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About 3marproof

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  1. 3marproof


    Would be nice to have Smoking as an Emote option.
  2. That's currently how it is, all medics do is CPR and Stabilize, and then we take them to hospital.
  3. But we can already do it using the ambulance, all they have to do is get in the car, so instead of doing it in the car you need to do it through the interaction menu instead, so really its just a change instead of an addition.
  4. Would be nice to instead of a patient healing process to be getting in the Ambulance, to have the options of the interaction menu that you get when reviving someone, to have them instead all the time, to use on anyone
  5. 1- People when dying can't see if Medics are responding or not, would be nice to have a distance indicator when you die of the distance of current online medics. 2- More in-debth Service System, Make it more realistic, with stuff like different kind of injuries, people break their bones when they take fall damage, having different type of "healing" depending on the type of injury or situtation.
  6. i been delievering packages for a while and my money is frozen at a certain amount, doesn't change at all
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