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Posts posted by BFortier

  1. Just needs to wait on a forced namechange command or something. From what I understand you can't n/c without donating for it, so admins cant really kick and tell them to n/c and there's no command ATM to force a n/c.

  2. Everybody will say 'wait for GTA:N to update', but If your crashing that often it has to be either a poor gaming setup or a bugged out game. You have a decent gaming set up that can handle GTA V? If so maybe you should reinstall.

  3. ((Well, i'm one of the most known players in that server and i'd say anyone who knows the server will know me, so let me worry about it. Why not bridge it when i already worked on it for more than 1000hours in another game? ))

    (( Because this isn't the same game or the same server. I have thousands of hours in LSPD on NGG and another thousand hours in LSPD on LS-RP, but none of that bridged over for me. Every time I switched servers I had to start from scratch. Other communities have rules against copypasta factions, but Eclipse is a little more laid back, so I suppose it's likely that they'll allow it. In that case, good luck, I suppose. I withdraw my involvement in this thread. ))

  4. ((As i said this is my faction from samp. I think i have the rights to repost it. I already wrote it above in the main post. Please read better next time. Since you seem incapable i'll post it again.))

    ((Paterno Crime Family is an Italian Mafia Rp gang i had/owned back in sa:mp days. This is an attempt to revive it in EclipseRp. For now i'll be using the old Samp Graphics and text. Everything will be updated as we play, and evolve.))

    (( Just seems lazy. Why bridge it over to GTA V RP? And how do you expect people to just believe that all of this is your content? You could have just as well stolen all of it. ))

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