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Posts posted by raademar

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 1609161030

    Character name: Enrique_Hernandez

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Trying to preview vehicles sets you correctly in the car but you're unable to change camera angle by moving your mouse.

    Expected behavior:  Being able to change camera angle.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Press view button in the vehicle dealership.



    Edit: At Atomic Auto you're not getting placed in the car. It spawns in its set location but the character remains where it was when you clicked View.


  2. 一杯清酒

    ( A cup of sake )


    War was raging across the state. Friends fighting friends over what seemed like trivial matters. But when pride comes before thought the outcome will be a destructive one.


    “The wise warrior avoids the battle.”


    The Four Seas Order had decided to not partake in fighting on any side. Some members felt differently than the decision made by vote and left the group to fight on separate sides. 

    Even when not actively participating, war lays heavy on the mind and Jerome needed some time away.

    He knew of a location east of Sandy Shores, atop of a mountain overlooking the ocean, rarely visited by travelers.




    He parked his car near a camping site and proceeded to climb the mountain side on foot. Even though it was early morning the sun burned on his skin. The side of the mountain was steep and the peak rose high in the sky. After two hours of climbing he needed a short break.




    He stopped and sat down for a moment to admire the view before continuing his last push to reach the top.

    It had taken him almost four hours to scale the mountain and he felt weary. Thoughts of war and chaos were still lingering in his mind and exhausting his energy.




    He sat down, crossed his legs, closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. To gain focus and to center his mind he inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth with a sound resembling the waves of the ocean.




    After some time he stood up and started to transition into one of his favorite poses, the Warrior II. He placed his feet wide apart turning his left foot out 90 degrees and lining up his right foot with the heel of his left. While bending his left knee and straightening his back he moved his arms up to shoulder height forming a T. As he focused on his breathing he sank deeper into the stretch.




    After a minute or two he transitioned into the Upward-Facing Dog by first laying down on the ground and then rising up, momentarily resting on his toes and palms. Staying like this for a few seconds, breathing in before pushing his mid region down and his head up. Feeling the strain to his core and the flow of energy slowly returning.




    After finishing his session he once more sat down to admire the view from the peak.

    He took up the flask of sake he had brought with him and unscrew the lid to use as a cup. 

    A cup of sake became a part of his relaxing ritual after being introduced to the drink back when he was seeing a certain Detective of the LSPD. He took a sip from the cup and gazed out at the horizon, the future seemed bright for him and the rest of The Four Seas Order.

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  3. 賭博



    One afternoon Thomas and Jerome met up after a quick conversation over the phone. Both were in a gambling mood and decided to go shoot some dice. It had been a good while since they tossed against the walls of Little Seoul, as usual they had them stored in their bags all polished up ready to go.

    After a quick call over the radio they gathered two more members who also wanted to partake. The spot chosen had a great overview of the surrounding area with multiple escape routes in case any hostile groups were to show up or if the Police decided to interrupt their illicit activities. Being familiar with the alleyways they knew where to conceal their weapons and still have easy access to them if necessary.




    After a short while their presence was noticed by two men who approached them asking to join in. Since The Four Seas Order is welcoming and helpful to all citizens of Little Seoul they gladly accepted the request and invited the men to gamble with them. 

    Oliver Ng was first out to challenge one of the men to a best of three, bets were placed, $1,000 was the sum.




    On this day the gods of gambling were against Oliver, he lost a thrilling match against the man, but he wouldn’t back down. After the last dice were thrown he turned around pointing towards the other man challenging him in an attempt to win back his money.




    Multiple people came and went as they continued to gamble throughout the afternoon, some weren’t as fortunate and others made lesser riches.




    At the sessions end “Charles” had money to claim, Thomas willingly went with him to the ATM around the corner to give him his winnings. Even in the face of defeat, The Four Seas Order stays true to their word and upholds promises given.



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  4. Something needs to change regarding combat logging. It's the worst of all rule breaks since it hinders everyone else's RP. I'd like to see an even stricter system than the one above. You get one strike then you get a ban with a chance to appeal.

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  5. I think that most of us feel that if our normal supply of guns or a new one was introduced we would love to do RP scenarios and events without having any reward for it. The reasoning behind the weapon or cash reward is simply an idea for an alternative way to get weapons as a criminal. There is no need for the hostile tone between us. At the end of the day the LEO factions depend on criminal RP to have any reasonable RP of their own. I feel that if you main a character in a LEO faction you should be more supportive of expanding criminal RP.

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  6. I agree that a DoJ will not work since it would take too long. But there needs to be a system where you can dispute charges other than the IA report system. It's not justifiable that you should serve time and pay fines for a crime you might be innocent of, especially if you were to have recording of the situation which got you the charge.

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