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Posts posted by vGJake

  1. 9 hours ago, Bala said:

    For me, I think the staff team collectively have made a real mess of what constitutes deathmatching and non-roleplay on this server for that matter, so we end up in these really ass backward situations where instead of going off of what feels natural and what makes sense, you have to make sure you fill out a checklist before you do something to someone and you can even catch a punishment for telling someone to attack someone now, which is absolutely wild to me.

    I can't tell if we're trying to be as realistic as we can be as a server or we're about player appeasement but whatever the set-up is, you've created the "gear fear" and "play to win" mentalities by offering people an outlet to get their own back out of game if they lose in-game. You've enabled that behaviour.

    If we just went off of common sense, then if you go into what would be considered a dangerous place, like a drug lab or a chop shop for example, all bets are off. If you are doing stuff there, you are doing dirt. If you are doing dirt, you're outside the law and if you outside the law, then anything that can happen will happen. Maybe that's the opposition coming and fucking you up for using a lab, maybe it's another criminal looking to steal your shit. YOU are making the decision to put yourself in a location where things can go south for you.

    I don't know if you've ever watched a TV show or a movie or read a book about criminal enterprise but generally, if you start throwing insults and threats at a person, you get lit up. If you refuse to hand over your possessions, then end up badly injured or dead. Don't want to get robbed? Don't go to illegal places. Don't want to die? Don't talk shit to someone with a gun to your head, don't refuse to hand over your stuff if they tell you to. If that's the only way you can make money illegally, you are just going to have to risk it and be smart about it. There's no private apartment to hide behind anymore.

    Why is it that we can do things like take NCZs away from Police Stations so people can now start robbing things from cop's personal vehicles parked at a police station but when it comes to shit like what is DM?, we're slapping people with punishments when they aren't even attacking people. Some of the attitudes towards violent interactions from people in position's of responsibility baffle me.

    You would think we were playing The Sims, not Grand Theft Auto. Honestly as well, we're three years into this way of thinking and hand on heart, has the standard of roleplay actually improved any? Because from where I sit, we've gone sideways and ended up handing out a bunch more punishments as a result of it to go nowhere.

    There's some proper good staff at Eclipse but the lack of consistency in the decision making across the board stifles the community as much as any late development update might.

    Encouraging deathmatch is a no no, but if the DM rules take more of an over-minded view of what is and isn't a reason to fuck someone up, then at the very least there's more consequences for actions and less punishments that can be avoided.


    You've hit the nail on the head. I'm actually starting to understand it now from the people who "give demands". Thinking about it, they probably don't want to say "I've given demands" (really cringe to say IC), however they've got to otherwise the whole group/gang could end up in trouble by admins.

    I do think the DM rules need a massive overhaul because these forum reports are getting out of hand. Every single DM that happens in game ends in "SAVE POV lol".


  2. 8 minutes ago, Ash said:

    What whole demands thing? Demands alone do not equal DM rights on someone just because you shouted them. It's relevant in the FearRP rule as it states you have to comply when in direct danger but if someone is just yelling demands from far away it effectively means nothing.

    Well, yes with FearRP if someone has a gun right to you and tells you to do something you should do it. But if you're generally compliant with the orders then you shouldn't be shot or it's DM (unless they have some other justifiable reason to kill you within the DM rule).
    I do agree with that last bit though, making it a bit more interesting through RP should always be encouraged.

    Ok that's fair enough. These past few months I've seen so many people get shot at because they didn't listen to a "hands up" demand. Obviously 9 times out of 10 the person being shot at are in a high powered vehicle so they are allowed to just drive off, hence why the other people shoots at them. I'm seeing this every day, so I'm just confused on this whole demands shit.

  3. Just now, TheCZJ said:

    Of course under Fear RP I understand that but yeah it would just be nice for these situations to actually create some decent RP for everyone involved. 

    Impossible, too many egos and win mentality.

    Radios being used like it's a discord server is crazy. 

  4. Most of the reports lately on the forums are usually to do with something that happened at a lab. If you watch some of these evidence videos it's laughable what goes on in the radios, for example: "I gave demands, we can now shoot at them". Proceeds to DM because they didn't get out their supercar when aimed at. 

    This whole I gave demands bullshit so you can DM is ridiculous. The radio is being treated like a Discord server.

    I personally think the whole demands a reason to DM people is dumb and needs to be reworked. I also think how radios are being used by criminals currently is silly as well.

    My suggestion: Remove the whole demands thing, it's cringe. Realistically I can just go up to someone and say get out the car, they go no wtf... Ok dead. It's such a shit reason to go and DM someone and shoot their car up. I've seen people get chased through the city being shot at all because they didn't listen to their "Hands up, hands up" demand lol.

    As for the radio talk, I don't know but I think admins should try crack down on the non-rp shit that goes on in them. Before you say well how? Just look at the videos on the reports of the radio chat. Chris' latest report shows that for example.

    No, none of this happens to me, if I ever go to a lab I go solo and bring literally nothing with me but the amount of DM that goes down is crazy.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Ritchie Stones said:

    i did not say its risk free and easy, but hey, if you want to make easy money and riskfree, then i doubt you have a criminal mindset at all.
    this the point of being a crim, thats it takes RISK and its not EASY to do

    What you on about? I just said watering every 2 mins and randomly blowing up is stupid. I also cook at labs solo, never had a problem, made most my money from cooking.

    Like I said having to water tables every 2 mins, you gotta use like 300+ water bottles and do a minigame each time you refill a bottle.

    IMO it should just be spills you need to clear in a certain amount of time. 

    You saying get tables, a 4g house and start cooking like that's gonna make you money 🤣 if you think spending 100k+ for it to RANDOMLY blow up is worth the risk, you need to rethink. I know multiple people that's happened to, police swarm in and take everything, now you're back to square one. I'm all for it blowing up if you don't clean a spill etc. But an RNG is dumb and not worth the risk at all.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ritchie Stones said:

    get 4 friends to put together money, get some tables, put it in a rented 4g, start making some money 

    Bro, no point buying tables when it can just randomly blow up and having to water tables every 2 minutes is pathetic. If they remove the watering then it would be good.


  7. 11 minutes ago, Ash said:

    I can understand the idea behind that but what would it achieve other than frustration of "ive been waiting X time"?
    Reports are always taken in order of priority and then the order they came in so if it's not taken it's just that there's others getting handled before you

    I just think a queue would be nice. Saves me waiting hours. 

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