun for me to roleplay my character at all. This happens to some of my friends too. 90% its unprovoked. 
    And I'm not one to get offended, I'm not new to roleplay, I'm very good at separating OOC from IC and vice verse, I'm no "SJW" i just want to roleplay my stupid fucking character. I actually have a backstory for why her voice is that way but no one ever asks, the people who call her tranny clearly don't want to roleplay with me, they just wanna say a slur without repercussions. Lol. 

    To clarify: I'm frequently interrupted by random people walking up to my character as she's mid convo with somebody else just to yell tranny or something related to it. I'm sorry but that's not even fucking roleplay, it certainly isnt fun for me or my friends. Frequently I'm faced with one solution and that's to walk away. From my own fucking roleplay situation. Because somebody heard me talking and thought it would be the greatest idea to start yelling slurs IC.

    More on that really: There's a lot of crap that goes into gender recognition IRL. Women have deeper voices too...Some even sound like whole ass fucking men. So it's honestly just shitty roleplay and metagaming to assume my character is trans, and then force that upon me, preventing me from roleplaying my character how I want to - cause it's not like they care when she says "Hey I'm actually not trans at all"

    I'm sure there are men who want to roleplay as girls out there, and ive actually met some around and nobody does that to them. So I think its not farfetched to assume these people are just bringing their OOC feelings into Roleplay. 

    It would be nice if this server was a welcoming place to everybody, and everybody's character. Cause ATM, I don't feel like I can roleplay my character at all. 

    Anyway sorry for swearing a lot! I'm just really frustrated. I joined maybe a month ago and every time I play I have at least 5 different people do this shit to me. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, StarLopez2k said:

    Hey Jodi, it's Star! Your faithful cousin from Castle Hill! miss you lots!


    So in response to your question, i think you should look for and buy a fur, maybe i should to, because Los Santos is so cold, global warming has made it snow all over the city, kinda disgusting really, some sort of sick joke theyre playing huh? some sort of sick fucking joke cause i'm an exotic dancer and i need to feed my kids

    Star. Thank you for responding to my bulletin. Unfortunately my predicament is all your fault. I was fundraising for you which obviously attracted a lot of wrong types, which resulted in all of my shit going missing somehow. But it's all good I will continue fundraising for your face surgery cause you are so busted. It's all love tho. Also I hope yall have spare clothing cause i have fucking NOTHING. FUCK.

  11. It's so fucking cold in Los Santos. I watch a lot of weasel news and nobody's addressing the cold snap like what the FUCK yall why is it snowing in Los Santos? Anyway i dunno. I lost all my shit so im running around in a polyester blend top, and lace panties. Second hand. Read my blog for more on that. But that aside, where the fuck can i score a fur coat in this god damned fucking town? i am really pissed off. ITS SO COLD!!

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