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Posts posted by NotKempi

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 30/MAY/2024 21:45 ( UTC )

    Character name: Alexander_Olsson but the affected player was Wiley_Reno

    Issue/bug you are reporting: The Server will assign you multiple IDs, your client will see one ID while the server and other players will see another.

    Expected behavior:  Each player should have only 1 ID.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I've seen this happen a few times in the past week, the affected player will be able to hear themselves speaking on the radio. I'm not sure what causes it to happen but believe it may have something to do with lag whilst selecting "play" on your character or spamming said button, leading to multiple instances of the server giving you welcome messages though I've personally been unable to replicate it.

    Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

  2. Private drug labs hurt RP by making people sit inside but with the several nerfs to them there's been a major decrease in RP for everyone related to labs such as LEO's being able to take them down or FD getting calls to handle drug labs when something goes wrong.

    While the changes have made people more outside to engage in RP I don't think leaving them in the dirt is the best option, I still think the idea of selling drugs, gathering components, and gathering the equipment itself creates a lot of RP that has gone missing. A possible solution could be to turn the private tables into more of a passive income source where you still have to gather chemicals, plants, etc but cook a batch of drugs over the duration of 4 hours instead of making them one by one. This would make tables useful again and create RP opportunities for people to buy equipment, chemicals, and plants which creates opportunities for LEO to intercept while encouraging people to do other things than sit & wait at the tables.


  3. 3 hours ago, JohnnydaHo said:

    police officers are not going to shoot for it

    I'd recommend you look into how often unarmed people get shot by the police due to either not complying or making sudden movements. When LEOs are in high adrenaline situation where they could get shot at any moment they will not hesitate to shoot you if you make a sudden movement such as reaching for something ( like a radio ) 

    There's a reason people fear the police, innocent and unarmed people get shot on several occasions in many countries where guns are as common as here on Eclipse. I doubt very few people would keep the same mentality if they had several lethal weapons aimed at them in real life.

    If we're going to make fear RP rulings decided on what you as a player think someone is or isn't going to do would that mean Law Enforcement can ignore fearing for hostages if they the believe the hostage taker won't shoot or harm their hostage? 

    The only reason you don't get shot or seriously injured in a situation like what you're referring to is because LEO on the server operate under much less stress, don't get the same level of adrenaline rush and are held to a higher standard for force then the real life counterparts. 

  4. Rather then blindly complaining about the update and changes, discouraging the development team how we put that energy into making healthy and properly thought out suggestions? 

    You think the bank and ATM reverted should be re-worked because it causes gangs to have issues with maintaining turf? why not make a suggestion or push on the existing suggestions for other ways to gain influence and cash alongside the banks? have random scripted events where crims can get cash, drugs / weapons such as a random chance of a smuggler boat crashing or add in a larger scale robberies that can be conducted in other ways, such as the jewelry store or Humane Labs.
    In my opinion healthy to the community as a whole as it opens up a venue for newer criminals to get cash easily and reduces the amount of spammed out bank robberies and whilst it may not have been properly balanced the devs are clearly already working to fix that having lowered the influence requirement. If you still think it's too high why sit and cry about it when you could suggest it gets lowered. 

    I'm not speaking on behalf of staff or the dev team in any way, anything I say comes from myself and personal experience but when you only complain about things it's going to discourage development and lead to unhealthy changes being made to who is crying the loudest. Causing toxicity within the community rather then having open connections with the developers. 

    The update has been live for 9 days now, if you've noticed consistent issues you can go here https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/110-game-suggestions/ and make a suggestion for values to be changed or alternative option added. Just complaining in a discussion thread is not going to lead to much except distrust and toxicity within the community. 

  5. 36 minutes ago, MrDisciple said:

    Criminals raiding also have to go through the pain of opening 1-3 doors just like lore enforcement. Expect ofcourse criminals actually have to pay for the equipment where obviously lore enforcement have an endless supply. 

    1. PD does not have an endless supply. Every time I use bolt cutters to open the 5 doors inbetween the entrance and drug lab it comes straight out of my pocket buying them at stores and I get nothing out of it. 
    2. The difference between Law Enforcement breaking into a drug lab and a criminal doing so is that Law Enforcement have heavy regulations to when they're allowed to raid a building ( Both IC and OOC regulations ) such as needing a warrant, proper cause and evidence to support said cause. Law Enforcment has nothing to gain by raiding a drug lab or house whilst if a criminal does so they can take everything as straight profit. 


    39 minutes ago, MrDisciple said:

    By speeding the process of a house raid you only decrease the chance of further RP

    The same argument could be applied to several other things but simply I'll say this. 
    Having the entirety of PD held up at an apartment for 2 hours whilst some member of SWAT plays RNG with a door for 40 minutes heavily decreases RP for the rest of the server wanting to interact with Law Enforcement


    42 minutes ago, MrDisciple said:

    Currently the process of a house raid is fairly slow like you said. I personally don't think the PD mentality of looting criminals and locking them up as fast as possible is a healthy mindset for RP. I belive house raids especially should take time. You have an endless supply of money, you can buy as many bolt cutters as you want. Furthermore, RP doesn't stop when doors are being bolt cut, lots of opertunitys could still be going on.

    These statements are quite ignorant and makes so many assumptions as to PD's intentions. We do not have a mindset to quickly loot the place, lock up the criminal and leave. We want the scene secured quickly so that we're not blocking 10 people from entering their apartments and holding up the entire department from other 911 calls. 
    PD has an endless supply of money the same way crims have an endless supply of drug manufacturing material. We still have to work for our money the same you guys do. 90% of bolt cutters used come out of our own pocket.

    5 minutes ago, Prozacel said:


    To tell you straight, I see that your problem is that you don`t have a command /ramall or a quick menu button to press and to give you free bolt cutters.

    You say that bolt cutting a door it takes too long? Take 5 bolt cutters with you and try to use them, it won`t take 1 hour to open a door.

    If you read the actual suggestion I think you'd notice that not once was a /ramall command suggested, don't know where you read that as being the suggestion in question?

    • POG 1
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 04/MAY/2020 06:27

    Character name: Alexander Olsson

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Someone looted my body after I got carried into RV interior ( I'm not 100% sure I got looted but seeing as only my valuables got stolen in a way that I could see another player doing ) My personal guess would be that my body appeared elsewhere for another player to loot or that you can somehow loot bodies in RV interiors from some bugged spot.

    Expected behavior:  No one should've been able to access my inventory besides Noah Carlile beside me who never touched my inventory

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Whilst the video does not show it well I can promise that there was no one else in the RV except for Noah Carlile who didn't touch my inventory https://youtu.be/NXo1BMRjT2Q 

    Vehicle license plate number*: RVONGC2D

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