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Posts posted by shinx17

  1. 46 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    The point was that once war starts, the official factions have an unbreakable monopoly on importing weapons because of their permanent alliance.

    Yes, during times of peace, anyone can purchase weapons. However if let's say Seaweed wanted to get heavy weapons today. Who would sell to them? When the two official factions are allies, and at war against them? 

    They can Rply find an older player who was around back when warehouses were a thing like we did and stock up. There are plenty of those people around, most of which I come across on a semi consistent basis. No, they cannot obtain these weapons from us but there will always be some rich guy out there that wants to supply a war for profit. War=profit on so many levels. I also want to point out that although we have rival gangs, business and logic can be separate for us most days. If we feel like a group will eventually become hostile, we will still provide them with weapons for profit at the end of the day. The council has more monopoly than just heavy weapons as well, there's also gun stores, gas stations, car dealerships, etc.

    I can agree that from a distance, it can seem like an unstoppable power house, you take 10 AK's from us and we import 40 more but we are in nature meant to police other gangs. Before this official thing was released, there was a rumor that PD would be able to RPly shut down a faction and they were in the proccess to make that happen during the war with Irish. The commissioner was collecting evidence on us, PD were IDing dead bodies and they were taking pictures from the hills while the gangs fought. They got to the point where they were about ready to raid every single members house and came up with the Racketeering law, I'm sure a lot of us remember. This is basically the same thing we do when we consider a gang unfit. Seaweed was MUCH different than most gangs because like Jay said, we gave them two months to grow. While we were taxing other gangs, we let them breathe free of charge and we actually wanted to groom them into something bigger, we had many conversations on that matter. So they were in a huge position to win and that's why I said there is no excuses for any gang that exist today. We offered them weapons for the low back then and everything and of course, they didn't take the offer, which was their decision. These guys had the Council ready to aid them in whatever they needed and that's the side no one seems to understand. They had EVERYTHING a gang needed to be as big as us and as powerful but when they don't use the cards they were dealt, we're somewhat at fault for cleaning that up? There is nothing wrong with the way official factions do things.

    Here's the reality of it guys, there's only so much brute force can do. Yeah, you can wipe out a few people with it but when you become stagnant, your muscles weaken and that's the truth.


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  2. 17 minutes ago, Tripcee said:

    20+ is being reserved, with both triads/zetas running around you probably have close to 50 people armed to the teeth, always trying to fuck you up, hard to grow when members dont want to stay because they are constantly getting fucked by the big 2

    More excuses. keep your head low and recruit. Narcos did it, LC did it, wanted did it, rooks did it, Irish did it, AMVL did it. So many people before you did it and here you are with 6 people complaining about numbers. You sit there stagnant, barely recruit, barely organized, leadership not even around during war times and you keep making excuses. Again, I'm seriously not trying to be insulting but this shit needs to stop. You can't possibly tell me you're thinking before you speak. Every gang before you stepped into the street and faught it out like men, win or lose. Sand gang gave us a horrible time, Narcos was about it and Vice Lords came out into the street as well. No excuses, no talk about numbers, just war with leaders calling the shots. 


    This shit is for everyone here. If ANYONE remembers the canal fights, dock fight and vespucci fights in the previous war with wanted, irish, etc. Put this man up to speed. If any MD or cops remember that shit, tell him how many bodies yall picked up on the streets in the middle of gun fire.


    Listen to the ambiance cuz 2:30

  3. Just now, Tripcee said:

    So go around the city with groups of 20+ people equiped with ak's and super cars? yeah your life is tough dude

    Yeah exactly, grow like AMVL and stop making excuses. Lame ass dudes really think they deserve the world because they say so. Let me sum it up to you, lace up your boots, stop making excuses and step your weight up. If you're making excuses about "20+ people" grow and stop being stagnant. I don't understand why people think it's okay to think they deserve shit just by existing and putting zero work in. That's lazy as hell.

  4. 40 minutes ago, GOAT said:

    Perhaps Mr. Gamble, you might be right, I might be ignorant. However, I think you like being on top far too much to ever risk wanting to changing things.

    There isn't a context, it's a big moment in the server's story where multiple factions are meeting and you've got that numerical advantage. What else could Seaweed do but either spread their asscheeks for you and let you do whatever or they can stand up to you and still get rolled over with ease.

    The Wanted and The Rooks technically exist, but they aren't in the conversation for a reason. They aren't in the same league as Zetas and Triads and it's this little birthday party alliance that keeps the other factions out of things. Fuck, if I was making a faction, i wouldn't even wanna bother in this climate.

    The last faction to truly do things right and have real clout was AVLN and they stopped in March. Since then the gang roleplay in this server has been nothing more than a daisy chain. As long as you get your ring kissed every now and then, the status quo stays the same.

    People moan about the gang wars when it's unequal sides. You two are probably as equal as it's going to get and you choose to hold hands with one another instead of competing, it's so lazy. 

    It wouldn't surprise me if your two factions have a photoshopped map carved up like a cake,

    "Here Mr. Gamble, I saved you the biggest piece of Vinewood."
    "Why Mr. Wong! this cake is simply delicious, how do you make it so light and moist?"
    "Why Jay.. you don't mind if I call you Jay do you? The key ingredients are love, understanding and admiration for your faction and all they do."
    "That is music to my ears Brucey boy, I love the way that we stand outside our grocery store and you ride around all day on your moto-bicycles. Make it make that noise on it that i love so much."
    "Ah delightful, let's go and find some farmers to steal from!"

    Bruh, the Commission was more or less the same people. Italians, Sicilians, Italian Americans, Sicilian Americans. I'm not sure Lucky Luciano would think much to a Latino Street Gang holding hands with a Chinese Mafia. They were a shared people, a shared culture. At least that made some actual sense.


    It's a better love story than twilight. Did you choose Edward or Jacob in the end, Bella Gamble? All the gangs being diplomatic sounds absolutely delightful, is this a GTA roleplay server or Habbo Hotel? These diplomatic gangs are mindlessly shooting people, but exclusively, no shots are being fired against those that are in a position to fight back.

    Maybe it's because I'm not a criminal that I see things more clearly. It makes no difference to me what side wins, what bothers me is that criminal role-play is always going to be hamstrung when things like this are a thing. There is no point of a Wanted or a Seaweed or Rooks or whoever even trying to make a move because ultimately you're dealing with a faction thats twice-thrice-quadruple your size in some cases.

    I'm in the biggest gang in the server, the LSPD so I'm not getting bullied no matter what but the little guy, little Freddy Farmer or Michael Miner, he gets force-fed shit sandwiches multiple times a day because you're all too busy chasing cheap wins against people that can't fight back. 

    It's called bullshit. It's just an in-character extension of not wanting to lose. You see the same attitude on a lot of these threads when people try and alter things for the better. Honestly in terms of the PD, we don't care who we arrest. If you commit a crime, it don't matter if you are a zeta or a beta. What does tend to annoy us though is when the big fish pick on the little guy. 

    Criminal organisations work within their own, they might entertain business relationships with other organisations but the end result is the want for betterment of their own organisation. Ultimately this leads to competition to be the best. Zetas and Triads should be vying for top spot, not sharing it, that's retarded.

    Fortunately I can see the sarcasm in this lmao but it's true. It's like a Gang Human Centipede.

    I didn't make this thread to try and change anything, I'm not that naive. I just wanted to highlight how dumb and counter-productive to having an exciting server for everyone that plays this little hug-a-thug movement is. It worked, I got more nibbles than fishing at the pier.

    Honestly yo, everything you just wrote only highlighted how simple minded you can honestly be. I'm not trying to insult you but it's true, you have zero clue about what's going on and you were not part of any of it. You have no idea how gang politics work. The fact that you said the only gang to do it right was AVLN showed your ignorance. I bet my bottom dollar you don't even know why that beef even started. All of the gangs you see in power came up from the mud and it's people like you hating from a distance that's the most annoying. You didn't pay attention to shit anyone said in this post, yet you decided to still reply and remain on your high horse. Get out of your body armor and come walk in our shoes and see if you make it anywhere. You're really out here gladly ignorant as shit and it's like you're proud of it. I'd rather hear the opinion of Officer Hamilton than you. At least the dude is on the field 24/7 dealing with gangs rather than giving out parking tickets like candy.

    Seriously, who's mans is this? Get his ass a snickers.

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  5. My point was, there is no real benefit other than gun imports, which again, are accessible through RP regardless. There are tons of players with huge stashes of guns and ammo. It makes it more organized and that's all. Being able to see who's online and offline and who's inactive and who isnt. The treasury can be easily maintained without an F4 Menu, (Book keeper type of rank). Everything you can do with the F4 menu, you can do without it. We are meant to oversee other gangs, to be the pillar of organized crime. Everything people complain about when it comes to us is the same thing we're supposed to be doing. We are meant to police unofficial gangs and police are meant to keep us in check, that's the food chain and it has to be that way. 

     Yes, sometimes you see us convoying up and causing destruction to another gang but that's because we're quite literally doing our job. If we feel like they no longer should exist, then we wipe them out and give room for other gangs to take their place. If we got uncontrolled and completely out of line 24/7, PD will do the same thing to us. 

    @Kyle White Raven

  6. 1 hour ago, Kyle White Raven said:

    I agree with you to an extent. I think it is great that gangs who have put in the effort get recognized, but I would personally prefer to see this in a non-script way. 


    I just don't really like how if you have a large group of people (AKA Rooks, Wanted ''Insert any group created with a healthy number of people'') you are automatically disadvantaged by a script. It isn't the fact that Zetas or Triads have an RP control on the import market or something along those lines, it just a script that tells them ''hey you are superior and somehow this laptop will only work with you and no one else''. 

    Giving recognition and praise where it is due is fine by me, brand them as the top gangs on the server or even keep them as ''official gangs'', but take the script limits away from other gangs who want to take a shot and being in the top.

    Let me put you on game. Official does NOT give you that many advantages. Yes, the laptop is dope and we can put a monopoly on heavy guns but keep in mind, Zetas were much higher in numbers before we had official (Our cap is 60 members) before official, we were almost peaking 100 members and we were just as organized and put together as today. Heavy weapons were never an issue for us back then either because before official, there were territories and warehouses and every gang could access them depending on how strong you were. Los Zetas never had the opportunity to own a warehouse back then but we used to buy heavy weapons by the weight even still, even when they were shut down. There are older players that still have access to a mountain of weapons and just like us, you have to RPly find them. Before LFB became official before, we met with them and set up a line of heavy weapons, before Irish was official, we did the same thing with them.

    There's a reason why official is so hard to get and it's because people tend to think they can't maintain without it and that's just false. I also want to point out that having a monopoly on heavy weapons are a required thing. The staff team removed territories for a reason. I think people have this notion that it's "unfair" but fail to realize that these gangs didnt just invite their friends from another server and got really selfish with everything official has to offer. Keep in mind that official factions house players of ECRP and lots of them. The council was a MUCH scarier group before official. Please stop thinking becoming Official is the finish line, it's seriously not. You have to have your shit in order before you get the F4 menu. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    As in, tax them, and if they refuse, then you rob them?

    Correct. The point in the tax system is because being neutral is not beneficial. Neutral means we're not at war and we're not allied. That I have no say in your affairs, your fights or anything. If you're at a drug lab and we're neutral, we leave you to that and go on our way. Which means tons less money for us. We cant chop your cars, we cant make drugs if you're there, etc. The tax system was put in place to replace the funds we would get from robbing you for your assets and chopping your vehicles, with a sum of money that is by far unequal to what we would gain during war. Taking an Ak off of someone currently is around 40 grand a weapon, cars range from 3-10k and drugs can make you 100k+ a run. 20k from 5 members is light, 10k from 10 members is nothing, etc. It's not meant to be the "Big bad wolf" it's simply means to continue to make profits where there are none to be made. No one wants to fight the entire server 24/7.

    When Zetas used to tax chopshop, we made around 400k or so every few weeks or so, now wanted runs the chop and that profit belongs to them. Official gangs are meant to provide the server with suitable gang Roleplay and there it is. Instead of us running around robbing everything in sight, day to day business continues and we stay out of your affairs.

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