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Posts posted by Sopherion

  1. 43 minutes ago, Joe Narco said:

    Well in my eyes its a bad idea for a few reasons as i said before

    1-They removed super cars for a reason...

    2-Some people do take short/long breaks after a perm, or just a normal ban.

    3- will just cause drama, with charge backs, and crying on the forums.

    so that's a -1 from me, even tho i i got no saying 😄


    While I've not really paid much attention to the goings on regarding supercars (buying/selling/adding/removing/nerfing/etc) and I've been away for a time I feel we may be debating on a different set of information. So, I'll leave it to you, but yeah. Neither of us really have any say.

  2. 1 minute ago, Joe Narco said:

    Okey, so first thing first, no i did not mean, they removed super car just to inforce more player to player transactions, they removed them, cause they were aids to deal with, and you would see them all over the map, second of all some people do end up taking quiet a long break after being permed, as they want to sit back and think about what to do, and the last part, no not all people charging back after they get permed, a good example is Le_Chan with a GP1 he got permed and never charged it back. same as i donated 10$ like a week before being permed.

    I wasn't saying everyone who get perm'd will issue a chargeback. I said, "Wouldn't the individuals who issued the chargebacks...". #NotAllPermBans

    If they do take a hiatus then so be it, but do so knowing what's at risk. In this case I'm less concerned with their cars and moreso their houses as there are finite. That being said, I am aware of the ratio of player base to housing especially when you consider each player's economic standing.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Joe Narco said:

    In that case people will just start charging back. and once again, im pretty sure they removed them from dealers to prevent players from having those, giving players a new way of getting super cars, brings the question of why removing them in the first place.

    Wouldn't the individuals who issued the chargebacks do so irrespective of what happens with their car in-game? It's not like they can use it either way.

    Also, you're saying that you feel the supercars were removed from dealerships to encourage player-to-player transaction as opposed to buying from an NPC?
    I haven't been on in like 6 weeks and when I last read the rules cars purchased with credits weren't to be re-sold, iirc.


    4 minutes ago, Joe Narco said:

    Sometimes appeals get denied for months, in that case whats next? cause if you remove someones assets for not being able to appeal, in kinda unfair, and if you just remove them, it will kinda bring bad rep to the community, as sometimes people are getting permed for not much of a reason.

    What I am saying is if Player X was banned and does not submit an appeal for, let's say a week, then they clearly aren't that interested in returning.
    However, if Player X does submit an appeal their assets are to be frozen pending the outcome of the (potentially months-long) appeal process.

  4. Not unlike what JackD said, there should be a waiting period to see if there is a ban appeal and how that goes.
    If it takes longer than, I don't know, a week(?) for them to start the appeal process (or the appeal is altogether denied) then to the auction block their assets go.

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