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Everything posted by KrypticInsanity

  1. I believe that freelancer sites and areas should have an area where people can park their cars SECURELY under lock and key while going onto the job and should sway people from attempting to steal the vehicles due to CCTV monitoring and Gate security. Lately it has been getting ridiculous to go to freelance jobs as a lot of them require vehicles to get to and from. But the issue is new/old criminals camping the area of places like city worker and trucking yard in order to lock pick Hotwire and steal vehicles to take them to scrap yard to make their own cut, putting some people in the hole on finances due to needing to pay for vehicle recovery at Mors. It’s even gone as far as City workers using their vehicles to block the entrance way where vehicles are stored to prevent theft. People should be able to secure their personal vehicles on job sites so that they can do the jobs they signed up for without worry of their car being chopped due to criminals camping the areas. I’m also suggesting more CCTV is put into parking so that it discourages criminals from trying to get easy pickings on vehicles with no penalty.
  2. I understand that this specific type of conversation has been in talk for a couple years. But the main issue is, is that people have to sacrifice fashion and commonality with it comes to holding weapons. Let’s say you stash your Weapon in your bag. You have to drop your back, search the bag and grab the pistol. By then if someone drew on you, you’d be dead because they can see exactly what your grabbing. Same thing for the glovebox. It’s not fair that people who wish to take the legal route and go armed have to consistently be targeted for the fact that have easy access to weapons. And due to the fact that civs don’t make enough money as is. People will just go crim and do illegal which is find. But the point is, I feel it’s highly unfair that civs gotta go so far to conceal a weapon, even screwing up their fashion to mechanically hide the weapon. Which mostly means wearing all black. One of the other biggest issues is RP, even if you conceal your weapon RP-wise prior to engaging, both Police and Crims will just say “nah we see it, we don’t believe you so No or find ways to search and seize.
  3. Warning! The following text is from a player whose time in the server is no less than 2 weeks at this point. I’m still trying to understand some things and this is merely Criticism and for Server feedback purposes! Please enjoy reading. Suggestion: I’m suggesting that Civilians and Criminals be given the ability to Conceal Small arm Weapons and melee weapons for the purpose of incognito and prevention from Criminal Targeting and Gun Theft. The Concealment can be given Via Command or possible Animation that helps put the weapon away so that nobody can see what you have. Obviously this cannot apply to Police Except DEA/Undercover, For uniform Policy Purposes. I’m also suggesting that IF the weapon IS CONCEALED it takes ether longer to pull out or an Action to “Reveal” Weapon. anything that is too big or is considered a “Long Arm Weapon” cannot be concealed and will appear for all to see. Explanation: Lately from what was been told to me by everyone, is that it’s NOT even worth owning a Firearms license due to the fact that criminals will SPECIFICALLY target you to take the gun. While I understand it is hard to get guns sometimes as a crim, it’s not okay for the fact that people have their weapons sticking to the sides of their clothing on their bodies or the ass part, which other people have made ways to hide it by buying certain clothes to overlap or make the pistol blend in. In a roleplay standpoint, you cannot roleplay “Concealing” the weapon because 9 out of 10 times, Crims/Cops will see the gun and go Meh. It’s on your body so we can see it. People shouldn’t also have to bag the pistols or store them in the car as it defeats the purpose of carrying a firearm, you’ll never get the chance to use it if someone draws on you. I also find it unrealistic that people can “Assume” you can have the gun while you RP having it concealed due to the simple fact the weapons stick to your clothing. Which leads to the targeting and weapon being taken, your License can also be revoked by the LSPD if you get robbed/LOSE the weapon too many times. I believe it is way more realistic for people to be able to hide their firearms as it gives Police/Civs/Crims Reasons to use Discretion when robbing or conducting business/stops as you NEVER know who may be armed and what threat they pose to you. it also allows police to conduct their jobs more realistically by actually searching for weapons and contraband. Which if they do find it, you may be subject to investigation if it’s illegal which can open up more doors for possible RP and Risks that crims have to take. But at the end of the day, I find it incredibly unrealistic and pointless to own a Firearms license and to even carry a gun if it’s just gonna stick out. And I don’t believe people should have to sacrifice their looks just to hide a simple weapon. Pros & Cons Pros Criminals won’t be able to target people based off what’s on their hip and will have to use better judgment. Police get to properly execute Searching others and Warrents. More Realistic RP scanarios with reasoning to be afraid when presented by groups. Cons Police may be put under more pressure by criminals who are armed. New/Old Crims mad they cannot find easy victims. The horror of finding out how to make it work via scripting or coding. sorry I wrote so much, hope y’all don’t mind reading, if you made it here, much love to y’all and hope to see y’all in the server
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