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About NPH95

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  1. 90 is way too much. 70km/h is perfect
  2. I think the payment system of rental vehicles should be changed little bit. For now when you get rental it will start to get money out of you pocket and then from the bank account, i think it should be changet that it will get the money only or primary from the bank account
  3. Yeah i once parked my car to the bus job place and found it later at near of LS Custom in city, still locked. Might be moved by desync or someone can enter the cars when they are locked -Matt Nova
  4. NPH95

    Rental cars

    i can't see adding those as issue. there was 2 taxis online yesterday and i was in north without car. I called for taxi but none off those didn't accept my request and i waited for long time. Also the hospitals in north aren't marked on map
  5. This would be good since now we have to wait 16 hours to the bank to reopen. if there is too much time for banking if this get approved, then the afternoon times at bank could be like 16-21 or something
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