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Posts posted by Andor

  1. Yes and remove hunger and thirst bars,and your hp bar. Force 1st person to. Make sure text doesn't appear over the head anymore so people can mg seeing shit around corner anymore and so on. Let's take the fun out of things and make it 100% realistic

  2. I think the biggest issue is that being in jail doesn't mean that you are missing out on much besides robbing people. Again I want to stress that there isn't much for criminals to do. All they got is mundane tasks to make monney. Do shootouts and rob people. 

    They death timer was hated but served a purpose.

  3. So here is a update on my situation, my mother had heart surgery today is she is doing well ( besides just having had heart surgery obviously ). 

    So i am one fucking happy camper, to share this happyness with you all. I am going to give away my tempesta, for free, in a raffle. 
    I will make a IC thread on the forums where you can sign up. Only sign up once per account, anyone caught signing up with multiple accounts will be ignored.


  4. So lately I have been getting a lot of PM's on discord asking me if im still playing/dead/permabanned/in jail or other things.
    Usually follow with: Can I have your super car? ( the answer is no )
    This made me decide this post.

    Long story short, no I did not quit, I did not go somewhere else no I am not dead ( obviously ). There has been a issue with family health that has kept me from playing
    lately. Besides work and taking care of my mother, who has lost 50% of her hearts functionality due to multiple illnesses that make a shit show of her body I cant really 
    commit the hours i used to. With the hours of free time I still have I also want to keep my friends in the real world making me put Eclipse on a back burner. Though I aint
    forgotten about you degenerates ( i love you people, well some people, to much for that ) but in times like this a man has to make choices and playing a computer game 
    where i pretend to be a crazy old man or a slavic mechanic isnt to high on the list. 
    I hope this post explained the situation. For those who PM me in the future asking for shit, fuck you, its mine. For those who want to know more, feel free to pm me on discord.

    Andor out, peach 

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  5. On April 27th the event team did their first long awaited Scavanger Hunt in sandy shores.
    With the weather ( server ) not being as kind as we hoped it took a while for us to get started on the while thing. Under the lead of Bob Bobski the LSC boys and girl
    drove out to sandy shores to soak up the local atmosphere and scenery while finding various locations across the small town. Late joiners Julia and George showed 
    up and got right in the thick of things. Hints where 'bought', guesses were throw out and in the end the fantastic 4 team of Vince Scufious, Julia Takemura, Hakeem Amari,
    Garret Wilkis took the final victory showing everyone "management" isnt as smart as they think.
    Then to round the day off we had a quiz and Hakeem decided that winning one time wasnt enough and after a long battle with Roderick Marchisio he pulled out a 
    sneaky victory of 9 points to 8. 
    Bob Bobski even learned a important lesson about Jamie, who everyone thought was a massive drunk and his perfect beach day includes 200 bottles of whiskey and fishing.

    We from the event team would like to thank everyone for coming and hope to see you on the next one.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Kyle White Raven said:

    ''The word of a player when providing actual evidence (IC recordings, IC pictures, etc) is equal to that of an officer.'' - This is the entire point of my suggestion... The reason why (based on my experience) the cop RP is so bad is that they simply resort to things like ''Oh I saw a similar car at a similar time so he is the criminal'' when we should be moving away from this and actually having an RP heavy dialogue between the player and officer. 


    Here is how I see a good scenario:


    Criminal: Officer, I did not hit anyone with my car, I don't know why you have me on my knees and in cuffs

    Officer: Alright sir, hold on, I will talk to you shortly, right now you are being detained because we identified a black car like yours at a scene on an accident

    ''Officer proceeds to do a bunch of /me and /do on the car and the suspect to determine the truth, during this roleplay the criminal cannot lie. ''

    Officer: Alright, after taking a look at your car and having CSI look at the car we have determined that there is enough evidence to proceed with an arrest, at this time you are being charged with assault with a deadly weapon. 

    ''reads my rights''

    Criminal: I want my lawyer.


    You get the point right, a much more fluid dialogue that allows interaction between criminal and cop and adequate time to establish the truth as opposed to using the ''EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I SAW IT SO THAT'S THE TRUTH'' in every single case (I'm sure there are times where this is enough, I'm talking about more complex crimes).




    ''Yes, they are able to defend themselves, and even enlist the help of their friends to make their case.'' - This is highly divergent to my actual experience and that of others on the server. Generally speaking, asking for a lawyer or expressing interest in self-representation leads you nowhere but jail. If you act differently then I can only give you praise, sadly this is not the norm under my experience.

    Fun fact, I actually RPed being a laywer a few times and even with a fun RP session defending a "super criminal" who wanted to poison the water supply I was approuched the next day by a officer that told me 'if i impersanted a goverment employee again i would be arrested' when i asked what he meant he replied 'all laywers are goverment employees and you cannot RP as one'

  7. 1 minute ago, TedAnderson said:

    Them make like "Court Police" That take all the information gathered and they take the suspect, take them to their holding cell in the courthouse and take them to their court case then they can call DOC to take them to jail afterwards.

    Again, time and resources that are taken off the street. Who will be these court police? Will it be from the current PD force or will they need to be recruited ?
    Like I said, the powers to be dont want to waste the resources on this system. If they want to put in the effort to create a balanced court system to begin with.

  8. Just now, alexalex303 said:

    It is insulting because he has no knowledge on the matter, and yet he presents his beliefs as objective facts, rather than his feelings. The issue is of informed discussion. If I want to say that a certain institution is functioning incorrectly, I need to know exactly how it functions, explain why it is wrong, and (preferably) provide an alternative that can be implemented in the current climate. If I were to start speaking about DCC tomorrow, and go over ten issues that are almost all imaginary, and offer untenable solutions as my suggestions, I believe that people would be justified in considering it an insult.


    He made no attempt to insult you, he made a observation and came to a conclusion, these are the facts that he brought to the table, these facts might be half truths or paint a incomplete picture. But instead of dismissing his entire point that caused this experience because its not 100% factual from your perspective you should open a dialog and come to comon grounds. 
    No one person will ever have all the facts before opening a dialog, lets come together instead of negativity


  9. Just now, TedAnderson said:

    Things like that of DOJ, Lawyer firms have been suggested but never followed through with. I too think there should be a court system. For some reason it keeps getting denied

    I can explain why it gets denied. Currently the police isnt bogged down with having to explain themselfs or having to go to trail and keeping officers off the street allowing them to follow up on every small crime commited. When there is a court system this takes officers off the street attenting court hearings meaning less time on the street. Meaning less control over said streets from the PD and this will shift towards the criminal elements of the city. This is something the powers that be dont like and will never be implimented

  10. 4 minutes ago, TedAnderson said:

    And he is saying that if you just stop and recognize government power then this wouldn't be a problem, rather than just running everytime you think you are going to get arrested. The cops are well trained and professional. The system is fine.

    I have to dissagree with you, the system is flawed to its core. There is no balance in it.

  11. 16 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    I find it quite insulting that a person which knows so little about how the police force operates on this server can have such a strong negative opinion of it, and it's protocols, when almost everything stated in his opening post is factually false.

    how is it insulting? I mean if he is wrong he is wrong, that doesnt mean he is insults you. He makes a statement on his experience and gets thrown under the bus by some people because of it? Thats in my opinion the wrong attitude. We should as a community talk to eachother instead of being easily offended or throwning insults ( not saying you are either just making a statement ).

    If he has RPed on servers like NGG ( which i have been a part off myself ) and felt differnt about the PD there then he does here he is allowed to bring up valid ( from his perspective ) points. Dont dismiss him right away because you feel he is wrong. 

    Everyones experiences differnt things while being involved in the same situation. Because it doesnt allign with your believes doesnt make it less valluable

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