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Everything posted by Qader8877

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  2. Qader8877

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    Issue Being Reported: I am not getting a code to verify my location, I understand you have a issue going on regarding this, but I have never recived a email even when it worked, I have always had to ask senior admins to verify me manually. I would like to check if the email I typed in was correct and would maybe like to change my email to a gmail account. Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): 05.09.2020 Your characters name: Other player(s) involved: No Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: No
  3. @Kris The problem is that I have not recived the email to verify my account.
  4. Note: The email verification problem is to logg in ingame and the 2fa problem is on the panel, there is 2 diffrent problems. 1: Not getting the email to verify my location to logg in ingame 2: Cannot setup 2fa becuase I am not getting the email to verify my account
  5. Issue Being Reported: I am not not recieving email to verify location Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): 03.03.2020 Your characters name: Hassan Albahr Other player(s) involved: N/A Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: I have waited about 2-3 days now and have not recived an email, and yes I have checked trash etc and checked if its the right email, I would also note that I want to set up 2fa to make it easier, but cannot do that since I am not getting the email to verify my account.
  6. I checked everything waited for 2 hours, and had to get an admin to fix it.
  7. Date and time (provide timezone): 21.12.2019 19:25 UTC+00:00 Character name: Hassan Albahr Issue/bug you are reporting: I am not recieving the email to verify my location Expected behavior: Get the email to verify my location Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I am getting every other email from you guys, from verify my account, changing email etc, but not the one to verify my location, and yes I waited for about 15min
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