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Posts posted by Herbo

  1. Huge +1 For Me.

    Another possibility which I've heard about from other servers is giving us the ability to change the keybinds we have for Eclipse. Other servers that have custom keybinds sometimes have an option in the menu to mess with those keybinds, maybe the tackling bind can be put in there and we could disable it if we want to.

  2. Major +1

    Silent Nerf was terrible. There were a lot of people that were already demotivated to play and didn't like going out and trying to do crim shit because it felt like a grind, felt like it wasn't worth it, and the risk was too high. Now the reward is even lower so there's practically no point to doing it.

    Just revert the silent nerf and let crim turfs and everything relating to that be. The only issue beforehand with turfs was that it felt like a grind to maintain them, that's the only thing that should be changed, not the payout. Because now your turfs are still going down just as much so it's still just as much of a grind, maybe even more of a grind because you're not getting a good reward for that grind.

    • Like 2
  3. I don't think there's anything necessarily bad about meta-vehicles being accessed through credits now. It allows people to have fun without having to grind their ass off. The part of the Credit Store I don't like is vehicles like the GTO, ETR-1, and Toros being added. Vehicles that were very rare cars and were exclusive to own are now the equivelant to a white warrener because everyone now owns one. There's been like 7 or 8 different EXTREMELY rare cars that have been ruined in the past like 3 releases and it's kinda fucked to just ruin a rare cars rareness.

    • Like 2
  4. HUUUUGE -1

    People are having fun with the new feature, just let them have their fun. There are IC ways to prevent someone from tackling you, especially you who has the power to charge people for doing it. If they do it and it annoys you, charge them.

    Putting something like this under probably the most heavily enforced rule on the server that gives the harshest punishments makes zero sense. If anything it should be under NRP, but I don't think any rule changes should be made for it.

  5. i don’t get why we keep getting threads like these made almost once a month at this point. It circles around every month to “cops need to drop their stuff” and people trying to make excuses for more reasons to PVP. 

    I’ve been balancing time between LEO and Criminal factions for almost a year now and can confidently say, there is not a single point to shooting cops except in very very rare situations. These situations are so niche they happen very little and it should stay this way. There is literally zero benefit to shooting cops and only brings negatives. 


    For example, let’s look at one of the criminal factions now, The Shadows, they shot at cops & the governor and now look what’s happening to them. Did they get anything out of shooting at them, I gurantee not, but they’re losing a whole bunch of shit now.

    Looking back more at 2 other factions, Gentry Lane Royals which I was a part of, shot at cops numerous times and wiped them and had massive gun fights with cops. The effect the following days were horrendous and we got mass suppressed by PD & SD making the game almost unplayable. I’m not complaining about it but it was the IC response to our IC actions.


    Finally Division 6, they were shooting cops and getting into massive shootouts daily with LEO, they got mass suppressed by PD and SD and well they might’ve still be successful while getting suppressed, they were getting targeted by the entirety of the LEO factions, what did they get out of shooting cops, nothing, they saved themselves some jail time a few times but all they did was lose money shooting bullets at cops for no reason.

    Kinda yapped for a little there but the point is shooting cops should not be an initial option, it should be the last option. Someone’s evading in a car with heavies, do a bike drop or try to block with a hauler or something. If the bike drop doesn’t work try taking their guns from them as they drive by. There are numerous things you should try before it comes to shooting cops. If cops guns are able to be taken the checklist will immediately be, let’s just smoke the cops, we’ll save our friend and get a bunch of heavies. It’s not a health mentality for the server.

    Additionally, adding something like this in would demotivate a lot of LEO players. Generally speaking, people who play LEO characters are more rpers, they don’t play 4:3, don’t have a custom crosshair, they play more laid back having fun compared to crims who are a little more focused on shooting. Some leo’s will get demotivated constantly having to fight for their lives and guns when it doesn’t make a ton of sense.

    IMO we need to stop making these threads, it’ll never get added as there’s too many negatives and zero to no positives to it. 

    Yap session over.

    • YAY 1
  6. we should be moving away from the idea of shooting cops, not towards it.

    I have 2 crims and an LEO character, both of these crims are in rather big gangs and I can confidently say that well it might be fun for a little, shooting cops is the dumbest thing you can do. 1. You don’t get anything from them, they don’t drop guns or anything so you’re risking multiple hours in DOC and thousands of dollars in losses of equipment and fines for no reason really. 2. It fucks your gang for the future, if yku shoot at cops you’re 1000% getting suppressed and being a member of Royals before where we got suppressed constantly, it’s not fun. 

    We shouldn’t be focusing on adding more reasons to shoot cops, there’s way bigger issues on the server that need to be addressed. 

  7. Date and time (provide timezone): 05/DEC/2023 11:00 PM EST

    Character name:  Theo Mikasa

    Issue/bug you are reporting: The tables at the labs aren't loading in but are still able to be accessed and used. Specifically at Garbage, it is not in rotation and the tables aren't physically there but if you walk up to where they were you can cook.

    Expected behavior:  If the labs in rotation then the tables should be there and you should be able to cook, if the labs not there then there shouldn't be invisible tables that you can use.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate


    Vehicle license plate number*

  8. 3 hours ago, Quietthecutie said:

    JB has a public notary department which if memory serves can ratify and, in the event of missed payments or defaults, can enforce penalties or repossessions. you would just need to find someone who has enough legal knowledge to draw up a contract and have JB look over it, have both parties sign it before a witness etc. i know that in the past lease agreements have been made using this system. what youre suggesting may take away from that RP, but it would undoubtably speed up the process.

    Why yes, JB does have this and it's possible. It's a lot of effort to go through and get a whole contract, then you gotta coordinate a time with JB to get everything setup and get time with the person you're renting to, it's just a lot of effort that nobody wants to go through. If I want to rent a vehicle I want to be able to rent it immediately, not have to wait a week+ to get a bunch of shit signed, notarized, and everything.

    Additionally, there's the issue of the person renting deciding to be a dick and violate the contract, if you go through the effort of signing a contract and everything and then rent the vehicle to the person and put it in there name so they have full access, you then have to find a time for them to give you back the vehicle once their agreement is over. They could then just decide "fuck with the contract" and refuse to give it back, then you're stuck with a few weeks of time waiting for JB/PD/SD to go about getting you the vehicle back and you're screwed, especially when the vehicles that get rented are high end vehicles like XA-21s and Drags. 

    There's also the problem of the person deciding to sell the vehicle while renting it, while this is probably a rare occurance to happen, there's a chance it happens. You then have to once again wait multiple weeks for SD/PD to setup a case file on it, JB to go through their stuff to get your vehicle back, and potentially server admins having to step in. This is why I suggest a command being implemented. This would completely solve all of these problems. 

    It would work similar to how weazel news blip service works. You would run a command with the person like /rentoffer 5 XBGHSDJD 7 40000, they would do /acceptrentoffer plate and the person would immediately receive whatever price they're renting it for, the vehicle would get transferred to the other persons name so they can park it at parking and repair it, but they wouldn't be able to sell it, and it wouldn't disappear when the R/O isn't online. Then once the duration is over (7 days) the vehicle would be automatically transferred back to the owner, similar to how blips just disappear once the time on them has run out.

    The other idea that's a counter to this is to just allow anyone with keys to a vehicle to repair it. I think either of these options would make renting vehicles an actual suitable option. I'll use Harley for an example as I know they're one of the main people that rent out vehicles. Harley goes on vacation for 2 weeks, they decide that while on vacation they'll rent their car out to make some passive money while they're gone. With the current system, if the person who is renting the car gets into a wreck and fucks the car us, they're fucked. They spent 40,000 or whatever to rent it and after 1 day they crashed it and now they can't use it anymore. That's why I think there should be some system of either something like a /rent command or allowing anyone with keys to get the vehicle repaired. It would make renting an actual suitable thing to happen and allow for some cool RP of actual rental companies being able to be used.

  9. This is something that I think could be a very cool addition to allow for easier renting RP to happen. Basically the way it would work would be as follows.

    Player A has a T20 that they want to rent out to people, Player B approaches Player A and signs a contract to rent the vehicle. Player A would type in /offerrent [ID] [PLATE] [DURATION] and Player B would type in /acceptrent [PLATE]. Once the command is typed in the vehicle would TECHNICALLY be transferred to Player B's name, or it would come up in the MDC that the R/O is Player A and it's currently being rented to Player B. Once the command is ran and accepted Player B would have "full control" over the vehicle. They could repair it and park it at parking. The person who is renting the vehicle would not be able to sell it or change any customization on it but they would have ease of access with the car, being able to repair, give temp keys that last until they're no-longer renting it, park it easier, and it wouldn't despawn on them.

    At the end of the rent timeframe the vehicle would then automatically be transferred back over to the person who owns it and the person renting it would lose all access to it, if it is parked at Parking it gets moved to the R/O's parking

    Just a small little suggestion that could make people be able to run full on rental dealerships and provide lots more RP to the server.

    • Like 3
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  10. + and - 1,

    NCZs protect you from getting robbed and/or damaged/killed. I don't think it's fair to remove NCZs and then enforce rules that still prevent you from doing those 2 things at the place, it basically still makes it an NCZ. 

    I think the blanket policy that was added should be removed and instead PD/SD should be enforcing the fact that doing these types of activities at these places will be of significant danger to yourself. What I mean by this is, Gang A starts a shootout at Pillbox, PD/SD that respond recognize it's Gang A and gang suppress the shit out of them and just make their lives significantly harder for the next week+ or however long. 

    I think this would allow RP to FLOW a lot better compared to the blanket policy of "shooting at these places is considered NRP".

    That's just my opinion tho, either remove the blanket policy and allow IC consequences to follow after you do an action like getting into a shootout at a hospital or add the NCZs back.

    And for the cars getting lockpicked at mission row, you guys have LEGAL evidence lockers that you can store your stuff in, you also have a gated up car park that's very hard to get in 10 seconds away from you, stop complaining when there's an easy solution to your problem.

  11. I'll say that I see both sides of this discussion, especially having characters in both the crim world and LEO world. Here's my opinion on some of the things I've seen said.

    1. "Play Smarter" - I'm sorry but for lack of better words this is bullshit. When you have an LEO sitting 200-300 Meters away with a sniper just watching you, there's quite literally nothing you can do. You have zero control over that situation, it's not like you can tell they're outside undercover watching you or something of that aspect, you literally just have zero control over this. Now I'm not saying make this against the rules or anything but I am saying is this isn't something that you can respond to with "Play Smarter". 

    If someone decides to go into their house with something that can get them raided and there's a detective outside sitting undercover and that gets them raided, then yes I agree. That's on them for going into their house with shit while other people are around and they should "Play Smarter", but when it's someone sitting super far away with a sniper there's not much you can do.

    2. Offline Raids - I agree that getting offline raided by PD/SD would be extremely annoying and if it happened to me I'd be extremely pissed off to, but this is semi-realistic. Cops aren't always gonna raid an apartment when the persons there or anything, like other people have said, raid times are chosen based off of PD/SD availability, I don't think they factor when you play into their chosen time.

    Additionally, I'm sorry to say it but what the fuck are you gonna do to defend against a raid, even if you're online. We all saw what happened to CSB when PD was going on an apartment raiding spree, CSB tried to counter it and got demolished as there was PD, SD, and DOC that got called to the area. Most times raids are happening during peak hours when there's A LOT of PD/SD around, like 30+ units between the departments, I'm sorry but no gang is taking that fight and winning. There's quite literally not much you can do to prevent the raid even if you're online. All of SWAT/SED that's there is gonna have 200 APs and their best guns, all the detectives are gonna have their heaviest kevlar and their best guns. It's just not a fight you're winning.

    Additionally, if people get notified about raids or something like that to prevent offline raids, what's stopping that from getting MG. Like you receive a discord notification like "There is going to be a raid on one of your houses on November 17th @ 6:30pm UTC" that's just going to get MG'd. 

    3. Raids in general - Raids are normally the result of A LOT of RP on the LEO side that you don't see. Whether it's going undercover and following you around, or numerous situations of small pieces of evidence they use to get enough. LEOs spend quite a large chunk of time preparing what they need to request a warrant. They then have a shit ton of paperwork to go along with that, and then after they have more paperwork and they gotta catalogue everything. LEOs put a lot of work into it and removing them just seems like a severe overreaction for something that does not happen that often. I really don't think anything needs to get changed about them.

    4. Approval Process - Warrants are looked at by the JB team (obviously) and I'm sure members of staff even take a look at them. If something is fishy about the warrant it will be shut down and/or reversed. An example of this happened to one of my friends Uzii_Aston. He got raided and lost a ton of shit, it got looked over eventually and he got everything back (At least this is what I heard from him), the point is if something looks off, it will be dealt with due to the amount of loss that comes with raids. 

    5. Touching on "Play Smarter" again - I'm sorry but I agree with Homast here, if you're keeping 20+ heavies and 30+ .50s and just a ton of shit in one house, it's ultimately on you when/if it gets raided. There is zero reason to buy that many guns and keep them in one house, relax on guns and buy a 2nd or 3rd apartment, house, or property and spread your stuff out.

    All in all, I think that they should maybe make raids just a tad bit more difficult to get (Make the warrants a little more difficult) but other then that I think they're fine. That's just my opinion on the matter tho.

  12. Just now, Apex said:

    No. This is how the rest of the world does it and it is more accurate. It's not a lot of math to know that if it's 15 or anything that's more than 12 you take away 12 to get the American time. 

    You really think it's easier to see it's 19 O Clock and do some math whether then just type it in and see "oh its 7pm UTC"


  13. I wanna say that I feel like I'm speaking for the entire community when saying this, but the discussion that was held today by Paulius and other staff members where they listened to "leaders" of the criminal community such as @Harley, Chris, Andrew, and Ramiz, and many more about current issues of the server, stuff they think could be changed, and suggestions was a very nice thing to be done. 

    I think doing one of these every month or every other month where the community can be heard about different issues and can receive updates on rule changes in the works, development, etc. I think this would be super beneficial as it allows the community to be fully heard on the issues they believe the server is having.

    I think Paulius and the other staff heard a bunch of good ideas that they're planning to implement and change so I feel like this should be something held more frequently and maybe announced more so more players can tune in, basically have it as sort of a "podcast" style where you just talk about about everything.

    • Like 4
  14. To add onto my original post

    The main issue I find is that there’s never enough mechanics for us to be able to consistently make mechanic requests, I would be fine with having like 3 mechanics total on duty if it didn’t completely prevent us from using the mechanic request service. 

    I personally think that the best change that could be done right now, is changing how the vehicle stalling system works. Make it to the point vehicles can turn on and drive until they hit 0. As you get further and further to 0 your vehicles drives slower, takes longer to start if you turn it off, backfires more, etc. Make this a temporary change until staff/devs/whoever can tackle the mechanic issue. While I agree this might not make the MOST sense, I feel it’s a valid temporary solution to a problem that can be reverted once the problem is fixed.

    Like I said in my original post, it’s extremely frustrating that I’m completely unable to use my numerous vehicles that i’ve paid money for because I either crashed it and perma stalled it, or some trolly player went and kicked it down and stalled it because they thought it was funny. I imagine this could be even more frustrating for the people that spent HOURS grinding and roleplaying to buy a car that they can’t drive anymore. 

    I have never tried mechanic RP so I cannot make any comments on the RP or even give suggestions to fix it. I think this is something that should be tackled by Bayview/LSC respective command members and staff/devs to figure out a fix.

    Hopefully some fix can be figured out because this is a growing issue on the server that I feel like almost every player can agree on the fact it’s an issue.

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