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About A2headedcrab

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  1. Hey there all. I've been watching lots of footage of your guys' community and it looks pretty awesome! I was excited to dive into role-playing again after a long hiatus. It's just disappointing though, because this application process is taking considerably longer than I expected. I've role-played on so many communities that require whitelists so I can see reasoning for a long appeal process. However, I've been waiting for almost nine days now. I've been role-playing on communities such as World of Warcraft and the like with community populations that span in the thousands. The application process of those communities last anywhere from a single day to maybe three days. I understand the annoyance in asking for someone to look at my application or even ask "why the shit is this taking so long", but c'mon. I hope you understand my frustrations. Your community looks amazing and the opportunities to which it offers seems very unique! I'd just love to actually play on it and not wait longer than an damn college application submission....
  2. Been waiting 8 days as well. I've role-played on so many communities for half my life and I've never seen such a slow ass application process.
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