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Everything posted by ObnoxiousZombi

  1. You've said it far better than I did, and even put in a better idea than I have. I fully agree, the second one would be far more frustrating to me, especially if you wait that time and just end up getting denied anyways.
  2. I see your point, but I do believe in the long run there would actually be less of a backlog on the applications. I'd also bet that less than a quarter of the amount of people to complain about the wait times would complain about the applications closed, as people tend to care more when they've spent time on something, rather when they get a definitive "no." and sure it'd take the same amount of time to get through them, but from what I'm hearing they don't stop coming, and they're in fact going up. While it is entirely voluntary, any type of worker thrives on motivation, and you can't get motivated by hacking away at something that just keeps increasing. Progress creates motivation. But in the end it was just a suggestion, and to be fair, I don't know what goes on on the other side.
  3. it would stop admins from getting overwhelmed, and hopefully would stop the people that already applied from complaining too much. That's all the community discussions part of this forum is filled with. It's hard to see progress, and feel like you're chipping away at something when all it does is increase. Not to mention, it would just force people to try other servers. Not to say they'd be losing anything either, this is a popular server after all. I'm sure they'd still be getting plenty of applications after reopening it anyways.
  4. I'm not too concerned with getting in too soon honestly, but from what I hear, everyone is complaining now that application approval times are getting bumped up constantly by the day. I personally have my application in waiting status since around the beginning of april, and back then the waiting time was "14 days at most" or something close to that. Now I'm hearing its two months waiting. If you guys are having a case of "finish 1 application, 2 more will rise in its place," then why not just close it altogether til you're caught up? There's clearly not enough staff/free-time with all the staff to handle this many applications. I hope no one gets mad at me, or sees me as impatient and bumps me to the back of the list for this, but I just feel like this is something that should've been done a long time ago.
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