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Everything posted by funkydonuts

  1. Are you shitting me.. delete this before more people find out. (kidding) Today I learned..
  2. Date and time (provide timezone): July 1st, 8pm EST Character name: Frank Davidson Issue/bug you are reporting: When you craft drugs at drug labs, It failed to craft despite the correct ingredients. I then crafted it with the same ingredients but in the order listed in the lab and it worked. Tested multiple times and have video (will post when I get home from work) Expected behavior: Expected to craft the drugs with ingredients out of order. But it failed. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Will post video soon but worth noting I tested multiple times and something is wrong, if others can also confirm they are having issues.
  3. I also agree with this. I like the concept but at the moment too many things negatively impact the idea. Maybe this would only be good for Jail related fines (that way people who are broke don't just go around getting fines without repercussions.
  4. This is true. Perhaps the map/GPS could just be something only accessible with a charged phone instead? Also maybe it makes your phone die faster every time you use your map? @NBDY
  5. Um.. WOW!! Good work. Lots of changes. Will take some getting used to but very excited.
  6. Reduce respawn time of drug labs if the new detectives are checking them
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