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Everything posted by PersonOfPerson

  1. A player would find it very difficult and discouraging to having to read through the forums for detail's on a undefined rule especially when there is over 58k posts on this forum and the search system isn't the greatest. Going through the Non-rp section in the rules provides no information about the matter of which I made this thread for. (ought to mention , players using their own perception in situations can lead to issues considering everyone has their own different perception of situations and how they would react. ) I should not have to search through the forum for information which should already exist inside the Rule Document. Which you could argue I could just make a forum post like I have now but a person wont immediately be able to reply to a forum post like this (especially a staff member) in the quick time that I would most likely need. Its proven clear by this thread the first response to my issue took two hours but it took twelve hours for an actual staff member to respond. (could also argue and say the in-game report system is another thing but In my experience even that doesn't work because there wont always be a staff member online or they would be tackling another issue.) and /megaphone doesn't even appear as an existing thing inside the rule doc and not every player is going to play as a criminal and get themselves in situations where this'l be learnt. (The reason why I'm focusing on the rule doc so much is ^^^^^^^^^^^^ because you HAVE to read through it to even be able to attempt to join the server. The only time you need the forums is to get the link to the rule doc , but you can also find it by just googling.)
  2. I agree with your first statement there should have to be two individual's to rob a person especially when its in one of these situations. All I want is a clearer understanding of how to react in these situations such as on residential roads and the motorway and at a certain speed limit. (as Dennis said you wouldn't be able to hear shouting from another car when your doing 130KM)
  3. Theres no very clear way on explaining how to handle in vehicle , robbery engagements and how to react its very confusing when it happens considering it'd be harder to land shots on a person when your in a moving vehicle so the person would be less at risk (Ive had many experiences where my friends and i have been going 70 - 130 in our vehicles and being told to pull over by players that have slower vehicles then ours or the same speed and we don't know how Fear-rp would work in those situations , such as are we allowed to run? are we allowed to shoot back?) Please clarify in this post or make an adjustment to the doc please.
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