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Aaron Martin

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Posts posted by Aaron Martin

  1. Just a small suggestion for the people that own Gas Stations.
    I was thinking just like Gun Stores the price of Gas would decrease the further away from the bank the station is located.
    For example Route 68, Sandy Gas Station, Xenergy would be cheaper then, Weazel, Mirror Park, Bay Gas. It would only be by a dollar or two, so maybe the import price would be $6 instead of $7 if you are a certain distance away from the bank. 
    The reasoning behind this is that, usually, if the Gas Station is further away from the Bank the Gas price is cheaper as it attracts less attention. Route 68 is $11, Sandy is $12 whereas places like BayGas is $16 because it is extremely popular and GoGas is $15. The prices of GoGas and BayGas are more, and they tend to usually attract more attention.
    With this change, Gas Stations like Mirror Park would still make the most amount of money it would just mean that the worse Gas Stations would just make a slight bit more then they already do, making it worth it for the prices to still be only $10-12.
    I understand this does not affect many people, as not many people will be affected by this, but the people it does involve I am sure would greatly appreciate it if this change was applied. Thank you for reading this suggestion! ❤️

    EDIT: I recently was working out the different amounts these Gas Stations would make, and a few of the worse ones stated above barely make any profit after paying for the license, and a blip. When you pay 13-20 mil you would expect to make more then what is currently made from them, I wont give numbers to reduce the chance of meta gaming.

    • Like 1
  2. I take my previous statement back, its been happening again recently. I believe it may only happen now when you, /buyvehicle, /vehsellback, you do not park it, leave the render distance of the vehicle once coming back to the vehicle it will be frozen.

  3. Trouble In The Kitchen

    After frequently doing deals with another cartel, Connor continues to cook drugs in attempt to gain some extra money. In the space of a few days Connor has managed to cook over 1000 LSmaking him some extra change. Whilst cooking, Connor ran the risk of a table blowing up, he thought this risk was very slim and would not happen to him as he was experienced in cooking, but he was wrong.


    Luckily for Connor he was not close when the table blew up, but he was shocked at what just had happened. Once it blew he knew somebody would phone the Police and Fire Department about a house fire, he had to act fast before they would arrive. He immediately grabs his suit, and his water bottles and begins cooling all the tables down. Connor had to throw away many chemicals to make the dismantle faster, but in the end it was worth it.


    Once Connor had successfully dismantled the tables inside of his property and stashed them in a disclosed location. He runs down the stairs and jumps into the shower, washing any chemicals off that may have splashed onto him. Once he had washed his body, he then goes ahead and drowns his gloves in the sink, as he used the gloves to touch all the chemicals when mixing.


    FD arrive and Connor jumps into his bed, and pretends that he was sleeping. He plays it off as if it was the cooker that had set on fire, and told the officers and Fire Department that he was cooking cupcakes and fell asleep. The Fire Department successfully removed the fire, and the Police eventually left his property, without compensating him for his DOOR!


    Connor arrives at the furniture store and purchases himself a new door, and a new oven. The new door and oven were rather expensive, but much cheaper then him having to purchase a whole new lab. Connor then arrives back at his property and begins fixing the apartment door. Once he had fully removed the hinges from the original door, he had to do a few maintenance repairs and then he could successfully install the new door.


    • Like 13
  4. Connections
    The Russian's were driving around on a cold windy night, when they witnessed multiple of another Mafia driving towards the sea. As they were suspicious of what they may be doing, Connor and Nelson decide to drive over to them, and begin watching them whilst other Russian's waited in the area. After watching them for some time we go ahead and speak to them. Whilst Connor approaches them they jump out of a vehicle with silenced 50 cals in all of there hands. Nelson and Connor got other members of there family to move closer to them so that they would be safer if something were to happen. Nelson begins speaking with one of there high commands, attempting to figure out who they were. After speaking for sometime they finally own up to being with another Family. We continue to communicate with them and then exchange information, this family was called La Nostra Famiglia.
    Russian Mafia decided to stay in the area for a minute or so, watching what they may have been up to. As Connor and Nelson stayed, they witnessed this Family grab a shipment of unknown illegal items. The Italian Family knew that the Russian's were still in there area and were slightly jumpy about there every move. Nelson and Connor make the decision of allowing them to grab the shipment, so that they could gain respect with the other Mafia.

    After speaking with La Nostra Famiglia they managed to get a High Commands phone number. With this newly gained information, that they had access to a Cartel abroad, Connor decides to contact the member of the Italian Mafia and requests for some Illegal items. After negotiating a price with the other Mafia, they decided to meet up and exchange the money. Once Connor had given money to the Italian, he received a location and time. 


    Once Connor received the location, he got some of the Family to come join him as he retrieved the shipment. The all went to the location, and began waiting on the shipment to come in. Connor was nervous and did not want the shipment to get busted as he had spent all his money on this one shipment. After patiently waiting, the boat finally came and dropped our package off.


    Once they had obtained the shipment the immediately drove back down to a more secluded area, opened up the boxes with a crowbar, and counted the items that were ordered. We had managed to retrieve it all. Connor and Nelson then went ahead and moved the shipment into his property where he could then use/store the items that were obtained. 


    • Like 12
  5. Date and time (provide timezone):  18/01/21 10:00

    Character name:  Aaron Martin

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Vehicles getting frozen and players needing to get an admin to unfreeze the vehicle.

    Expected behavior:  Vehicle should not get frozen when you get out of the vehicle.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:  If you take a vehicle off of high end, by using the command /vehsellback then the vehicle will become frozen when you step out of the vehicle. To stop this from happening for now, every time you get a vehicle from the high end you must park it and unpark it before leaving the vehicle, if you do not do this then the vehicle will become frozen.

    I am not 100% sure if the same thing happens when you /buyvehicle, I got told by someone it happened to them when they did /buyvehicle but I have not tested this myself so I am not sure how true this statement is.

    • Upvote 7
  6. If criminals were to have a bike that could instantly evade (like real life which some of you are saying) then wouldn’t every single criminal in the server use that bike or vehicle to evade? Then PD would not have a chance of EVER catching a criminal. That is why PD vehicles are as fast as crim supers etc, meaning that they is no way of making this any more realistic. There is some vehicles that can evade or have high chances of evading, you just have to learn which ones they are. If you try hard enough it is very easy to evade in almost any high end vehicle, the hardest part is losing the helicopter, which if you learn certain roads and tactics you can lose that too.


    I honestly disagree with what SOME officers do, for example I do see clips of cops pitting in the city (which isn’t suppose to happen) and people getting rammed in the city, tires getting taken just for felony evading and some felony public endangerment, but this does not happen often at all, and when people think it does happen they do not see the full picture. Another thing is some cops putting there cruiser in front of you on a turn when you go 200km/h, sometimes this is a genuine mistake and other it is not. They is IC rules and protocols we are meant to follow, for example pitting in the city. 


    I personally would be perfectly fine with having to buy my own armour and guns on duty and getting refunded when I put them back, but if this was to happen and would want a salary increase as after tax I’m barely scraping 4k an hour, whereas on crim I can easily make 15k+ an hour grinding drugs (at least before the new cooking changes, I have not cooked recently so I am not sure if that did get changed or not).


    The only thing I would say is OP in PD is the helicopter, but that is just because of how impossible it is to lose it in a super, you more then likely will have to grab a bike to evade a helicopter. 


    The good officers do not get recognised by the community so when 1 person does something like a non rp ram in the city, people will accuse “most” of the department, which from an officers perspective isn’t right as they is actually many great officers in the LSPD, there is just the odd couple that aren’t.

  7. +1 for the fact I hate waiting 2 hours to make a post.
    But -1 because this will give weazel news reporters have less rp interaction with people, and will result in less people working at Weazel, making the business go even more down hill.
    So on a whole I would have to say -1.

  8. A lot of us officers already RP having a body-cam, and save it when its needed. It would be unfair to force everyone to have shadow-play turned on at all times.
    It is also not required for us to show you the evidence, if you have a problem with a charge or ticket, you file an IC report on the gov website.


  9. Its not even that cops have nothing to lose, what we make in a week you can make in a day, that's the only reason I play crim. It is just the fact criminals get stacked with charges when it is possible, making more people be put off being a criminal and more people joining PD. The more PD grows the less crime there is to solve.

  10. I am going to add one more thing, I of course play more PD then anything, and I compare a lot of things to the time I got 4/5 hours for felony evading for 30 minutes. I am seeing people who have aks and have shot at an officer only get 2/3 hours yet I got 5 hours (without VIP) simply because I evaded for a long time and they couldn't catch me? They just stacked charges because they couldn't win and I was always one step ahead. If they get to clap and have fun then you got, illegal weapons, and attempted murder which is only 2 hours! So the biggest issue is felony evading charges, you are 90% certain to get felony evading and felony public endangerment which is already 2 hours, then maybe a reckless, battering, another hour, then anything you may have on you which is another hour! Some of the charges aren't to harsh, but when you felony evade they can stack so many charges on you and they are actually allowed to do that.

  11. Happens now. With normal licensed pistols, they will try and milk the system and get as many heavies as they can. As an officer the amount of unlicensed pistols we find is insane and that from people HAVING  a license. Literally nearly everyone I arrest will have a pistol on them or in there car. The same would happen with heavy guns.

  12. I will start off by saying if you class this as IC then just lock it and archive it please, thanks.

    I will begin by explaining who my characters are and what I do on both characters. 
    So my main character is a Police Officer 2 and from that perspective I see that we get very little amount of pursuits nowadays. If we do get a pursuit it is either a new player or a gang member because he knows he can ambush us because they all have heavy weapons on them. Now my second character is just for a bit of fun and cooking every so often. I get into chases and mayhem when PD has nothing to do to actually give the officers something entertaining to do. So when I had my first chase it lasted nearly 30 minutes and because of this I got nearly 5 hours in prison, simply because I ran away. I had no weapons on me and I did not assault anyone. They decided to smack me on the head with the book. Now after this I was actually persuaded not to evade or even commit crimes on that account and just cook instead, as it is really not worth it. From a cops perspective I now understand why no one evades as it is much easier to just accept whatever is about to happen there and then. As it is very rare for you to evade solo in the first place. Now I had my second chase today that lasted a maximum 10 minute (again these chases are on purpose and just for some fun) this chase I did obviously run an officer over but still without that charge I would still be going away for 2 hours! It is ridiculous and gives criminals no reason to evade at all. Simply strictly make it so all you get is felony evading and whatever you have on you (weapons etc) or just simply decrease the time. I am evading for fun which is giving everyone some RP to do and some fun to do on the server, but when we get smacked on the head with the book no one is going to want to evade. There's just no point in it.

    Maybe even lower some other sentences like unlicensed firearm lowered to 30 minutes and some others just lowered a tad bit, like 10-20 minutes off each big sentence.

    This is not a rant it is simply a request. This will give PD/SD more chases as criminals may actually evade, and it will mean more RP and fun for everyone. At the end of the day this is a game and I shouldn't be going to jail for 2-6 hours just because I decided to evade. Some people may only get a couple hours every day as they have real life shit to do, so it could take someone days to finish there sentence with also might tempt them to leave the server.

    That's everything, thank you for reading this if you did and have a good day!

    • Like 4
  13. Maxed Blista Kanjo

    B/O $200,000



    Brakes: 4/4

    Engine: 5/5

    Suspension: 1/5

    Transmission: 4/4

    Turbo: 1/2

    Photos Of The Vehicle:



    These are just simply cars I no longer use or want and I'm just trying to sell them now.

    Message me your offers.

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