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Posts posted by binkmybonk

  1. For Part 1, I disagree. Others have stated all of the reasons already although, I would like to say that the cops deal with this problem too. Compared to real life, it's just as unrealistic for a cop to pull someone over for leaving the scene of a crime than it is for a criminal to be blatantly breaking the law in front of a cop, which in my experience, is extremely common.

    As for Part 2, I mostly agree besides the kevlar thing (See Bill Breacher's post above). I'm a little surprised to see how much less RP is required or taught in PD compared to the time I have spent working for DCC. At DCC you have to roleplay with /me and /do: Changing into your uniform, grabbing the keys for your vehicle, grabbing an iPad or using a computer to access the interal database, pulling out the vehicle from the garage, adjusting your seat and mirrors, turning on the dashcam, putting on your seatbelt, turning on the fare/cruise control and you have to RP undoing most of that stuff to, like pulling the vehicle back into the garage, putting the keys back, etc. If their taxi is damaged they are also encouraged to bring the taxi back to the garage at DCC and actually roleplay repairing it or replacing it. (Some might say this is because DCC drivers don't actually get to do much whilst on duty, so this essentially just gives them more to do.) 

    During my time in PD, the few people who I have seen get their tyres shot out go and change their cruiser with no roleplay. Seeing that does kind of take roleplay out of it and makes it feel more like a game. Coming from DCC, it still makes me uncomfortable just doing /fspawn without any roleplay attached and then immediately being able to drive off.

    The first time I was in a cruiser that flipped, we got picked up by AIR-1. AIR-1 literally landed in the middle of the road, blocking it entirely just to pick us up, which did surprise me as I wouldn't have thought that would be allowed.

    Despite that, I think the standard of roleplay is generally very high in PD but I would personally like to see a change implemented regarding vehicles.

    • Like 1
  2. I think most of us know there's currently a problem with housing in the game. There are a lot more people looking to buy property than there are people looking to sell property. One example of this is the IC Advertisements section, under Properties, it's evident that there are far more people posting about looking to buy houses with little attention. Whereas the posts about selling get much more views and interest.

    I suggest that more housing locations are added, as there are some locations that could be utilised that aren't and/or opening up houses to the market that have been left vacant for a long time.   I belive this would This would positively impact the game as the housing market would hopefully go down slightly making the prices less inflated and closer to a realistic interpretation. 

  3. It probably would run pretty well.

    I have the same specs in my PC basically, except my processor is worse and I have 16 GB RAM.

    This laptop is cheap and easy to upgrade to 16GB of RAM if you need to anyway.

    For the majority of the time, it's over 60fps and it looks fine, but sometimes I get around 50 fps with a fair amount of unloaded textures and some minor freezes.

    You could even play on max graphics settings in-game but you might experience pretty bad unloaded textures while driving.

    • Like 2
  4. Max Chiliad


    "Welcome to Ludendorff" sign in North Yankton

    It was April 19th, 2000 on a farm in Ludendorff, North Yankton. In the middle of a snowstorm. As the snow fell, Max’s family were all in their living room celebrating his 8th birthday. He was given a frosting-less cupcake with a single, lit candle on top. “Now that you’re turning 8, despite being so young, you will learn how to run the family business.” Max’s father explained to him.

    Max grew up with 5 older brothers who had already started their journey of learning how to run the farm. He knew what was coming, as it did for all his older brothers on their 8th birthdays. The next day would be the start of a terrible time for Max. It began with waking up around 5:30AM and he was taught all of the tasks he would need to carry out on a daily basis, things all farmers know… bah the sheep, cluck the hens, moo the cows, oink the pigs, quack the ducks and so on.

    3 years later, Max was tending to one of the wheat fields using the family’s old tractor when he saw his brother Marvin running up to him. Marvin informed Max that the family had decided to relocate, as their father had been offered a very good deal to work on a farm in Grapeseed, San Andreas. Max was told to stop what he was doing and start packing up his things to get ready for the move.

    Max’s brothers were all very much against the idea of moving from the small town of Ludendorff because they had many friends there and had a special attachment to the place, whereas Max was excited. He had heard about the big city, Los Santos, in newspapers and on the radio. He would fantasize about living there constantly during his childhood, so he was thrilled to be moving to a town nearby.

    Once the family had finally settled in Grapeseed, the head of the family, Max’s father, sadly passed away from a heart attack. Things were going to get a lot more difficult for the family now, but as long as they persevered through this tragic news, they would be able to maintain their workload and keep the family running.


    Max Chiliad, working on his dad's old farm in Grapeseed

    A few months had passed and Max was finally enjoying the hot weather, the hot girls and the tasty foreign cuisines he had never had before just as he thought he would. On the other hand, things had taken a wrong turn for Max’s brothers. They had made some new friends but little did they know, they were from the infamous O’Neil family. Over time, the Chiliad brothers slowly started learning how to make and distribute meth for the O’Neil brothers.

    Max and his mother then had to endure countless visits from Grapeseed PD and the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office as Max’s brothers were frequently getting caught for various crimes, usually involving drugs. Max was very sad to see his brothers go down a path so far from what their father had taught them and was dedicated to stopping this pattern. He and his mother decided that a big change was needed and since all his brothers were either in prison or had passed away from drug use, they decided to sell the farm and the equipment, split the money and move to Los Santos.


    Max Chiliad, driving his dad's old truck into the city

    Max took his father’s old beat up work-truck, put all of his belongings in the back and drove down the LS Freeway until he reached Los Santos. After a couple of days, he was able to move into a high-rise apartment in downtown Los Santos and his mother moved into a retirement home in Vespucci. Max managed to land a job as a construction worker as he was used to getting up early and doing manual labour. This would be the beginning of his new life.

  5. Looking to buy 2G+ Houses

    Only looking for houses in the following locations:

    East/West/Downtown Vinewood, Mirror Park, Vinewood Hills, Hawick

    Anywhere near DCC - The closer the better.

    The below photo shows the locations I am looking for.


    Feel free to reply to this post with address and details, or text:

    #573 8615

    Make sure to include the address as location is most important to me.


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