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About WalterCash

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  1. And MOST of the players that does alot of combat-roll have it on SPACE button witch shows you how much it's accepted to the PVP players. Just because you do the Combat-Roll smooth in your screen does not mean other players see it smooth in THEIR screen.
  2. So basically in GTA3,GTA SAN,Gta 4 and GTA 5, A mechanic was added known as COMBAT ROLL. It got two options, roll left or roll right during action, a beautiful combat mechanic. It's really good in GTA 5 online (Vanilla) there is no issues with player A and Player B shooting at each other. But here is the issue with Rage:MP. It was NOT built to support stuff like that. So when Player A is combat rolling left and right and Player B shooting at him it will be almost impossible to hit player A most of the times. I've TESTED it, and it will ALWAYS depends on Player A connection and Player B connection. Player A got 80 ping and player B got 50 ping, when Player A fire at Player B and does Combat-Roll left and right the Player B will keep seeing Player A in the original spot for almost 1 sec. You can test it out, Let your friend do a Combat-roll Left or right, you will see him/her got a delay respond between you and your friend. So next time you see a PLAYER standing in point A and you keep shooting and suddenly he quick spin to point B it's all because of the ping. SO high ping player got advantage over you when she/he does COMBAT-ROLL and If you got HIGH ping the LOW ping player got advantage over you. This is not just my opinion I've TESTED it and I was shocked that COMBAT-ROLL is not punishable by the community.
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