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Posts posted by Dimja

  1. 31 minutes ago, MrDisciple said:

    Couple ideas:

    Increase in faction members from 40 to 45.

    Decrease heavy weapon import price.

    Increase shipment power thats generated on main turf.

    A couple Special vehicle imports through cartel.

    Higher tiers shouldn't have to wait so long for Alt RP.

    So the increase in faction members should be a tier reward?

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  2. 5 minutes ago, kawalis said:

    You're making it sound as if you're fighting in rival gangs colours is to rep there colours, or fight for them. If we're talking about realism there are countless stages within the World War 2 where they impostered each other, not only with clothing but motor vehicles. Again if we're talking about realism that one person you're claiming is dumb on frequency, would and should be able to understand a line from the person impostering ' I'm at X location, wearing X out fit please do not shoot me ' I don't see how you can afford to not listen or comprehend a half sentence like that, going into an extremely life threatening fight, with such advantage if we're going to base this on real life events and realism. End of the day it being made out as though you're repping the oppsoing gangs colours out of love for them, where in reality you're using it against them I see it as nothing but a smart strategy. You also state that people love to play AmongUs solely for the purpose of winning fights, well that's the entire point, it gives a huge advantage, and I personally believe and I don't mean this in any disrespect that you've been a victim of this and you're tired of losing fights. If you're going into a gun fight you're going to do absolutely anything to win the fight, whether it's good sportsmanship or not. 

    You are confusing gangs fighting with world wars. It was indeed done in WW2, but that was to gain intel as it would be a death sentence to try gun down the squad you are in. It does not happen between gangs IRL

  3. 9 minutes ago, Yeager said:

     Just communicate well and if you don't want to be shot by your own members don't do it. 

    Doesn’t everyone not want to be shot by own members?

    +1 from me. Going into a shootout is already a big risk for your life and it makes no sense to add more risk by potentially getting teamkilled or the rival team finding out your an imposter. 

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  4. Part of life is death

    Red and blue flickering lights painted the streets of Los Santos day after day. People in black and red, wearing fedoras were specifically targeted by the law enforcement. Everywhere they go, they would see a car follow them, a person listen to their conversation or see a van outside their house. Dimitri arrived in his house and inmediatly threw up in the kitchen. The stress was way too much for him lately. Even today, he was nearly arrested, just because he was wearing his standard suit. He sat together with Alberto and discussed that there needed to be a drastic change. He claimed that if the Russians would go on like this, they would all be either in prison or filled with lead coming from Police . Alberto nodded and started to brainstorm. ‘We could drop our colors’ Alberto said. He was met with a firm ‘NO’. Dimitri continued: I do not wish to hide, thats for low level people. Alberto’s eyes noticed a painting with the quote: ‘Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.’ Alberto smiled and said: ‘That could work’ as he pointed at the painting. Dimitri waved it away, claiming that it was just a stupid piece of canvas. The underboss did not hold of so easily and explained to Dimitri that faking his death, could be the way out. Maybe law enforcement would believe that the Russian Mob died with Dimitri.

    The two made up a plan and started writing a suicide letter. They planted that letter in his long coat. Next up was to find a body that looked like Dimitri. It was important that the body had Russian characteristics so that it would be believable that Dimitri was dead. Once they obtained the corpse, they shaved off all the hair and brought it to the location they agreed on. Dimitri brought his own dubsta in the process aswell. They arrived in the black dubsta with the body in the trunk at the edge of the city. The next move would be to put Dimitri’s clothing with chain and rolex on it and they are set to execute the plan. Alberto went to the trunk to retrieve a duffel bag, passing it to Dimitri. Dimitri continued by sitting on the spot where the body would soon be placed and reached for the duffel bag, opening the bottle and took a sip. He threw away the bottle and brought the .50 to his chest as he tried to imagine how it would feel like if he had actually committed suicide. He stood up once he saw the body being dragged out of the trunk by Alberto and waited for it to be dropped. Dimitri aimed the gun at the chest of the already dead person and fired two shots into the body. bang bang Two loud noises followed by complete silence. Dimitri and Alberto looked each other in the eye as they quietly chuckled. They felt relieved, hoping that this would cause a change. The Russian Mobsters planted the .50 in the right hand of the body and relocated the ejected shells next to it. They walked towards Dimitri’s dubsta when they suddenly heard a roaring car approach. The pair quickly dived into the nearest bush as they, to their surprise, saw Alexei heading towards the body. The young Russian started to tear up and sat next to the body for many minutes, not knowing that the two mobsters were in a bush right next to him. Dimitri wanted to scream, ensure Alexei that all is fine, but he could not. The plan would fail, no one could know it. He covered his own mouth as he watched Alexei drink his pain away. Dimitri’s duty was done for a while, but Alberto had still a lot to do. Retrieving the body before people find out that this was not Dimitri himself.

    One day they would find out the truth. One day they would understand why. One day they would see each other again. But till then, the world must know that Dimitri had left the world. More than a year had passed since Dimitri was considered dead in the criminal world. Different gangs, including the Russian Mob, had ceised to exist. With the time passing, the Russian Mob slowly faded into the past, where the gang shall be remembered with many others. The Russian flags that were planted throughout the city were taken down and the fedora’s were vanished from the streetscape. Some ex Russians were roaming the streets, fighting for different believes and colors now. Dimitri himself had been laying low in the always cold place Siberia. Only Andrei and Alberto had contact with Dimitri through a middleman. Dimitri had spent his days overthinking his life and his choices. Some choices he made wrong, undoubtedly. However, he still remained proud of what he achieved with the bratans. It was now, many months after the Russian Mob had been put to rest, that he felt there was no more heat from the police and that the coast was clear. It was now, when he decided to come back to the city of dreams. He took the airplane back to Los Santos and he felt the same feeling, that he felt 4 years ago when he first entered Los Santos. But this time he would not come here alone and with no money, this time he would have a head start. He had not forgotten his friends, but most importantly he had not forgotten his enemies. 


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  5. 25 minutes ago, AnakinB said:

    Assumably it’d be officials only 

    Even with official factions it would still have to be changed/updated quite often. A possible solution would be to have a list of tattoos from certain cultures.

    Examples: Yakuza tattoos (Chinese/Japanese), British street gang tattoos, American street gang tattoo’s , Russian mafia tattoos. As many gangs have their origins in relative the same select category of cultures/nations, it could be used by multiple gangs.

  6. Although I am not against the parade, it does raise a few questions. You see, where I am from the gay pride parades existed even before I was born, here in Amsterdam. The prides were all about being extraordinary and expressing clearly that you were part of the lgbtq community.  The pride people had fun, but if your intention is to normalize and get general acceptance of being part of the lgbtq community, I think this will steer away from that goal. Cause the gay parade’s in Amsterdam gave the youth a certain view of that community.


    You mentioned about oppression of the said community, but I truly wonder if this is the right place to go against the oppression. Is a video game really the place where you want to celebrate? I get that most people who roleplay being part of the lgbtq community ICLY are part of it OOCLY, as I have yet to met someone who is not, which is totally fine. Maybe this makes it harder IRL to go against that oppression, but wouldnt a protest about how lgbtq people are being treated in some parts of the world be more meaningful than a gay parade on a video game which will get a part of the roleplay community upset. If you want it all to be normalized, is profiling yourself so different going to help that? It is in the human nature to be a little frightened of what is different to us.

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  7. I think its needless to say that the situation is awful and that everyone understands the sensitivity of the subject. 

    For this particular case, its clear that promoting or talking about the war/politics is strictly forbidden and socially not accepted. One must realize that countries are not all about their politics. As we have seen recently on the news, lots of Russian people do not agree with the current situation. Banishing an entire culture is never good. We understand that its a sensitive subject, but in my opinion celebrating Russian culture should be allowed if the whole war controversy will be avoided.

    However where do we draw the line?  We condone roleplaying IRL gangs that murder people daily in the worst way possible (read: MS13, Aztecas, 67 and other cartels). One of the most prestigious faction of this server, Daichead Gadai was actively working (roleplay wise) with the IRA, whom can be seen as heroes by some people and terrorists in the eyes of other. China is being weird with human rights and some very very suspicious labourcamps, but do we ban all the Chinese gangs for that? Is it justified to condone some conflicts, but not others?

    In conclusion, the world has a lot of evil, thats the hard reality. We even roleplay some of that reality. I truly believe that if gangmembers do not promote or talk about the sensitive ooc subject, we should tolerate celebrating and roleplaying that certain culture. The war going on should be avoided in all conversations.

    Small addition, anyone here remembers the Taliban gang? I dont think I would even have to point out what for gruesome acts the Taliban did IRL, yet we were fine with them representing (altho in a way less aggressive way) the taliban. It feels like there is a double standard here.

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