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Posts posted by heartgg

  1. 7 hours ago, Asiantator said:

    "Stimuli that 100% of residents experience". I believe it has to do with Stimuli, not the disorder that affects 100%

    "This new development, WHO personnel says, was inspired by concerns raised regarding the random idleness or inability to respond to stimuli that 100% of residents experience"

    hopefully that clears it up for you 🙂



    FORUM DR 82




    Address: Forum Dr. 82

    Garage(s): 1

    Location: near Gas Station, Docks, 24/7, Hospital

    Move-In Ready: Yes

    Rooms: 1 Bed, 1 Bath

    Owner: Affordable Housing Associates

    Contact: #5451869; heartgg#[email protected]

    Contract Type: Residential Lease



    Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/QPwnce4XFaiCJ8eq8










  3. 3 minutes ago, 8BitBento said:
    ADRESS: Vinewood Blvd 24
    LANDLORD: Affordable Housing Associates
    TENANT: Ringo Glassow
    The Residential Lease Agreement is made and effective on 09/06/2019 by and between Affordable Housing Associates (Landlord) and RINGO GLASSOW (Tenant). Hereby, Landlord rents the property to the tenant and tenant accepts the following conditions:
    1. The property still belongs to the landlord, while the tenant rents the property.
    2. The property will NOT be trashed, corrupted, or otherwise left in a worse condition than prior to tenant's usage.
    3. The agreed amount of funds ($10,000($15,000 after first week)) will be paid in full prior to the start/renewal date of the lease.
    4. Any and all damages will be hastily reported to the landlord.
    5. The agreed amount of funds stated in subpoint 3 is non-refundable, even if the tenant chooses to leave before the period of renewal ends.
    6. Conditions stated in 1.2 Pricing
    7. The landlord may deny a renewal of this lease for any reason.
    8. In case of lease renewal, a new Residential Lease Agrement will be signed, rendering the previous Residential Lease Agreement obsolete. 
    I, RINGO GLASSOW, agree and sign for the above statements on 09/06/2016. I agree to pay $10,000 for the rent of 1 month (( 1 week )) starting 09/06/2019.

    SIGNED BY James Sardinsky, AHA Owner







    Address: Vespucci Blvd 24

    Garage(s): 1

    Location: near High End Market, Docks, 24/7, Vinewood

    Move-In Ready: Yes

    Rooms: 1 Bed, 1 Bath

    Owner: Affordable Housing Associates

    Contact: #5451869; heartgg#[email protected]

    Contract Type: Residential Lease



    Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/QPwnce4XFaiCJ8eq8













    • Like 1





    Colt Wesson, a San Andreas native, was born on May 22, 1980 in the rural town of Grapeseed, just north of Sandy Shores. Colt grew up on a relatively small ranch with two siblings and his parents. His parents were a loving couple, but they were demanding, especially when it came to integrity and hard work. Along with his siblings, Colt was often required to perform tough farm work, which interfered with his school often. Colt's grades weren't of much concern to his parents, as they cared only for that Colt grows up to be a productive member of society. 

    During the late 90s, Colt had attended high school in Grapeseed. Similarly to other kids his age, Colt didn't care much about the higher education. He held the belief that he needed to learn the basics and that the rest is hard work in order to become successful. Nevertheless his beliefs, Colt wasn't a mean spirited student. He held deep respect of teachers and his colleagues. Even though instilled with a sense of indifference toward school, Colt tried his best to seem that he cared in order to satisfy his teachers. Moreover, Wesson never got into any sort of trouble (most likely due to the discipline his father provided in the early years). 

    When it came to graduation in 1998, Colt decided not to pursue college education. He witnessed that hard work pays off, especially through his father's success in the farming industry. This experience, however, did not influence Colt's career decision. While looking for a job out of high school, he found a low wage yet rewarding job in Grapeseed. He became a transport driver, stocking the stores in Sandy Shores with produce from Grapeseed. A few months after, Colt received a promotion and received more delivery work around Blaine County. This job was a great fit for Wesson; he felt that he was being a productive and useful human being. While on the road, he met a plethora of people from all kinds of socio-economic status. He had no trouble with connecting with the people of lower classes or enchanting the folks of higher class with his good spirited attitude and charisma. 

    However, all things come to an end sometime. After 10 years of working deliveries as a truck driver in Grapeseed, Colt found himself stranded in the middle of the 2008 financial crisis. Companies foreclosed and delivery jobs became more scarce around his parts. Therefore, he decided to scratch up his savings and move into the city of Los Santos. Although reluctant of city living, Colt had to adapt to the New World Order. Luckily, he found a truck driving job in the industrial docks area which connected him back to going to the northern San Andreas territories. This career continued until today and Colt still can be found on I-1, driving toward his destination.

    As of today, Colt Wesson finds himself in the heart of Los Santos, ridden with violent crime which he blames the influx of immigrants and the government's inaction for.

  6. 27.08.2019





    By Anonymous_Submission 


    On the early morning of the 27th of August, local authorities discovered the mutilated body of a renowned CEO, Michael Blackburn. Michael Blackburn was the leader of Coven Cleaning--the revolutionary company that brought new ways of garbage disposal to the Los Santos Metro Area. Los Santos has long struggled with its waste problem. Every year, approximately 500.000.000 tons of waste were produced; that is twice the amount that the United States produced collectively. The innovative method of "degradation disposal", introduced by the company, reduced the amount down to 100 tons of waste a year. The method was never fully revealed by Mr. Blackburn, but it is speculated that the company used highly corrosive acids to melt the waste. Such high amounts of corrosive acid could only be approved by the San Andreas government. Surely, multiple parties would take interest in such compounds for illicit activities. 

    The authorities speculate that the murder was carried out by a violent, organized crime group that took interest in Coven Cleaning secrets. The most known infamous criminal organization is the Zetas, yet the authorities do not believe that the deed was carried out by them. The investigators stated that the murder was carried out by a new, unlisted criminal organization on the rise within Los Santos. The motive, nevertheless unclear, is considered to be that Blackburn was cleaning up a mess after the group, but did not do the job well enough. There was some speculation that CEO Blackburn was himself involved in illicit waste disposal such as getting rid of evidence or bodies, but no proof of such claims was found. 


    Blackburn's body was barely recognizable as it was cut into pieces, with the head remaining intact. One piece of paper was found in Blackburn's mouth. The text read "You failed to take out the trash, and we didn't." The piece of paper was covered in blood, but no forensic evidence pointed to anyone. Indeed, the only DNA traces found were those of the CEO. To add to the enigmatic nature of the murder, Blackburn's body parts were packed into separate garbage bags except for his head.

    The investigators are scratching their heads. With no lead, the lead investigator said, there is no way to pursue the perpetrators. The local authorities have posted a notice that any person who brings forward any evidence leading to arrests will receive a $100,000 reward. As for now, the mystery is cold and unsolved. Coven Cleaning has been taken off the stock market due to its disbanding. Stockholders found great losses due to that event, but there were no volunteers to fill in the CEO spot (most likely due to fear).



    • Like 2
  7. Howdy,

    I would like to make a suggestion to have aviation script support on the server such as:

    Pilots licenses (need to have an almost clean record to get one)

    Buying planes

    Buying helicopters

    Buying hangars

    Flight Company Faction support

    I think this would add to civilian RP and make it more fun. For example one could get a job in the faction where they could take contract flights from LS to Sandy Shores, tour flights, etc. There could also be traffic controllers.

    Civilians would also be able to fly their own planes/helicopters if they applied for a pilots license and had enough money to buy an aircraft.

  8. 16 minutes ago, JayGamble said:


    Where did she say criminals at all? The bias is unreal here. Are you guys under the impression that no one but criminals act creepy? If so, it shows how really out of touch you are with seeing social behavior on this server.

    Lmao I’m not even gonna get into this 

  9. I disagree with holding someone at gunpoint over catcalling, but it is pretty bad how people treat women IC. But you also have to remember that majority of the server and criminals are low end thugs and gangbangers.

    On another note, this is just a side effect of the internet. People are anonymous and hold no repercussions over things said IC and OOC. Nobody would really say those things but because they can, they do.

    • Like 1
  10. 38 minutes ago, Shorty said:

    Many officers on scene who had no clue what was going on. I at first was being told of multiple charges that i did not do only to have another officer come in and correct that officer.

    I will take 1 of the said charges that i was most mad about. Armed robbery. Cameras was broken and everything RP'd correctly no officer witnessed me on scene robbing anything. The store in question is not the store you see in the background. So obviously hes lying out his ass as there was no evidence.


    Also about IA reports why would i as a criminal be running around wearing a go-pro to record IC footage? What kind of dumbass criminal goes around recording every crime they do.


    Next little quirk. I got shot by the officers for pointing my gun at them which is fair. But why the hell do they announce themselves like some robbers? "PUT YOUR HANDS UP I WONT SAY IT AGAIN" I didn't even notice it was a cop so i just reacted by instinct. Why don't they yell "LSPD" or some shit like that.

    IA reports can be OOC as well. I'm saying that if you don't commit a crime and you're under arrest, you can make a report even if the footage was OOC. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Shorty said:

    Well of course its biased. Its coming from the ones getting to actually "experience" jail. I don't really know what i experienced though as i could've sat and stored at a dot in my own wall for 5½ hours and it would have had the same effect. I didn't see nor hear anyone since i arrived to the time i left. Much RP fun RP.

    You don't know that and even if he was forced to hold em, PD wouldn't care one bit so don't act like it. Also if this was real life half the force of PD wouldn't be PD with the way they handle themselves.


    Heres a little video for you boys. Police know they can do w.e they want because no one takes anything to IA and if they do it takes way too long to process. This is why most cops are just running rampant like the biggest gang on the server.


    Whether it may seem annoying, out of touch, or passive-aggressive, all of the points the officer listed are correct. 

    1. The officers did not say that they didn't have evidence. Officers do not have to share the incriminating evidence with you. They definitely had evidence or seen the crime being committed or you wouldn't be under arrest.

    2. You could take this to IA if you didn't commit the crime. If the officers arrested you just to frame you or something, that would fall under breaking faction rules (OOC corruption). 

    3. Self explanatory

  12. 36 minutes ago, DaniDota said:


    You can conseal AK's (with foldable stocks obviously) in sweatpants 'n stuff. Same goes for shotguns.


    They are not extremely large, they're around 60cm's with folded stocks, and I don't know but the average length of a grown male is 180cm, seems pretty possible to me.

    Yes, it'll be somewhat difficult, but it's possible.


    It would be extremely obvious from close up, but not so obvious from farther away. Still, I think heavies need to be shown on a person if they are in their inventory.

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