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Posts posted by TheGrinch

  1. 2 hours ago, DontSniffSugar said:

    I personally believe that it would depend on the context.


    You’re cooking drugs at a lab and someone robs you? You wouldn’t call the cops and say that you got robbed while you’re cooking illegal narcotics.


    You’re somewhere like Burgershot just getting some food and someone robs you? Go for it.


    A lot of criminal factions will however boot you from the faction if they find out you’re calling the police though.


    I don’t think hardened criminals would call the police though realistically and just handle the situation in their own hands. It would be something more of a white collar criminal would do.

    majority of the times its the person cooking drugs who wants to call the cops.

  2. If you're engaging in any illegal activity, it should be NRP to call cops to gain an advantage in the situation. your friend are chopping in sea we hold em up, you call cops just because yk your friends have less to loose and to be petty. However you're still in effect snitching on your friends. Over all if you're an illegal faction that engages in illegal activity frequently, whether it be chopping cars or holding labs you shouldn't be calling cops.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Quietthecutie said:

    you can pseudo RP your way out of people being able to just grab your laundry and run away by putting down a marker to the tune of "would be leaning against the door of the laundry machine, preventing the door from being opened." and then have your character anim lean2 against it or something. this would demand at a minimum that the person RPs attempting to push you off the laundry machine before being able to grab your laundry.  this in turn would generate actual roleplay instead of people just trying to sneakily steal someone elses stuff with 0 interaction, basically metagaming it.

    Ive used this in the past and it does work. the few times someones tried their luck and ignored the fdo marker ive had it quickly resolved with an in game report or a quick pm to settle the matter before it came to that. after that players either respect the marker and leave it be or start some actual interesting RP over the laundry.

    Okay theres the ppl who really wanna steal the laundry for stamps and are willing to RP, and then u have the people who show up to DOC to cause pure chaos, and do not care about a /do. However I am going to start doing this, thank you.

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