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Posts posted by Dimja

  1. +1/-1

    Often it is used to metagame a players experience and sometimes even to identify the player, but on the other hand it is quite useful during recruitment processes to see if someone has reached a certain amount of xp.

    I do believe that the player count leaderboard should always stay.

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  2. -1


    battlebusses were pure cancer that ruined it for smaller factions


    plus I doubt gangs IRL would waste their resources for shootouts that allied gangs find themselves in. I do not see the use for this to be removed other than for gangs to build more numbers to win a shootout.

  3. Make official wars more accessible 

    I’ve been playing for quite a while now and if I am not mistaken, I’ve only seen 1 official war. As it stands, most beef between factions is never-ending as neither side wants to give up nor is forced to give up.

    By official wars being a more frequent event, beef can be settled by the outcome of the war by either a gang being forced to pay x amount of tax or disband, or simply a force disband.

    I believe current official wars require a lot of administrative supervision to keep the war within rules and determine people warkilled when applicable. This should be revised into a way that if a player from faction x dies by the hands of faction y, is unable to play that character until the war has ended and an outcome for the losing faction has been determined.


    Currently all kills are being logged anyways, and therefore it might be possible to log that someone in f4 faction x got killed by f4 faction y and a warning will be send once a player decides to play that ‘warkilled’ character anyway.


    A possible way to envision this would be to automatically let factions go into an official war if their ‘beef’ exceeds a 3 months period. Then people of both factions are eligible to be warkilled until the war has ended. A war can end in either an entire faction wiped out (force disband), important members wiped out (force disband or tax, depending on severity) or solved by a peace offering (tax or peace). Other than the changed rules, older war rules can still serve their purpose.


    In my eyes, this leads to less unnecessary beef and let people be more cautious about who they start beefing and for the period of time they are doing it. If you don’t agree, please respond with constructive feedback to improve.

    Note: This is only for official gangs to avoid clap gangs forming to trigger a war that destroys a long lasting official faction.

    Next to that, it is only when both factions actively fight each other or drop on each other turfs. Currently, cartel interferes when you randomly drop on other faction turfs so this should counter forcing a war through dropping on turfs. This is to avoid one official faction attempting to force a war onto another official faction by hunting or dropping for no reason or than that.

    (I wrote it in a very short timespan so is still subject to change.)

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  4. 1 hour ago, SquirtleSquad said:

    I agree with you here, however, I want to bring up on thing. These Celebratory and Awareness Months/Days are a lot of times specific to US.

    What would be great however is with the Event Team, identifying specific days throughout the year to celebrate and raise awareness to global issues, like the on-going prevalent issues of racism, women's rights suppression, etc, similar to what is being done in this thread about the Pride Parade. I think this would be a great opportunity for the community to make suggestions and meet with the Event Team to promote healthy, and positive mindsets that enable more awareness to these basic human rights issues.

    Please do not make Eclipse a place where we have to deal with people who continuously push their personal political agenda onto others. Pursue your political goals in the real world and not in a videogame that everyone plays for pure entertainment.

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