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Everything posted by Stelllyo

  1. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    Its Merry Christmas in my America.
  2. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    You need to seriously get a life.
  3. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    I am so sorry that your sorry excuse to attempt and get anyone to pitty you never worked inside of the PD. For one, you wont hurt my feelings, its evident that yours have been hurt though. You came to PD to a no parking area, and attempted to fuck with Cadets because it made you feel like a big man. Your entire time within the PD all you ever did was attempt to get rank and feel like a hot shot, but in the end all it got was you kicked out of the PD. I posted it because it was relevant. People cant say the things they want to say inside of the PD because people like you get butthurt and cry about it. It was honestly embarrasing seeing someone so much older than me act like such a fucking child. You made an idiot mistake, and when you got called out you got upset. Then when told you would have to apologize for it to the Cadet, you said fuck it and left. I have retracted my statement about the OOC channels several times throughout this entire post. However you wanted to make things more personal than they already were. You OOC insulted some kids on the Internet, then got caught. You were then demoted for these OOC insults, to which you then continued to act like a clown IC and OOC. Then when someone reported you knowing you were on thin ice. You then got called into the Office by Randy Randul, yelled at, and told to apologize. Instead of doing what is excpected of a High Ranking PD member, something of which you seem to think you really are IC and OOC, you basically said fuck off. Then when I attempted to apologize because I felt sorry for you, you called me a Rat and cried about how sad you were that you got kicked out of the PD. To everyone on this post, my argument about the OOC TS was made in a hasty rush last night in a fit of emotion, and I apologize for that. However, to Ethosyde, I will not sit here and let you act as if the things I have and have gotten have been handed to me, and as if you are some sort of moral shining knight. You OOCly acted like a clown to so many people, and attempted to say you were better simply because of the time you had put into the PD. There is a reason you got demoted, and a reason you got booted. So dont talk about "taking them down in efforst to make yourself feel and look better", because if I recall you called people baby back bitches.
  4. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    @SoloSmith Yeah I can agree there. He did not get the personal convo we had about the subject and I’m too tired to have another one. Also my whole point on collin wasn’t that he was fucked over for MG John, it was that he was in the PD for so long and never got anywhere because everyone ignored him. Didn’t evrn know he was kicked For MG. That’s some hilarious irony though
  5. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    Now I’m heading to bed because I have to go somewhere in like 8 hours. The conversations been fun man, hope to do it another time, and I’m sure it’ll happen anytime another person says anything ever about the PD.
  6. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    Calm down Jesus fucking Christ. The last time I saw someone get this angry over a forum post, their Incel Reddit got banned.
  7. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    Aha, I can see your point. I have not been around that often since the new Admin system has been in place, as when I had been within the PD there had been several incidents where Metagaming had been an issue. Sometimes it happens and Officers don't even know they are doing it. I did not mean for my original post to come off as an attack on the PD, and I'm sorry if it seemed like one. If I could sum up my opinion here I would like to: I would just like to let the people know that there are OOC channels within the TS, and that they can sometimes be used for Metagaming purposes. However, sometimes officers don't even recognize that its happening. It can even be as simple as saying "Hey, I'm at the Xero 24 come pick me up", or expressing your opinion to another Officer while in the OOC channel about the situation you are in. After reading some of the points and talking to a PD member about it for a bit, I do agree that the OOC channels do a bit more good than they do bad, and that the Admins patrolling the channels is a good idea. I do however still maintain that PD members should talk Ingame while using TAC, as it gives players the same abilities that PD members have. My main issue with the arguments made by John Wallace where that they felt very personal as to my leaving of the PD, and as if my leaving of the PD was the reason I had these standpoints. It isn't. I did not want to leave the PD on a bad note, and I feel as if I did. I care very much about the members of the PD with some of who I've now known for Six months. I left because of OOC issues and mainly for the fact that my inactivity was beginning to get me a lot of passive aggressiveness from a lot of fellow Officers, which only made me want to get on less. I think the best thing to take out of this discussion is that many people do agree that PD members should talk in-game while in Tac Channels, at least that's what I'm seeing. Also, thank you for the police response James.
  8. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    If you would like to continue insulting me go ahead, but Im not going to drop down to the low level that you set your standards at John.
  9. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    You are attempting to make this about me, and the PD, and that is not the point. You are attempting to Derail and take us off topic, and I wont allow that. I am no longer going to reply to you, or any other PD member. I have stated my opinion on the matter, and I will not say anything further as you are attemtping to rile me up, and that is childish. This is a suggestion not a debate, there is a poll. The poll is all I really care about in your opinion.
  10. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    If you wish to drag my Character then so be it, but I think we can all agree on one thing. The PD ran better when Ramon was Chief, Palmer was Commander, and some of its members were Inactive. You can continue to say that my argument is invalid for "personal reasons", but I am simply making statements as an observer from the PD. It is not YOUR responsibility to say when WE discuss things.
  11. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    For one, My personal resignation was due to the fact that I had a suicide in the family, and I did not wish to continue the Toxic membership to the faction that was already going downhill. If you would like to speak about my time at the PD, then go ahead as you may. However, do not speak about things you have no idea about nor have any business in speaking about. I was left in charge of a department that had no structure to begin with, and was left behind by a terrible leader- much like Katherine has been left to do. My issue with the PD is that in its own discourse, keep that in mind. I am simply calling out facts that bothered me while I was in the Police Department now that I am out of it, and no longer subject to any type of punishment from its members. If you wish to say you dont tolerate MG then you may say so, but there cannot be an admin in every channel at every time , and how many Seargents are there to be exact? You must have started that policy since I have left a few weeks ago, as when I left almost every person that was online or off would occupy one of the same channels as the other. My goal on the server now is to help out the people who have been fucked over the unfair use of tools the PD is so privileged to have. The issue isn't that it does or doesn't happen, the issue is that it can happen. The original command wanted to get rid of Teamspeak and Discord all together, you know that. They wanted to have it all done over Radio, you know that. While on the point of Harmdone making a multi-channel Ingame implemented radio, Harmdone has a list of things as tall as Maze Bank building, Ive seen it, and you know it as well. If you think that will be done anytime soon then take a look at all the other things Harmdone was supposed to do by now. The ECRP discord has a record of everything ever said by any player at any time in the Text Channels, and all rooms besides ones meant for Staff are Public, therefore anyone can join them to see what the conversation is about. The PD Teamspeak is for PD members only. As to why I have not reported any metagaming issues is because in the PD, when you report something to higher up's, your typically called a Rat. Ill go ahead and give you an example: Giovanni Gallini was given a suspension after I reported him for In Character mistakes, here were the OOC messages I got on his behalf. Many new members of PD and even experienced ones whom spend months and months putting in work into the PD get very upset OOCly when they are "ratted" on, and I already have enough OOC bullshit going on in my life while I was in the PD to deal with more. Anytime anyone suggests anything that involves the PD, we have John Wallace and SoloSmith to run to the blind defense of the PD. My suggestion was that the PD should not have talking privileges in OOC Channels, because they do not need to communicate OOCly while on duty for any reason. Why should an Off Duty cop be inside of the OOC channel with an on-duty one? There is no reason for it. It was supposed to be removed long ago, and this is a suggestion on how to do it. The reason John why I have a "vendetta" on the PD, is because I can see just how fucked up the PD is after leaving it. I saw it while I was in, but didn't want to say anything. You have few people who know what they are doing, and the ones who actually want to help get brushed aside *ahem, Collin Fox, ahem*. You have a failing FTP system, and a Command Staff that has no idea what they are doing, or what is going on in their own faction. There are almost never any PD members online, and I can agree, I was one of those PD members that never came on, I won't even disagree with you on that. I was inactive, but mainly because I have a life to live, and college to do. If you want to simply chalk up my argument on why the PD TS shouldn't have talking privileges inside of the OOC channels to a "personal vendetta", and say that Metagaming isnt an issue, go ahead. You can sweep this issue under the rug like the PD does with everything. Also, for SoloSmith that I know for sure is going to comment like he always does after John Wallace, Im not even going to bother reading what you say, because I know I can just read John's and get the same bullshit.
  12. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    Have you ever been in a PD Teamspeak Channel? I was with the PD for over 6 months and in that time Ive seen countless cases of Metagaming over the Teamspeak inside OOC manners. Comments made about someone on an OOC standpoint that if conveyed in character would change the flow of RP, and sometimes put it in favor of criminals. The issue is that they wont say it IC because they know it would sway out of their favor.
  13. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    The only issue that I have with your statement is that while yes it is fun and nice to have someone to talk to while you patrol, there is no way for it to be regulated for Metagaming and that is unfair to the players.
  14. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    PD Teamspeak Issues I am going to Address the Issue of the Police Teamspeak and explain what it is used for. When you join the Police Department, you are given access to a Police Discord, and a Police Teamspeak. The Police Teamspeak looks as follows: This is the Police Teamspeak setup. As you can see, there are Three Channels listed as IC. The rest are listed as OOC. When an issue that requires mass police presence arises, a PD member may call over the radio for a "Tac Call". This means that all available Officers, or one requested, must then switch to the Tac Channel called. Either 1, 2 or 3. This is so that the PD members may ICly talk over an IC means, and direct each other in pursuits, or other large situations. While this is useful, there are also the issues that you cannot hear what they say In these Tac Calls, Ingame. Suggestions have been given that they must talk ingame as they talk over the Tac Channel, but none have been implemented. These Tac Calls are not my issue, however, they can be seen as an unfair advantage to PD members, as they are able to silently communicate their plans. A rebuttal to that statement that Tac Calls give them an unfair advantage of "silent" communication during a pursuit or situation might be that "Well, you wouldn't be able to hear us communicate over radio in our cruisers while in a pursuit", but many a time have I been in a pursuit and witnessed other PD members comments over the Tac Channel how the suspect was calling over Radio. My issue concerns mainly the OOC Channels. These are to be used by the Unit pertaining to their names. However, very often will other units be inside of that units Channel to communicate OOCly. This may not seem like an issue, but many a time these OOC channels are used in an IC sense in that metagaming is common. It can be as small as communicating where your location is, or saying that you are dead, the situations are infinite. It happens very often, and one solution is to simply remove these OOC channels, or have you muted inside of them. Units do need a channel to hang out in, so that they may switch to TAC with ease. However, do they need to be able to talk inside of these channels? I've had tons of conversations inside of these channels that concern things happening ICly, and it may not seem like a big deal while doing it, but I can see that this is actual metagaming and many officers do it on a daily basis. When I told the Chief this was going on, she just said that if I gave her evidence of this then she would resolve this, but that's the issue. None of us have access to the Teamspeak to witness this going on. It just goes on. So why not just remove the OOC channels, or have it so there are no talking privileges inside of the Teamspeak channels?
  15. Stelllyo

    PD Teamspeak

    PD Teamspeak Issues I am going to Address the Issue of the Police Teamspeak and explain what it is used for. When you join the Police Department, you are given access to a Police Discord, and a Police Teamspeak. The Police Teamspeak looks as follows: This is the Police Teamspeak setup. As you can see, there are Three Channels listed as IC. The rest are listed as OOC. When an issue that requires mass police presence arises, a PD member may call over the radio for a "Tac Call". This means that all available Officers, or one requested, must then switch to the Tac Channel called. Either 1, 2 or 3. This is so that the PD members may ICly talk over an IC means, and direct each other in pursuits, or other large situations. While this is useful, there are also the issues that you cannot hear what they say In these Tac Calls, Ingame. Suggestions have been given that they must talk ingame as they talk over the Tac Channel, but none have been implemented. These Tac Calls are not my issue, however, they can be seen as an unfair advantage to PD members, as they are able to silently communicate their plans. A rebuttal to that statement that Tac Calls give them an unfair advantage of "silent" communication during a pursuit or situation might be that "Well, you wouldn't be able to hear us communicate over radio in our cruisers while in a pursuit", but many a time have I been in a pursuit and witnessed other PD members comments over the Tac Channel how the suspect was calling over Radio. My issue concerns mainly the OOC Channels. These are to be used by the Unit pertaining to their names. However, very often will other units be inside of that units Channel to communicate OOCly. This may not seem like an issue, but many a time these OOC channels are used in an IC sense in that metagaming is common. It can be as small as communicating where your location is, or saying that you are dead, the situations are infinite. It happens very often, and one solution is to simply remove these OOC channels, or have you muted inside of them. Units do need a channel to hang out in, so that they may switch to TAC with ease. However, do they need to be able to talk inside of these channels? I've had tons of conversations inside of these channels that concern things happening ICly, and it may not seem like a big deal while doing it, but I can see that this is actual metagaming and many officers do it on a daily basis. When I told the Chief this was going on, she just said that if I gave her evidence of this then she would resolve this, but that's the issue. None of us have access to the Teamspeak to witness this going on. It just goes on. So why not just remove the OOC channels, or have it so there are no talking privileges inside of the Teamspeak channels?
  16. If you got your licenses suspended until October, you need to report that to High Command. That's excessive.
  17. So you wanna RP? Well you've come to the Right Place Hello there, my names Zach Vaun, and id like to give you a few head's up from a long term and experienced RP'er such as myself. These might help you, they may not, but they will definitely point out a few issues that people have on the Server. Point 1: You are a Criminal with a Carbine, not a Terrorist. The issue that a lot of Criminals have is, they get their hands on a Carbine and all of a sudden they revert back to C.O.D. They feel invincible. "I can Lag Shoot, so I can kill everyone and get away with it!". Then, they get in a big police chase, and they get shot down, and they spend the next five minutes either saying in /b "I don't have time for this, hurry up, I'm leaving soon". Or they complain about how "The PD gets all these guns and I don't! Wah wah wah!". Well, heres one way to solve that. Remember all that remorse you had when you lost that Gun? The terror you had when you watched Officer Robertson [Tenminutes] pull it off you? Maybe it would've all been averted if you had just used that terror as Fear RP in the first place. Fear RP doesn't just apply when you get caught, it should apply beforehand too. In the ways of your items, your valuables, your precious. You're literally going to go spend all this time, get a gun, then go around flaunting it? Maybe if you keep it on the low, only pull it for defense or when you know no one's around, you wouldn't lose it. I don't know, maybe just a thought ;0. Point 2: Every stop Isn't an arrest. I can't tell you how many times I've been pulled over on my alternate, complied, and gotten off with a $1000 ticket. I can tell you that I pull people over for a warning quite often, only for them to get 30 days and a $5000 ticket for Felony Evasion though. The thing is, we at the LSPD aren't trying to get you, as popular belief would say. The majority of us just want to RP. Remember, like that one time when we got out, took the time to type out "Grabs shotgun from the seat"- only to have you jump out with a Carbine and gun us down? Wow, and we don't RP? Just pull over, take the ticket, pay it or not, you still RP'd a little bit. Instead how it normally goes down is, we flash the lights, you run, you get caught, you bitch for 30 minutes. Final Point: Maybe if your so upset that you lost a gun, so sad that you did not get away, or so broke, then you should maybe RP that way. You know why I never get caught on my Alternate? Because I play smart. If I'm afraid of getting caught, I won't do anything in LS. If I wanna steal a car, I don't steal one from the PD parking lot. If I have a Carbine, I keep it someplace safe until I plan to use it. Wait.. what was that last word? Plan? Yeah, it's something simple that really helps in the long run. Plan stuff out. Don't go to the highest populated areas and start committing crimes, Plan for it. The thing is at the end of the day, maybe it's not the PD that's fucking you over? Maybe it's yourself for putting yourself in that situation. Just a thought ;)
  18. So you wanna RP? Well you've come to the Right Place Hello there, my names Zach Vaun, and id like to give you a few head's up from a long term and experienced RP'er such as myself. These might help you, they may not, but they will definitely point out a few issues that people have on the Server. Point 1: You are a Criminal with a Carbine, not a Terrorist. The issue that a lot of Criminals have is, they get their hands on a Carbine and all of a sudden they revert back to C.O.D. They feel invincible. "I can Lag Shoot, so I can kill everyone and get away with it!". Then, they get in a big police chase, and they get shot down, and they spend the next five minutes either saying in /b "I don't have time for this, hurry up, I'm leaving soon". Or they complain about how "The PD gets all these guns and I don't! Wah wah wah!". Well, heres one way to solve that. Remember all that remorse you had when you lost that Gun? The terror you had when you watched Officer Robertson [Tenminutes] pull it off you? Maybe it would've all been averted if you had just used that terror as Fear RP in the first place. Fear RP doesn't just apply when you get caught, it should apply beforehand too. In the ways of your items, your valuables, your precious. You're literally going to go spend all this time, get a gun, then go around flaunting it? Maybe if you keep it on the low, only pull it for defense or when you know no one's around, you wouldn't lose it. I don't know, maybe just a thought ;0. Point 2: Every stop Isn't an arrest. I can't tell you how many times I've been pulled over on my alternate, complied, and gotten off with a $1000 ticket. I can tell you that I pull people over for a warning quite often, only for them to get 30 days and a $5000 ticket for Felony Evasion though. The thing is, we at the LSPD aren't trying to get you, as popular belief would say. The majority of us just want to RP. Remember, like that one time when we got out, took the time to type out "Grabs shotgun from the seat"- only to have you jump out with a Carbine and gun us down? Wow, and we don't RP? Just pull over, take the ticket, pay it or not, you still RP'd a little bit. Instead how it normally goes down is, we flash the lights, you run, you get caught, you bitch for 30 minutes. Final Point: Maybe if your so upset that you lost a gun, so sad that you did not get away, or so broke, then you should maybe RP that way. You know why I never get caught on my Alternate? Because I play smart. If I'm afraid of getting caught, I won't do anything in LS. If I wanna steal a car, I don't steal one from the PD parking lot. If I have a Carbine, I keep it someplace safe until I plan to use it. Wait.. what was that last word? Plan? Yeah, it's something simple that really helps in the long run. Plan stuff out. Don't go to the highest populated areas and start committing crimes, Plan for it. The thing is at the end of the day, maybe it's not the PD that's fucking you over? Maybe it's yourself for putting yourself in that situation. Just a thought ;)
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