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About 777xander

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  1. @SteScotlandmost people wont give you a chance to role play and also its better fun ACTUALLY fighting and improving your skill.
  2. @Roberto_Sanchez yeah but as it is now is frustrating and boring and im pretty sure you would agree that the standard one is more fun. And you can also dodge so you could probably make less than 30% of the punches connect.
  3. @Roberto_Sanchez yeah obviously but in real life you don't go throwing your fists in the air completely missing your opponent about 20 times in a row.
  4. @MusketDeezNuts I still think they should consider adding it as it makes it a more fun experience. They should probably lower the damage of the hits then if that's the case. Also you could probably just roll back into a better position then shoot the target. If someone did come hitting you with their fists with a gun pointed at them isn't that breaking the rules? It could just be dealt with right away by an admin.
  5. Hello. I am suggesting that the server implements a better fighting system / add locking on because if any of you have been in a fight on the server you may have realised that it is extremely hard to land hits in fights and you and your opponent end up throwing your fists in the air randomly. I think the normal GTA fight mechanisms are better as you can improve your fighting abilities and it is more realistic. I find the one now boring and frustrating but the actual GTA locking on and dodging one is fun and a good way to improve your skills. I hope you read this. ~alex
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