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Everything posted by Joknow12

  1. PRISON BREAK Vito was have to escape from prison because he had go to help his mafia...Vito hit his head with a pool ball front of the guards and guards take him to the medbay... ""holds coke and throws it to the officer's face"" ""Hits officer's balls and holds his neck tightly"" ""He would be not able to see because of coke ((Nelsson Siruss))"" ""Takes officers radio from his vest" Vito had a hostage and he started give demands to the officers then Vito took officers radio.And Vito made a radio call to his mafia for pickup from prison...But one officer shoot to Vito from behind and they take him to the hospital... Vito got pickup from his friend front of the Sandy Shores Medical Services and he escaped from prison... RUSSIAN MAFIA PART III Vito was finally become a higher up in Russian Mafia,he was keeping supplies gun and killing gangs.Someday he learned Russian for better communication with his mafia,4 Days later... Vito was talking with Artyom on ship and Zetas came there.Vito and his mafia killed all Zetas and Vito cut one of the Zeta members hair... Vito was rolling with his mafia and they decided to raid Rooks Hotel in Paleto Bay Vito grabed his AK-47 from his house then they began to drive around for find some Rooks... Rooks Hotel Raid Russian Mafia entered a Rooks Hotel and started kill everyone and they cutted Zez's hair middle of the hotel.and they leave the area after kill all Rooks... ""Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgement""
  2. RUSSIAN MAFIA PART II Adrian started rob people in the city with his mafia,and someday Adrian went to the Foundry with his friends for rob miners.but they forgot cops was watching them Adrian got a position at Foundry He was ready behind of the wall. Then one miner enter to inside of the foundry and They start rob the miner.Two minutes later one of the Russian Mafia Member said "Hurry up cops coming..."and Adrian and his friend start escape from cops.but Adrian couldn't escape from cops he got arrested...
  3. RUSSIAN MAFIA Adrian shoot his head with plastic bullet front of the SADOC, everybody knows Adrian as a dead but he's alive.Then he joined to Russian Mafia and he started sell guns to Mafia Members now he's continues his life as a criminal in Los Santos...
  4. IN PRISON Adrian went to prison for 4 years and was fired from SADOC.Now his life was ruined and he decided to move on as a criminal.He released from prison and he called Artyom Melnikoff for join Russian Mafia...
  5. IN LOS SANTOS PART III Someday Adrian tried escape from cops but he couldn't and he arrested,He lost his all licenses then He went to the SADOC for proccess with cops.Everyone was surprised to see Adrian inside the police cruiser.
  6. IN LOS SANTOS PART II Adrian was racing all day at Observatory. with his friends 1 month later he lost his driving license. He was not able to drive cars at SADOC anymore. but he was still racing at Observatory he won a lot of money from racing... after 12 days he got his license back.Then he won ribbons in SADOC.
  7. IN LOS SANTOS Adrian decided to join SADOC (San Andreas Department Of Corrections) 1 months later he start working at SADOC, but he was a Alchol addict and he was drinking Alchol on duty his colleagues was helping him about it.Then he went to the CRU and he stoped to drink Alchol...1 year later he promoted at SADOC....
  8. Adrian Kennedy Name :Adrian Surname : Kennedy Place Of Birth : Italia, Roma BACKSTORY Adrian Kennedy was born in Italy, moved to Los Angeles at the age of 5. his only dream was to be a cop because his father was a cop, and he graduated from the Los Angeles Police Academy.He was called up to the Army because he was very successful at the Academy.He received many awards in the Army, 2 years later he was wounded in the army.He left the army and moved to Los Santos... Photos from Army
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