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Posts posted by tuccci

  1. It seems like the weather cycle never plays out fully unless it's the middle of the night with no admins on to interrupt it. 

    It's super immersion-breaking to be in the middle of RP outdoors, and it just instantly and unrealistically dries up because someone "didn't feel like it should be raining"

    I don't understand how changing the weather and effectively the RP 100's of people on the server can be decided arbitrarily by whoever can change it.


    If the rain is so unpopular among the player base that it needs to be turned off as soon as an admin logs on and notices it- it should probably just be removed altogether. 

    (I'm clearly biased because I grew up in a desert and love the rain)

  2. The root of all Criminal Roleplay problems (In my opinion) can be summed up by one fact- Criminal Roleplay and progression are tied directly to money, which is inflated to a point where criminals will do anything and everything to gain the money they need to progress their characters the way they see fit.

    That's why even if you wiped PD and got away, You ultimately barely broke even, as the cost of ammunition is not disregarded. 


    This could be solved in 1 of 2 ways- A financial reset, setting everyone in the city's cash back to 0.


    Not likely to happen, it's an idea that has been tossed around I think.


    Creating a separate system of progression/money for use by criminals.


    The system would need to ICLY be some form of bitcoin or electronic currency. It would need its own App on the phone to track your balance and transfer BTC to others.


    It would need to be earnable by criminals for completing criminal activities -Give the player the option to redeem packed cash for BTC OR regular cash.


    Make the things that are insanely inflated by regular currency buyable/Importable with BTC, Thus gaining more control over criminal progression patterns on the server. 


    This will take some tuning because it will require answers to questions like "How many hours of robbery should you need to do to get a pump shotgun with your BTC?"

    unlike cash, BTC will (should) inflate at a slower more predictable rate, as it won't have money printed into it passively. IE: you won't get 1,000 dollars worth of BTC just for existing the way you do cash.

    The BTC market could be done a bunch of different ways, but the most simple would be to allow BTC to be used as currency to order Cartel shipments, this way even if you've collected enough BTC to purchase something worthwhile, you'll still need the IC connections to spend it. 

    It would need to be tradeable from player to player and need to be protected from robbery by the OOC rules. (Similar to how the money in your bank is safe from robbery)

    "But cars are a huge part of progression Dale, you can't ship cars through the Cartel!"  Well if you meet a criminal that wants X20 shotguns worth of BTC MORE than a Paragon they have in their garage, you can make a person-to-person deal just like you would with cash now.  But I have a feeling if you get ripped off the Police will struggle to investigate.

    I'm not an economist, so there are potential pitfalls here I'm not seeing, but I think this is an idea with batting around a bit.

  3. -1.


    All I'm hearing is- "Y'know how people sometimes start shit just to get DM rights on you for your gun? why don't we make it possible to do that to cops!?"

    the IRL "reward" for killing a cop is you get to attempt to escape the country and spend your life on the run. (In a best-case scenario)



    The root of all Criminal Roleplay problems (In my opinion) can be summed up by one fact- Criminal Roleplay and progression are tied directly to money, which is inflated to a point where criminals will do anything and everything to gain the money they need to progress their characters the way they see fit.

    That's why even if you wiped PD and got away, You ultimately barely broke even, as the cost of ammunition is not disregarded. 


    This could be solved in 1 of 2 ways- A financial reset or setting everyone in the city's cash back to 0.


    (Not likely to happen, it's the idea has been tossed around I think.)


    Creating a separate system of progression/money for use by criminals.


    The system would need to ICLY be some form of bitcoin or electronic currency. It would need to be earnable by criminals for completing criminal activities (Give the player the option to redeem packed cash for BTC OR regular cash.), and the range of things buyable with BTC would need to be extremely diverse. (Guns Cars and Drugs) 

    It would need to be tradeable from player to player and need to be protected from robbery from the OOC rules. (Similar to how the money in your bank is safe from robbery)


    Suggestions like this are symptomatic of a larger problem with the criminal roleplay experience, and won't be fixed by making killing cops "More rewarding"


  4. Any footage from any person requires a /me (RP) with /time to be included in a Screenshot for the footage to be valid to be used in Roleplay.


    The same should go for destroying the footage or camera. IE: /me The body-cam would be destroyed by a bullet /time (screenshot) For each camera destroyed. Recently we've encountered  scenes with rp looking like  "/fdo All of the body and dash cams would be destroyed" 

    It would take a considerable amount of time to clean up evidence correctly and leave a single /fdo to disregard multiple cameras borders power gaming in my opinion.



    Adding the ability to lock the glovebox will help stop the annoying event of someone jumping into your car, and stealing everything from the glovebox in 0.5 seconds.

    /lockglovebox would make the interior inventory inaccessible with the "I" key.

    /unlockglovebox would make it possible to use this inventory.


    /unlockglovebox should work with either a bobby pin OR the vehicle keys (triggering the minigame to get into the glovebox if a bobby pin is being used)



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