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Posts posted by ParsaPelox


    it seems like yall 6 gangs are just buthurt one time something didnt go your way deal with it icly and ill quote you brandon how can you say they can have official if if you even dont know how they organize icly and rp icly 

    Dude do you get the fact that this topic is made for "staff owned official factions" and not about the council part and 6 gangs allying up to smoke the one bad one trying to be the big dog?

    You're totally bringing up your IC issues onto unrelated "OOC" topic even tho you're failed crim and trying to snitch to PD to get a "Better" life as crim

    Lets not to go far from the topic itself and actually speak up from what you have dude 


    From personal interaction, knowledge and apart from the asset transfermission, These 2 factions are made to improve crim RP by what they're gonna do in future and as it was announced before they're trying to improve f4 and develop the features we've got.

    They both 2 were official factions back in the time with the same HCs and faction leaders + lets not forget about the part FM are part of them so they can take a closer look onto "official" and "unofficial" factions so maybe by the IC interacts FM would see hows their RP by the time passing.

    Again I'm saying its all my personal opinion and per my interactions with them through pm's and IC manners   

    • Like 2
    • Upvote 2
  2. -1 PD and SD already OP + the fact that all those come for free 

    just imagine 150 ammo on EACH of your guns + extended and lets forget about the part that some of these players abuse the /pw script and have unlimited ammo for FREE.

    Thats a FAT no to this suggestion or else lets pay for what you get as PD officer or buff crim aswell instead of nerf'ing it

    • Upvote 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, CaesarSeizure said:

    Maybe lets not make it too easy OK?

    i dont think you get definition of "easy"

    the banks are currently 10hours+ in the mean while so many people fuck it up cause alarms are bugged and theres only 4cm to aim at 

    lets skip the part PD camping at them 

    how about now?

  4. 11 hours ago, SimonZ said:

    Lowest for specter custom? 

    i can do it down to 370k the lowest cause im already in loss by buying this car for 500k and selling it for 370k

    5 hours ago, vx3r said:

    I'll give you a stock elegy for the Trophy Truck

    dont feel like i'd do this since stock Elegy is 180k and Trophy is listed for 240k

  5. 32 minutes ago, sasanmohamade said:

    - 1

    do not MG this pleas 

    already crime RP It has become very strong how ?????????

    1.buy a RV you can use a house 

    2.import a 12 table for 30k (laptop price) place it inside you RV or your house have access to unlimited materials start cooking for 2 hours you will earn around 100 k 

    and you can easily hit 1m in 12 day 


    council him self destroy the chop shops by robbing people in chophops Shaving their hair and insulting them why some one should chop a car again 

    not taxing only rob ((any thing you on  have is mine ))

    same whit drug labs 
    old days before drugs update soon as you walk in a drug lab some random dude whit a gang color robb you and leave and they force you to leave the lab 

    and funny think he leave whit you he dont wanna cock but he dont wanna you cook 

    yes but robbing some one Belong drug labs not in middle  of the street or drop of point Crime RP have this server for 2 YEARS and server was unplayable for other players think getting robb buy same guy  3 time  in butcher in 1 hours and you cant do any thing about it because he log in in game only for destroying other players Experience in game  

    did you check mining or other oil job every one is happy whit new rules and enjoy playing 

    if you are talking about gangs the all disbanded (irish , wanted ,misfit, NLA , Russian mafia,WCA, seaweed ,........) and is happend soon to others small  gangs 

    himmmm let me show you how gangs work in eclipse

    player 2 : you have gang ?

    player 3 : yes I want to have a meeting with the big gangs 

    player 2: ok lets go and talk 

    player 44 : ok i am the leader and rules is very simple you dont hit us we dont hit you . every week you should pay your  tax .and if you want heavy guns you buy it from us 

    player 3 : ok sound good

    2 weeks later 

    player 44: just wanna let you know we are in a war and green , yellow and pick gang they are whit us

    player 3 : what did we do !!!!?????

    player 44 : i dont now i just feels you guys not respect us or you can pay us every week 3m and then we are good 

    player 3 : i am going whit war we dont have 3m 

    2 days later 







    • Like 1
  6. I agree with most what above were said except some people talking about "it gave advantage to smaller groups"

    with current system server is just Ruleplay than "Roleplay"

    OOC limitations and OOC FMs opting who won "IC" war?

    +1 to this post and who ever is trying to return old crims back not "fake" and "this is public you cant rob me" crims 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Hello, Today I am listing my 7G(4G and 3G in the same place) for sale 

    I'd like to read and see the proper offers


    1. You're able to build a gate and parking spot with 10+ parking space

    2. Having very friendly neighbors around you 

    3. You're able to build the most of the surrounding area by owning these houses 

    4. beautiful lighting at the night time for parties 

    5. having pretty big pools at both 4G and 3G 

    You'd contact #5579161 | #4228100 or just offer down below this post

    pictures of the houses:


    There will be no starting price but not accepting ridiculous offers

    starting price: 5.3mil

    B/O will be 7mil

    I'd also like to point out that I'm also not accepting offers for each separate houses, I'd like to sell both at the same time.



    • Like 3
  8. im more positive to 2nd wave of suggestion cause of most sport cars above are too fast and i dont think we're going to see them tbh

    +1 overall we need more cars not 12 per year or less

  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 4/23/2020 - 11:11pm (UTC)

    Character name: Nicholas_Morgan

    Issue/bug you are reporting: After canceling /logout your phone disappears.

    Expected behavior: Phones shouldn't disappear

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 

    1- type /logout down and stay in for 1-2 seconds (can be even more)

    2- press esc and cancel it you see your phone has disappeared


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