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Andrei Jenkins

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Everything posted by Andrei Jenkins

  1. Hello and thank you to the staff taking this report and I (Andrei Saint) will be summarising this situation as I do not have POV: I was at Paleto driving by where I saw these 2 guys acting suspicious looting the trunk etc, so I decided to stay near and watch around and I saw him take a .50 out of the trunk. I then pulled out a carbine to him where he blatantly ignored and still proceeded to park the car as you can see in the screenshot he provided. Furthermore, I am unsure to why they have screenshots instead of full POV which both players are seen to be hiding. Anyhow for the combat log, my game crashed before I was injured and I was waiting for them to type if I'm coming back on crash reports, so I can respond back to them saying I am as I forgot there ids (as stated before I didn't have POV so was unable to look for the ids) and I didn't want to mention location as I didn't want it to be metagamed. In addition, I have stated numerous times that since the new GTA update my game has been extremely unstable with constant freezing and stuttering especially in shootouts and nothing can fix it, as well as that my PC being shit/old and having overheating issues adds to this problem. Furthermore, I'd like to add that the reporting party might be using a healkey which is why he doesn't have full pov and is using screenshots instead. As I recall hitting him atleast 15 times with the carbine rifle before I crashed and as u can see he didn't die. The only reason I can possibly think of which is not related to OP could be my own issue due to the stuttering I was having during the fight which might have made the shots not sync when hitting him. In regards to the usage of the slur, I was pretty mad at the time as I crashed during an active shootout which I was certain I was going to win, as I knew I was gonna be at a disadvantage when I come back, but then I come back to being injured when I didn't see myself injured at all before I crashed. Looking back at the POV sent by OP, I am upset at myself for using the slur during this situation as I can understand how this could've negatively ruined OPs mood in regards to that slur, and I wish that I could've replaced that word with a different insult, but at the time that was the first insult that came to my head. Although nobody was offended at the scene, as the usage of this word wasn't included in this report or any other report and neither was I PMed about it oocly, I apologies to anyone I have offended by using that slur and hope you accept my apology, thank you.
  2. Address is innocence Blvd. 2 Text me offers on 4835881 - not taking any offers less than 200k
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