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About Ryumdar

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  1. It's not about one case, it's about ALL of them, too many thirsty Incels out there that ake a kind word and some RP to mean "oo I can be with them IRL" an then harass once they get a no
  2. So basicly all actual women on this server are worried about this?
  3. You have the Evidence, of her saying NO three times, if you had that on me? Yes I'd like for you to ban me
  4. Translation: We don't care because we might not be liable, please carry on harassing others as long as you take them out of our survice first, please give us VIP kthxbye
  5. Eclipse, where all the RP sex pests and sexual harassers can pay a nominal fee of 10Euro an get away with it because the admins don't care if you are assaulted, harassed or bullied in anyway, gotta get that money yo
  6. The admins have logs of someone saying No on discord THREE times an then still get harassed an given a dick pic, they wont ban they guy just told me "didn't happen IG so doesn't matter" so how many children play this game? Yeah think they ne4d to fix that shit
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