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Everything posted by Ross1931

  1. The watch were approached by a man in handcuffs, who asked them to help him remove the cuffs. while The neighborhood watch agreed to help the man remove the cuffs, little did he know that they were going to take him to the cops to remove them. But The man was able to flee when they pulled up to the pd. The detectives were very interested in this man, and asked the watch to comb the streets for him. about an hour later they spotted the man in blue swimming shorts and a chase ensued. After calling the cops for backup and cornering the man on the top of a roof, he knew the gig was up and with nothing left to live for he began to threatening to jump....Ross began to try to talk the man off the ledge, while on the phone with Romeo and the police on the ground. at one point the man was about to jump and Ross dove on the man trying to hold him from jumping. The young lad was to strong for Ross and reaffirmed his commitment to jumping.after convicting the man to let a cop and reporter up, Ross safely descended to watch the rest of the events unfold. The man attempted to jump for a second time before being tased........ WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGE BELOW The man tripped after being tased and falling to what they though was his death........... but somehow he survived. Sure he will most likely live the rest of his life as a vegetable, but at least the neighborhood watch Caught their crook.
  2. We are going to start saving clips or streaming soon. we can only show/express so much through pictures, and I would like to show some of the funnier encounters we run into.
  3. Ross and Romeo posing for a pic with the tech nine with almost 200 rounds, 200 rounds of ak ammo and a heavy pistol on vine wood hills. The guns and ammo in this picture were confiscated from a zeta in sandy shores.
  4. If you are interested In joining the neighborhood watch, you can go on a ride along with us. If you ask ic of coarse. There are no xp requirements to join the watch as long as you follow the server rules And have above average rp you will be considered after a ride along. But we will be very selective on who we choose, and Rp is Going to be the most important factor when choosing who joins. our main goal is to bring new and fun rp to the server. You don’t have to be old but it will increase your chances of joining.
  5. This is the first faction thread I’ve ran, so the advice is appreciated.
  6. Unfortunately for the agents and the watch, the man In black had back up watching events unfold. When the man was cuffed his back up moved in on a motorcycle to help his friend escape an impending prison sentence. While the watch was happy they got another heavy weapon off the street and Were able to show the detectives that they were more than just a bunch of crotchety old man. But they could help but be disappointed that the man in black they knew as rj was able to get away. Vowing to find him and make him pay for his crimes............. to be continued.
  7. As soon as the man in black left his car, the agents moved in for the interception.the watch even faked their own arrest, The sting operation was off to a perfect start.....
  8. They decided to set up the meeting in the alleyway behind the bank.
  9. Romeo met with a detective to set up a sting operation between the neighborhood watch and the the police.
  10. The watch talking to local pd, After Romeo convinced a man in black (rook) to sell the neighborhood watch an illegal micro smg.
  11. Ross and Romeo pose for a picture with their drug bust After removing some local riffraff from the drug den near our houses
  12. Thanks man, We only made these guys t to bring some more funny rp to the server. So we appreciate when someone enjoys role playing with us.
  13. If ross’s Gun doesn't scare the criminals, his face sure will.
  14. Ross was asked what info he had on the gangs in town. After mentioning that the had info on the wanted, zetas, and some idiots in yellow, he was told to forget the zetas. But due to ross’s Dementia he couldn’t remember who to forget, causing what Ross though was a large child dressed as Superman to torture him by breaking his fingers and eventually removing his head with a large chainsaw.
  15. After being kidnapped Ross was taken to a discrete location on the waterfront
  16. After insisting that a group of at least 6 men dressed in blue move their illegally parked car, the leader of the the watch was taken hostage.
  17. The watch received a tip on the neighborhood watch hotline about an Asian gang in blood red cars robbing people in the city. So they headed to Chinatown to investigate further..........
  18. After stopping a man dressed as Santa from preying on kids, and helping the cops remove some cracked out druggies with guns from a local drug den, the neighborhood watch went out and bought some new outfits to celebrate.
  19. We may be senile, but we’re super serious.
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