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Posts posted by heelsoul

  1. Cortez here:

    • Cortez_Rivera (ID 143) - [Notified In-Game] - Please explain your point of view in regard to the reported situation and provide any evidence that you may have. In addition, please explain the following:
      1. What was your reasoning and escalation for attacking the reporting party?
        We have all the escalation, we need to shoot. I will say what I said in all of the other reports. We are fighting syndicate and ESPECIALLY Kevin Biker, we know he drives around on a Shinobi, so we setup this whole thing to get him, we got an ex syndicate member to call him down there, so we baited him and he continued by driving off of a balcony. My aim was to pop his tire, before he just drives off, which I succeeded, hence why I stopped shooting after I did so. It was purely to immobilize his bike, even though I have rights to shoot him. If you check all the other forum reports and syndicate and shadows discord, clear as day we are fighting. 
  2. Its Cortez

    Why can you be seen holding Owen_Purger under gunpoint in the lobby of DOC, and what events led up to you holding Owen at gunpoint and kidnapping him?

    Ok, let’s dig a bit deeper. As you can see from forum reports and YouTube clips and even if you look in shadows or syndicate discord we are obviously fighting IC. Clear as day! They did something wrong to us earlier that day, I forgot now, and then A LOT OF EM got arrested, so we waited outside DOC to kidnap them, he came out and said Shadows K or Shadows Gay, can’t recall which one and we tried taking him outside of doc but he ran back inside, so we went after him. Quickly took him before he buzzed the guards to come and he can also be seen slowly stalling, but we took him and quickly drove off.

    Do you believe the lobby of SADOC was a proper place to initiate a kidnapping?

    as I said above, we tried taking him outside, it’s a common place for criminals to easily kidnap each other, but he ran back in so we just took him there and got him away, which went smoothly.


    EDIT: one other syndicate member that got out of jail - Colton Bryce, instantly logged out, when he saw us so we couldn’t get him, which got us confused but we just continued Ic, furthermore they kidnapped one of our members literally outside of the bank then took them pillbox after injuring him, (this is in one of the reports on Tommy Bean for MG) so there shouldn’t be a debate about “public places”, fact of the matter is that they kidnap us we kidnap them, public places, private places, it doesn’t really matter. We didn’t want to have a forum war, but now apparently we are, ridiculous, we’ve even held off from doing reports.

  3. +1, I support this because it makes no sense for criminals to fight police without any gain. For instance, imagine a scenario where a solo criminal with a standard gun like the .50 gets pulled over in a felony stop and decides to evade, resulting in the crim killing two police officers. Then getting killed a few minutes later by different officers. While it's realistic for the police to have substantial firepower, armour, backup it's unfair that criminals can't loot anything from them. It would be reasonable if, for example, the gun they were carrying got dropped and could be looted. After such an encounter, the criminal faces significant losses - the loss of the gun (8-10k); fines 10k+; 3 hour long jail time resulting in no tangible benefits from the confrontation. While the two officers he killed, just walk back to the station, get new gear and head out, losing nothing. 

    My point being for example using this JUST THIS SCENARIO provided above, it doesn’t make logical sense for him to fight the police, because he doesn’t get anything from it. I think, if a solo crim kills 2 PD with a .50, which is SUPER DIFFICULT, while they have unlimited backup; free heavies; body 100 armour then he should be rewarded with something like their weapon they were carrying or anything. 

    If something could be done about this, then this really wouldn’t affect PD at all, I don’t believe people would start DM PD, this is just a way for a crim to actually gain something from it when they do fight em.

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