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Everything posted by WillBlameTheLag

  1. Lore and Origins: The Rise of the Ivory Kingdom In the 1990s sultry nights of Bogotá, where the scent of freshly brewed coffee dances with the sultry notes of salsa, Solomon Grundy emerged—a man straddling two worlds. His lineage, a fusion of Andean soil and European cunning, traced back to the conquistadors. But Solomon’s ancestors were no mere colonizers; they were architects of influence, their power sealed with golden promises. His childhood unfolded amidst contradictions—the cobbled streets painted with vibrant murals of resistance and faded frescoes of forgotten gods. His mother, a curandera, whispered ancient incantations, weaving fate like the Muisca legends. His father, a banker, dealt in debts and loans. The turning point arrived during the Festival of the Sun. Solomon witnessed a pact—a desperate farmer trading his daughter’s fate for bountiful crops. The capo collected favors, weaving a web of influence that could sway elections, silence rivals, and shape destinies. Debtors became entangled, their lives stitched into the cartel’s fabric. As Solomon matured, he mastered the art of leverage, the science of obligation. He became the broker—the whisperer in politicians’ ears, the silent confidant of bankers and artists. His currency? Favors—their secrets etched into his ledger. Solomon’s reputation grew, his name echoing through corridors of power, casting a shadow from the Andes to the Caribbean. The kingdoms’s rise was inexorable—a blend of power, elegance, and shadows that left an indelible mark on the city. Current Day: Los Santos The sun dipped below the horizon, casting elongated shadows across the sprawling city of Los Santos. Solomon Grundy, once a name whispered in the alleys of Bogotá, had transplanted his legacy to this new canvas—a place where ambition and danger collided like tectonic plates. Why a New Chapter? Solomon’s decision to establish a fresh chapter in Los Santos was deliberate. The old world had grown predictable—the same faces, the same power plays. The Kingdom needed room to breathe, to stretch its elegant fingers beyond the Andes. Los Santos beckoned—a city pulsating with life, teeming with opportunities. Here, the Syndicate could reinvent itself, adapt to the rhythm of chaos, and weave its influence into the very fabric of the metropolis. But it wasn’t just about expansion. Solomon had heard whispers—the kind that slithered through the cracks of the underworld. Whispers of a hidden power, a dormant force waiting for the right conductor. Los Santos was a symphony of vice, and Solomon aimed to be its maestro. His goal? To orchestrate the city’s underbelly, to pull strings that resonated from the penthouses to the back-alley speakeasies to government offices alike. The Five Tenants: Tenets are fundamental principles, beliefs, or doctrines that guide the family. They serve as the core values of the family. Elegance in Influence as Influence is Power: The Kingdom drapes itself in silk and tailored suits, moving gracefully and unassumingly. But beneath this elegance lies a hunger—an insatiable thirst for control. True power is wielded silently, like a dagger slipping between ribs. Favors as Currency: Favors are the lifeblood—the currency that fuels their influence. Whether whispered promises or sealed with gold, these debts shape destinies. The Syndicate deals in secrets, and secrets are power. The Art of Leverage: The Kingdom pulls strings—politicians, artists, captains of industry—all entangled in their web. Every thread pulled can unravel kingdoms. They understand that leverage is the fulcrum upon which power balances. Legacy Over Chaos: The Kingdom isn’t just constructing a criminal empire; they’re weaving a legacy. Chaos may rage, but their name will endure—a shadowed force in the annals of history. Appearance Is Everything: The Kingdom wears sophistication like armor. Their demeanor exudes refinement, concealing the tempest within. Only when extreme lines are crossed—when honor or loyalty is betrayed—does brutality emerge. Their violence is surgical, precise, and reserved for those who dare to disrupt the delicate balance they’ve crafted. Dress code: Regal or Elegant Attire: Gentlemen and ladies, dress not as common thugs but as lords and ladies of the underworld. Our suits, tailored to perfection, so is our armor. Black as the abyss, they conceal both blade and ambition. Crisp white shirts symbolize purity—ironic, for we are anything but. Silk ties, crimson as spilled blood, bind us together. Remember, a well-dressed man commands respect even in the darkest of dealings. All attire should be professional or sophisticated in nature. Ranks 1. Il Re (The King): - The sovereign ruler—the embodiment of the Kingdom's legacy and authority. Il Re sets the course, commands respect, and ensures the Kingdom's prosperity. -Responsibilities: - Shaping the Kingdom's destiny. - Approving major decisions and alliances. - Safeguarding the lineage and heritage. - Upholding the tenets of the Kingdom. 2. Il Saggio (The Sage): Role: The venerable advisor to Il Re. Il Saggio's wisdom draws from ancient texts, prophecies, and ancestral knowledge. Responsibilities: - Providing strategic counsel and foresight. - Mediating disputes and internal conflicts. - Safeguarding the Kingdom's legacy. - Ensuring the Kingdom's stability. 3. Il Vice (The Vicegerent): The appointed regent—the steward of day-to-day affairs in Il Re's absence. Il Vice ensures continuity and enforces the Kingdom's will. Responsibilities: - Managing divisions and specialized units. - Handling recruitment and initiation. - Safeguarding the Kingdom's interests. - Reporting directly to Il Re. 4. Il Capitano (The Captain): Captains lead individual divisions or specialized units within the Kingdom. They are entrusted with executing orders and maintaining discipline. Responsibilities: - Organizing covert operations (e.g., intelligence gathering, asset acquisition). - Ensuring loyalty and obedience. - Reporting directly to Il Vice. - Safeguarding the Kingdom's honor. 5. I Soldati (The Knights): The chivalrous defenders of the Kingdom. I Soldati uphold the code of honor, protect the realm, and carry out their sworn duties. Responsibilities: - Collecting tributes and enforcing Kingdom rules. - Participating in covert missions. - Safeguarding the Kingdom's honor. - Carrying out targeted actions when necessary. 6. Gli Associati (The Courtiers): Non-initiated members who work closely with the Kingdom but remain discreet. Gli Associati include scholars, diplomats, and informants. Responsibilities: - Providing legal advice and financial expertise. - Gathering intelligence. - Assisting in negotiations. - Reporting discreetly to higher ranks. Kingdom Laws: Deal Approval: Only Il Re, Il Saggio, and Il Vice and authorized members can approve deals on behalf of the Kingdom. Their combined wisdom, experience, and understanding of the Kingdom's tenets ensure that every deal aligns with their legacy and goals. Roleplay First, Action Second: Essence: RP is the heart of our organization. Prioritize storytelling, character development, and interactions over gunplay or violence. Rule: If an interaction is shorter than 5 minutes, disengage in the situation or face consequences if staff deems there’s more “gun-play” than roleplay. Elegance in All Things: Essence: Our members embody sophistication and refinement. Whether negotiating deals or engaging in covert ops, maintain an elegant demeanor. Rule: Do not tarnish the RP with reckless behavior. The Kingdom’s reputation hinges on our grace. Clean Cops & EMS: Essence: Our influence extends beyond crime. We must maintain clean relationships with law enforcement and emergency services. Rule: Avoid compromising our standing with the authorities when possible. Legacy Preservation: Essence: Our actions echo through generations. Uphold our lineage and heritage. Rule: Every move should serve the Kingdom’s legacy. Chaos may rage, but our name endures. Duty to Kingdom: Essence: Attend gang activities regularly. Inactivity is a breach of trust. If you foresee absence, inform the higher-ups—we track our own. Rule: The city pulses; we must pulse with it. Internal Harmony, External Strength: Essence: Our unity is our strength. Handle conflicts within our ranks through reason, not violence. Rule: Mediation or conversation—our weapons are words, not blades. Hierarchy’s Silent Symphony: Essence: Respect the ranks—their weight, their lineage. If injustice gnaws at you, seek the higher-ups. We are a family, not adversaries. Rule: Uphold the chain of command; it binds us. Death to the Dishonorable: Essence: We are criminal, but honor binds us. Stealing from a fellow member or harming them is sacrilege. Rule: Trust is our currency; respect, our creed. Respect Server Rules and Staff: All members will abide by the rules set fourth by Eclipse Roleplay. All calls made by staff will be enforced any issues should be brought up to kingdom command. Short Term Goals: Recruit New Members: Expand ranks by recruiting skilled individuals who share your vision and can contribute to the family’s success. Seek out loyal and reliable allies. Establish a Safehouse: Secure a discreet location where members can meet, strategize, and store valuable assets. A well-hidden safehouse ensures privacy and protection. Become official and control a Territory: Identify a specific area within the city that your family aims to dominate. Whether it’s a neighborhood, a business district, or a lucrative trade route, exert influence and establish our presence. Forge Alliances: Reach out to other factions, gangs, or influential figures in the server. Form alliances, trade agreements, or non-aggression pacts. Strengthen your network and gain access to shared resources. Eliminate Rival organizations: Identify rival factions that pose a threat to your family’s operations. Engage in strategic confrontations, sabotage their activities, or negotiate their surrender. Eliminate the competition. Smuggle Contraband: Establish smuggling routes for illegal goods. Whether it’s drugs, weapons, or counterfeit currency, control the flow and profit from the black market. Host an Exclusive Event: Organize a lavish party, underground fight club, or an exclusive auction. Invite influential figures, within the server. Invest in Front Businesses: Set up legitimate-looking businesses (fronts) that serve as a cover for criminal activities. Kingdom of Solomon Recruitment Guidelines To those who seek entry into the Kingdom of Solomon, 1. The Aspiring initiate: Desire: If you yearn for power, if your veins pulse with ambition, if you crave purpose beyond the mundane, then you are already knocking on our door. Tenets: Understand our core principles—loyalty, discretion, and the pursuit of dominion. These are not mere words; they are the marrow of Solomon’s Kingdom. 2. The Veil of Secrecy: Approach: Outreach or be invited only those who align with the tenants may be considered. 3. The Blood Oath: The Midnight Meeting: Step into our sanctum. You enter as a stranger; you leave as an initiate. The Dagger: Swear loyalty. Let the golden blade kiss your palm. Your blood seals the pact. 4. The Trial by Fire: The First Task: Prove your mettle. A heist, a betrayal, a clandestine mission—your success shapes your fate. Loyalty Test: Choose: family or fortune? Betrayal or brotherhood? Your choice reveals your soul. 5. The rebirth: Rook, Sable, Cipher: Shed your old identity. Become a piece on our chessboard. The Unseen: You are no longer a person; you are Kingdom. 6. The Shared Scars: The Communion: Gather at the oak table. booze flows, cigars burn. Share stories. You are brethren now. 7. The Rise or Fall: The Ladder: From initiate to Sage, greatness awaits the cunning. The Abyss: For the traitor, a bullet in the dark. Solomon’s wrath is swift. 8. The Sovereign’s Approval: The final rites approval: Before Solomon, you stand. Remember, this is no ordinary recruitment. It is metamorphosis—a transformation.
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