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Posts posted by Shid_Dawg

  1. I stole both cars using lockpicks so how is this video proof of non proper roleplay, it is meant to be used to show the Zeta gang that the Saints can get even without breaking rules.  If any rules have been broken how come the Admins have not deemed it as such they have had enough time to do so.  I cannot see them deciding to put me up for a rule breaking appeal now... if they do doesn't this show favoritism to certain people? 

  2. How would this count as DM no player's were run over with the vehicles, would it have been any different if i decided to take the vehicles on a joyride bashing them by bad driving along the roads intentionally hitting barriers on the sides until the vehicles stopped running?  I role played the scenario as a Jackass tv show. 

  3. Today we begin with the best known method of making fast money... (Grand Theft Auto) stealing vehicles and chopping them for a fast dollar, drawbacks include rival gang menace, random thefts by non gang members, and lastly some not all new players that haven't really read over the rules & usually killing you for no reason.                                                                                            Chopping the 8 minutes you'll never get back waiting for (imaginary) mechanics to dismantle your new stolen ride.            1. Keep that engine running nothing is more effective than running away from potential chopshop thieves before your boxed in only having to comply with they're demands with guns pointing at you -you do have the option to run only if your not in an open view vehicle, vehicles where windows are not there-.                    1a. If you suspect you are about to be boxed in run away get away as far as possible find a nice hidden location on a dirt road off the main streets & use whatever weapon you have to destroy that vehicles engine & blow out the tires.  Most drivers in the game can't drive for crap let alone on 4 blown out tires with a damaged engine that will probably die before they get it back to the chopshop.  2. When your chop is just about done have an escape route planned even in open areas drivers have a hard time catching up to you as you're jumping over small fences boulders & smaller objects that will certainly ruin the threat chasing you due to them just giving it the gas speeding towards your direct location paying no mind to the obstacles in his/her way.                                                            This concludes our tips for a day. 

  4. I would think it wouldn't be against the rules if you waited 5 minutes at least, if I'm breaking into a car that has clearly been hidden, it should be anything goes but if its running at a gas station or on the road in driving lanes, then i would avoid it.  If they are found before the restart happens i cannot see an Admin doing that to you. 

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