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About KimchiiPWN

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  1. Yeah, like I said with the influx of youtubers and streamers it because relatively impossible to deal with the amounts of applications just gotta have patience. And the idea of approved not approved wouldnt help. A countdown on where you are in the applications works way better because they already have a system that basically tells you if you log on and try to the join the server weather or not it has been approved or is still in progress.
  2. Hi my names Kim,(FIRSTLY MY ENGLISH ISNT GOOD I AM SWEDISH) I am an ex admin and co developer of many Arma 2 RP servers. When i worked there I had an idea for a personal queue tracker. After influx of youtubers and streamers decided to bring RP servers on Arma2 to a wider audience we were slammed with 1000-10k apps a day, so I understand the struggle that you might be going thru at the time since its the second wave of GTA5RP and its seemingly much larger than before. My suggestion is to put a custom Queue timer for each individual account that is trying to submit an application. I suggest not putting the out of in it because there were a few set backs with that and its very discouraging. We made the mistake at first and put say as an example 524/20000. This inevitably turns some people away because they see how many people are also waiting. It somehow became a competition making people very bitter. So instead we had just where they were in the queue, like Your application is being reviewed, current position 201 and it would count down as more apps are approved or declined. and possibly a message saying check back in everyday. Now when my team started to get complacent and sometimes the applications didn't go down in the queue at all for say a day or two due it did also cause a bit of irritation from the community of new people coming in.But its understandable because people have lives and the majority of us worked on top of being full time students some would see no change daily but in the long run it did help give people moral, hope and more hype for them to finally be able to play. Most importantly the appreciation towards staff who worked hard to review and tedious amounts of applications was tremendous. The sense of actual communion. I am getting off track because im just remembering how it felt for me to get into one back in the day. Not everyone will feel the same but in my honest non bias opinion if it didnt cause to much stress to staff and i want to point out a little bit of reliance and stress on staff is a good thing, Yes it can burn you out but it gives you drive. You didnt ask for people to rely on you (generalized) but when its all broken down we do. Again off topic but a little summary for the TLDR Possibly add a where you are in the queue not with the amount left over just a countdown to where you are when you submitted your application. And possibly you could make people appreciate getting in more and save some hassle on the forums/discord for some staff having to deal with the old i was told this and now its this long why has it been this many or Im on this many days etc. Truly the system works it may cause stress for staff to not slack as much but its a good kind of stress. And its about quantity at first and then quality. Because if someone isnt gonna make it on the server they'd be gone not to long and those who end up staying will be the building blocks to an amazing community.
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